Launch Your Digital Product in Just One Day

Episode 883: Show Notes

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this pep talk, it’s this: the decisions you make today aren’t set in stone. Whatever you launch, it's an opportunity. Whether it succeeds or not, you’re going to learn something from it. The world will respond, and your job is to listen. As business owners, we often rush through things and don’t take the time to truly listen to what feedback is telling us.

Not everything I’ve done has been a success, and that’s completely fine! In fact, I’ve learned the most from what I would call my failures. Today, I want you to forget about creating the most shareable digital product or following the latest trends. Instead, focus on solving a real problem. Whether it’s a template, guide, or script, aim to make a meaningful impact. The more real results you deliver, the more your clients will see the value in what you offer.

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A Story About One of My Early Failures

Let’s be real, hearing about someone else’s failures can be comforting. So, let me throw myself under the bus for a minute and tell you about one of my big early flops. About three years into my business, after a few successful launches, I decided to join a high-ticket mastermind. I met some amazing people, and I don’t regret that, but I made a mistake. I let the advice I got from the mastermind replace my gut instincts. I let other people steer the ship, and it almost sank my entire business. The hard truth I learned? You’ve got to trust yourself. Even if your decision isn’t perfect, the feedback you get from it is priceless. You can always course-correct.

What Happens When You Think You’ve Got It All Figured Out

I’ve done some big things in my business, but guess what? Not everything sticks. You need to hear this. You could be running a multi-seven-figure business, and still put something out there that no one cares about. Once, I thought I had my audience completely figured out, so I launched a workshop. I sold one spot. Just one. I left it up for a couple of days before pulling the plug. But instead of calling it quits, I reworked it, changed the messaging, and ended up with 700 sign-ups within two weeks!

That experience taught me something valuable: one bad result doesn’t define your worth or your success. It’s just one decision on one day. I’ve done game-changing things in my career, and I’m still allowed to have an off day. Don’t let a single moment in your business weigh you down. Listen to your audience and bring them along for the journey.

Lessons From My First Digital Product Launch

The first time I launched a digital product, it was after my initial course. I didn’t even know how I was going to deliver it when I announced it! My friend Emylee and I co-launched the course with almost no experience, and a handful of people bought it. We probably made under $1,000, but I didn’t see that as a failure. I was thrilled that people wanted to buy from me. Back then, if I had been comparing myself to all the big-time launches, I might’ve felt discouraged. But instead, I took that as proof that I was onto something. Every dime we made went back into the business, paying for tools to help us grow.

Taking Things One Step at a Time

Maybe your goal today is something simple, like covering the cost of your Teachable subscription, or a continuing education course or coaching with me.  And you know what? That’s enough! It’s a stepping stone. We often get caught up in the idea that success needs to happen overnight, but sometimes, it’s all about taking it one step at a time.

It’s going to be messy. It’s not going to be perfect. You’ll want to tweak things as you go, and that’s okay! Your goal today is to prove to yourself that you can do this, and that every step you take will bring you closer to where you want to be. I’m excited for you to dive in, embrace the journey, and watch where it takes you.

You have access to the tools and the resources and the scripts and the templates to make it all possible, and we’re literally giving them to you for free! What are you waiting for?  I want to help you launch your first or your next digital product in just one day. All of the steps are laid out for you inside. Dive in! I can’t wait to see everything you do.


Quote This

You can learn so much from putting things out into the world and listening.



  • A Story About One of My Early Failures [0:08:20] 

  • What Happens When You Think You’ve Got It All Figured Out [0:18:13]

  • Lessons From My First Digital Product Launch [0:23:05]

  • Taking Things One Step at a Time [0:26:14]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

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Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Launching, Marketing, Decisions, Setting Goals, Learning From Mistakes, Success


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