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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

How to Communicate Clearly with Your Team or in a Partnership

Today we are carrying on with listener questions, so do not forget to send yours in if you have any! You can do this on Instagram or in the Facebook Group, we love to hear your ideas and questions, so go ahead and ask away! Today we are tackling a question on how to keep communication clear, deal fairly with different amounts of input and how to keep a partnership strong and working well. We have talked about this a little before in other episodes, in different contexts, we have looked at the legal side, how we started out, how things have changed, our thoughts on partnership and breaking down our team. But it is high time for an update, so here we go!

Truth be told, we do not really suggest you go out looking for a partnership like ours. We have seen again and again how difficult it can be and how businesses dissolve, we have just been very lucky in the way that we fit together. So this is us sharing our lessons that you can apply to your team in whatever shape or form it is in now or takes in the future. We are sharing some strategies that have worked for us in resolving conflict and sharing the roles of a business and truthfully, it has mostly been really smooth and easy for us, but that is not always the case. So join us as we break down some tools, books, software and ideas that can make it work that much better for you!

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

What Not to Do When Pivoting from Services to Courses

Something that we repeatedly get asked about is content, specifically around what should be free and what should come at a cost, which platforms should be used to deliver the content in the best way. This is especially relevant for those of you who want to transition from services to digital offerings where you teach what you know. Truth is, there are so many different ways to approach this and this gets us overwhelmed very quickly. First of all, we’re going to give you permission to do less! So if you feel like you are doing too much and overcomplicating it, you probably are. 

If you’re running a strictly service-based business and you do not have a consistent income in that $5000 to $8000 range yet, then creating content is a massive distraction that is taking your time away from getting more clients. But if you have reached that six-figure goal, there’s really two main ways you can progress from here. One, you create an agency model, take yourself out of the work and hire people to do the work and scale from there by adding more people. Or two, you start doing less of what you’re doing now by transitioning to teaching other people how to do what you do. And this is what we’re talking about today: dos and don’ts when pivoting from services to courses, so stay tuned!   

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Inclusivity and Diversity: Inviting More People To Your Table

Today we are talking about a real hot topic and something we should all be talking about more often! We will be unpacking inclusivity and diversity and our own experiences and the lessons we have learned in this area. We will be drawing mostly from our recent summit and what we took away from the event that we will carry forward. This episode will have actionable strategies and tips about how to invite everyone to your table. We have spoken on this topic in various ways on the podcast before but it definitely deserves a dedicated episode, so we will be discussing community over competition, inclusion in our own company, the speakers we invited to the summit and what to do when something rubs you the wrong way. 

We all have a responsibility to open up these conversations if we are going to make any progress as a society. Do not worry, you are not alone if the discomfort itself makes you feel uncomfortable! There is a lot of work to do and processing all of this is not always easy but you learn best by doing and mistakes are okay! It is a big misconception that we will all get it right every time, so do not put too much pressure on yourself in that regard, rather commit to learning, listening and trying your best to contribute to important change!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

How to Increase Your Personal Income: Focus More on Profit and Less On Revenue

Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast! Today’s episode is mostly for the listeners out there whose businesses are under the $500k a year earning mark but who have this possibility on the horizon. We want to talk to you about the growth that happens around this point and for you to ask yourself whether you really need to keep growing. The reason this is an important question is because as you scale past $500k you actually may not increase your profits.

This law of diminishing returns is something we have experienced at Boss Projects as we grew. What does it really mean to have a seven figure business? The answer might not be quite what you expect. In order to get you ready for these possibilities we will be talking accounting and the different ways that making money works in your business. So if you are ready to start making your revenue work for you and to keep your profits up, listen in, we cover it all!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Lame House Analogies and Business Advice

Many times people come to us and ask where they should start with their business. They’re overwhelmed and feel like they’re having to do so many different things when really they want to focus on doing only the things that actually get results. You can also get totally snowed under by the ideas and opinions of others. The biggest detriment can be wanting to have all the bells and whistles of a thriving business and wanting all of them straight away. We argue for the opposite: first get the foundational things in order and get really good at it before worrying too much about the fluff.

Here is a construction analogy: In the Midwest, houses often have basements because their foundations have to be built below the snow line, otherwise it will crack. The same applies to our businesses: they require really solid foundations. Some of you have to take a few steps back and dig out a basement so that the structure of your business can be healthy and sturdy. A foundation allows you to have stability, and frankly, without a foundation, you don’t have a sustainable business. Today we’re talking about what’s involved in those initial stages that many people are skipping or putting off, so get ready to join us for another fun episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast!  

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Have Deeper Relationships Even if You’re An Introvert

Welcome back to the Strategy Hour y’all! A couple of weeks ago we had a workshop and we got a few comments that caught us totally off guard. This came after we spoke about using referrals and tapping into the resources of your inner circle to jumpstart your business. We know what we are talking about when it comes to network marketing, but there is the icky side of this that involves random messages from people you haven’t been in contact with for ages and then they suddenly need something from you. That is not what we are advising you to do!

These “Hey Girl” messages are simply not the way to go! You don’t even need social media to have the conversations we are urging you to have. But if you are using social, here is our ten cents about it: respond to others in the way that you want to be responded to. Building our business came down to personal relationships and conversations and today we’re sharing more of our personal experiences and successes on this front. So be sure to tune in for this episode of Strategy Hour, and find out how to create those meaningful business relationships!  

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

Becoming a Product Boss with Jacqueline Snyder and Minna Khounlo-Sithep

Today on the show we are so happy to welcome the combined force behind the The Product Boss Podcast, Jacqueline and Minna! Through their show, they teach business owners how to grow product-based businesses with strategies and a strong community. Each of them have their own business as well and have taken their personal work into their joint venture, offering their expertise as a great service to other creatives out there!

Today's talk is all about taking your products further and the idea of going deeper instead of wider. Although Jacqueline and Minna mainly focus on product-based business, these strategies can be applied to whatever you are working on with the basic idea being to make more of the customers you already have rather than going to find new customers from scratch. So let's dive in and hear what they have to say!

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

It's Easier Than You Think to Make $100k from Your Services

Today on The Strategy Hour we’re diving deeper into what exactly we mean when we say that is should be easy and fun to make $100k from your service based business, within a year. There’s a misconception that money cannot be earned without really hard work, and to an extent this is true, especially for certain types of businesses. But you also have to be smart about it! Just to reiterate, when we say it’s easy to make six figures, we are talking about offering services like copywriting, designing and photography. And this is by doing the basic work only, aside from all the other side offerings like podcasts and training courses.

In fact, you should keep it as simple as possible, focusing on doing one thing really well instead of doing a bunch of different things. These other ideas are not bad, but until you’ve done the one thing properly, you won’t enjoy its full benefits. We’re also guilty of this and we’ve seen many of our mentees battling with the same thing. Today we’re breaking this down in a way that we hope will help you not to fall into the trap of believing that diversifying will necessarily expand your business and make you more money. Whether you’re thinking of adding on products or offering more services, you think that the single solid service you’re offering will not get you to your financial goals. Today we’re busting that myth, and we’re going to show you have it is totally possible to achieve your goals by sticking to the basics.   

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

What We're Digging: In Life, Health & Home

Hey, everyone! Welcome to another episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast. Today's show is dedicated to chatting about all the latest things we are addicted to, the things we are digging and what we are into right now! Sound exciting? We hope so! Luckily for all of you, most of these things are all things you can buy, so you can use this as a fantasy shopping list if you so please, no one is stopping you!

So basically, in this episode we are going to chat about stuff today; stuff that helps you get one step closer to your own personal success. Take your cues from us! We have scoured our lives to find what is making them better and are bringing them to you. We are talking the last six or so months in gadgets, ideas, aids and plans. And believe us, there is no shortage of it! So without further ado, let's get to the list!

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