What is a Signature Service and Why You Need One in 2022

We’ve talked a lot about how to create a signature service here on the blog (like here, here, and also here). Creating a signature service is the best way to eliminate competition, stand out in your niche, and do exactly what you love for exactly who you love to work for. In fact, we help our clients refine their offer into a High-Touch Signature Service™ inside The Incubator. (Psst.. you can learn more and apply here.)

Before we dive into what this could look like for you, let’s get clear on what a signature service actually is!

A Signature Service is a Premium Offer

We aren’t talking about the price point here! We’ve seen prices range from $750 retainers to $60k+ one-and-done packages. The price isn’t what makes it premium– it’s the value of the offer and the impact of the results that the offer provides.

Those two words are what a premium offer is all about: value and impact. Keep those two words close to your heart when developing your signature service!

A Signature Service is a Premium Service

A premium service is the actual service being done– you as the provider serving your clients. Personalized touchpoints, great communication, clear expectations, boundaries, all of that goes into the service you provide. There are things that take streamlined systems and others that take jumping over mental hurdles you have in place (cough-boundaries-cough). But all of these lead into…

A Signature Service is a Premium Experience

The big question here is: How do your clients feel when working with you? Or how do you want them to feel? The client experience (i.e. how your clients feel, in case you didn’t catch onto that already) is made the priority when delivering a signature service. All of the things that tie into delivering a premium service that we stated above also make up a premium experience for your clients.

We help our clients do exactly that. We actually created The Art and the Architecture of the Client Experience, a lesson for our Incubator clients, and making sure those are being addressed throughout the entire process is a big priority for our clients.

A Signature Service Solves the Whole Problem

Point blank, a signature service solves the whole problem completely. This means it doesn’t leave people hanging or needing to buy your next thing. This doesn’t mean that you need to be everything for everyone nor that you need to offer more than what’s actually needed. Which actually brings us to…

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A Signature Service Focuses on Your Expertise and Not Fluff

When our clients shift into a High-Touch Signature Service™, they’re able to cut some of the things within their offer because they’re the expert. They know what needs to be focused on in that package in order to solve the whole problem.

You don’t need all that extra stuff in your offer to try to “justify the price” or inflate the value. You know exactly what’s required to solve the whole problem. Nothing more, nothing less! (But especially nothing more.)

A Signature Service is Clear Who It’s Best For

When you’re clear on who your service is best for, it also makes it easily referrable. When you create a signature service, you’ll find yourself turning down clients instead of being in feast or famine mode. You’ll be presented with a client, hop on a call with them, and realize they’re not the best fit for how you show up, what you offer, and the results you want to provide, therefore they aren’t an ideal fit.

You’ll also know that your service solves X problem for Y kinds of people, so when you have clients, friends, family, and connections, they’ll also know that and can easily refer you to people who fit the description in their circles.

All of these elements and more make up a signature service! If you want to focus on more revenue without spending more of your time, build deeper connections and relationships with your clients, provide better results, and step into your expertise, then we need to chat. Send us a DM on Instagram @bossproject or apply for The Incubator so we can get started!


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