How to Get Raving Client Testimonials and Wow Your Customers

We all aim to shoot for those killer client and customer testimonials, the ones that you’re so so proud to display on every outlet possible. And why wouldn’t you be? 87% of consumers place as much trust in reviews as they would word-to-mouth, and 90% of consumers want to read between 5-10 reviews before gaining trust in a brand.

That places a LOT of pressure on us as creatives to give our people the best experience possible when working with us so that we can have another awesome testimonial to add to the pot. After all, birds of a feather flock together and when you wow one dreamy client, another is bound to follow soon after.

But what if we told you that there’s no need to feel so pressured? That there are actually a ton of simple actions you can take to get raving client testimonials and wow your customers?

Send a Care Package

How great is it when you get goodies in the mail? Even better when it’s totally unexpected, but totally needed. If you’re a product based business this could be as easy as tossing in some items from your shop with coordinating items for a themed gift basket of sorts. If you’re a service based business, consider reaching out to shops you love to see if you can get special pricing on a bulk order. Either way, you should really consider the person in mind and make the package super personal. You always want your clients and customers thinking you know them inside and out!

Send Referral Codes

Do you have a few clients or customers that always seem to be talking you up and referring you? Keep the momentum going by offering a reward system. You could offer small amount Starbucks or Target gift cards for every 3 referrals or offer them a percentage off an order with you. You want them to know you appreciate their kind words and that it really helps your business grow!

Give Your VIP Clients or Customers First Dibs

This is one of our favorite things to do. We have some pretty amazing clients and connections that we’ve made and we love their opinion the most. Next time you’re about to launch a new product or service consider sending it to your VIP list first. You can ask for feedback or a social media shoutout in exchange. Always let them know that you want them in on it first because they’re incredibly valuable to you and your business. 

Add in Extra Secret Goodies

We know a lot of businesses that do this! Consider tossing in a low price secret goodie to large orders. For example, I knew a photographer who would add in a free photo ornament when her clients would purchase a large package from her. It’s a super inexpensive way for you to give them one more thing you know they’ll love. If you don’t sell high packages consider tossing in a small freebie with every order. Maybe it’s a small print or sample size of something you offer. Even though the freebie is meant as a totally extra thing you are giving it often leads to your customer wanting to know how they can purchase more of what you sent them.

Let Them Know You’re Thinking of Them

This is one of those touches that we find super enduring and not one that we come across often. Usually when you’re a small business owner we get to know our consumers really well. We hear about their family life, their job, their hobbies and dislikes. Sometimes our clients go through some pretty tough stuff or they’re often celebrating huge personal milestones. We love to highlight these and let them know we’re thinking of them always. You can communicate this in a handwritten note, a cute greeting card or a sweet text (if appropriate). 

Overdeliver Where Possible

If a client sets a deadline on a project to be done by Friday, for example, try finishing and delivering beforehand on the Tuesday before. If they expect you to design a simple graphic for their website, try designing 3 or 4 instead. Think of the little ways that you can overdeliver and please your clients, and it will all pay off!

Send a Thank You Card

There’s nothing that wins a client or customer over like showing your appreciation with a thank you card. Not only that, they’re the perfect way to say “don’t forget about me” when you’re really making it all about them! If you’re a product based business, it’s simple to slip one of them inside your customer’s package. For service-based businesses, you can easily drop it in the mail or send it digitally if you don’t have their address.

Pssst.. Think you like the thank you card idea but graphic design isn’t your forte? Check out our thank you card templates in The Creative Template Shop! We give you 6 total designs that include fronts and backs. You can easily send them digitally or print them off. Plus, they’re in Canva, so they’re super easy to customize to match your branding. While you’re at it, grab a membership for only $47/month so we can take care of the rest of your marketing as well!

Small Actions Make a Big Impact

All of the options we just gave you rate a -1 on the difficulty scale. They’re such small actions, but even those tiny, thoughtful actions can make a lasting impression on your clients and customers. And the better the impression, the more likely they are to leave a killer testimonial!


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