17 Things You can Automate in Your Business to Save You Time, Energy & Money

We’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is there’s a sh*t ton of things you can automate in your business to save you time, save you energy, and make you more money. The bad news is that figuring out actually how to do all these things can drive you just as bonkers as it does to just do them manually.

Ok, but we’ve got even better news. If you scroll to the end of this glorious little post (you know, once you’re inspired about #AutomateAllTheThings) you’re gonna see a special present we have just for you. Spoiler alert: it’s free!

First, what’s the point in spending time to figure out what and how to automate things in your business? Sometimes we have to spend a little bit of time to gain a whole heck of a lot of time. That’s what setting up automation does.

We’re basically looking at all the systems and processes you use and figuring out what steps we can take out. What systems, apps or tools (or literally just the way of using them) can make that task faster? We absolutely love finding these things in people’s business so first we’re going to cover all the areas you might want to take a peek at to see if there’s an autopilot switch you can turn on. Here’s where you can check:

  1. Your email auto responders

  2. How you post to Instagram

  3. How you repin your blog posts

  4. Your Facebook auto responders

  5. How you’re reminded of a meeting

  6. Your Instagram auto responders

  7. How you handle your FAQ’s

  8. How you post to Twitter / Pinterest / Facebook

  9. How meetings get scheduled

  10. How meetings are put on your calendar

  11. How you track mileage

  12. How you save screenshots for inspiration

  13. How you save money

  14. How you give to charity

  15. How you eat and grocery shop

  16. How you send thank yous

  17. How you make money

Whoa, Nelly. That’s a buttload of places where you could be saving time. We’re talking hours here people.

But how? Not only how to set it up, but in what instance would it make sense for you to have an automation in some of these places make sense?

We’ve got you.

Some of these are super obvious and some of these are like little light bulbs that go ding-ding-ding when you hear them. Either way these are all awesome and you could benefit from doing a solid look through to see if you can implement some automation up in there.

So that’s what we’re going to do. Together. Right now. Well actually whenever you want.

Cause guess what?

Since we know the immense value of finding the sometimes obvious but always eye opening places of automation in your business we’re walking you through it. For free.

Yup, we’ve got a brand new program loaded up inside The Strategy Academy that you can enroll in fo’ free.

It’s called Your Biz on Autopilot and it’s the bomb dot com.

We’re walking you through all the places above (and then some), plus showing you the instances in which you would actually use them, plus showing you how to set them all up. Boom. Automated.

You’re gonna be an easy breezy smooth sailing business badass machine here shortly.

Ready to enroll? Just click here to get started. It’s super easy.

Enroll or Sign in: already a member to the Strategy Academy? Simply login with your details and then click to enroll. New? Simply pop in your name and email to get the party started.


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