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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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How to Increase Your Personal Income: Focus More on Profit and Less On Revenue

Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast! Today’s episode is mostly for the listeners out there whose businesses are under the $500k a year earning mark but who have this possibility on the horizon. We want to talk to you about the growth that happens around this point and for you to ask yourself whether you really need to keep growing. The reason this is an important question is because as you scale past $500k you actually may not increase your profits.

This law of diminishing returns is something we have experienced at Boss Projects as we grew. What does it really mean to have a seven figure business? The answer might not be quite what you expect. In order to get you ready for these possibilities we will be talking accounting and the different ways that making money works in your business. So if you are ready to start making your revenue work for you and to keep your profits up, listen in, we cover it all!

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Lame House Analogies and Business Advice

Many times people come to us and ask where they should start with their business. They’re overwhelmed and feel like they’re having to do so many different things when really they want to focus on doing only the things that actually get results. You can also get totally snowed under by the ideas and opinions of others. The biggest detriment can be wanting to have all the bells and whistles of a thriving business and wanting all of them straight away. We argue for the opposite: first get the foundational things in order and get really good at it before worrying too much about the fluff.

Here is a construction analogy: In the Midwest, houses often have basements because their foundations have to be built below the snow line, otherwise it will crack. The same applies to our businesses: they require really solid foundations. Some of you have to take a few steps back and dig out a basement so that the structure of your business can be healthy and sturdy. A foundation allows you to have stability, and frankly, without a foundation, you don’t have a sustainable business. Today we’re talking about what’s involved in those initial stages that many people are skipping or putting off, so get ready to join us for another fun episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast!  

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Creating Margin and Make More Money with Emily Benson

Our guest today, Emily Benson, is an expert in everything retail, working for companies like Abercrombie & Fitch and Club Monaco. For those who aren’t aware, 80% of boutique owners go out of business within their first two years – most often because of a lack of education. Emily’s boutique training academy is here to help lower that percentage, offering both beginner and advance coaching to people who want to grow their boutiques. But it’s not only super helpful to product-based businesses; her advice is applicable to service-based babes too, because business is business, right?

On this episode we’re talking inventory, margins, increasing profits and generally making smart business decisions based on the results you are currently getting in your business. So whether you’re selling t-shirts or courses, it’s all about paying attention to your data, customers and trends and we are going to dish out detailed strategies for exponential business growth. So buckle up, take some notes and get ready to learn a whole bunch from the boutique master herself!

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Three Golden Rules for a More Profitable Business with Kathleen Cutler

Today on the show we are joined by the wonderful and inspiring Kathleen Cutler! Kathleen has worked behind the scenes on multiple million dollar online stores with her main area of focus being jewelers. She has coached over a hundred different jewelers to help them achieve their business goals and get their products selling online, but Kathleen’s expertise extends so much further than just jewelry! She wants to help everyone selling products or even services online extend the experience of the customer and drive sales through the type connections that you would usually associate with a physical retail space.

Along with all her incredible business skills, Kathleen is also an awesome speaker who will be joining us at our upcoming Product Powerhouse Summit! Make sure to go get your free ticket immediately! She will be one of many great speakers talking about the world of online product sales and marketing and getting your store busy and making that money! So without further ado, let’s get into today’s strategy.

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The 9 Biggest Flops in Our Business Ever

Today we are taking you through everything that we have messed up on! Products, launches, events, campaigns, everything! We have made a checklist of all the things we kind of wished we had done differently over the last few years, but at the same time we do need to say for the most part we think the mistakes were necessary and don’t believe in wanting to travel back in time to fix past problems. We all make choices as best we can at the time, so hypotheticals do not really exist in real, present tense life.

All that to say, we do not really regret any of these decisions but want to play this game where we can look back at things and see where we might have gone wrong. Also, it is important to remember our experiences are not yours. Things that did not work for us, might be amazing for you and your business. We are not making blanket statements about all businesses, because most things work for somebody at some point in time. Most mistakes are more about wrong time and wrong personnel than anything else. So without further ado, let’s get into our flops!

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Introducing the Product Powerhouse Summit

Hello again, you guys! Guess what? It’s time for another summit! In November 2018 we launched our very first summit and it was amazing. We started thinking about how we could improve on our already-spectacular event and came up with the idea of focusing on a very special portion of our audience because there seems to be a lack of resources for this type of business owner. The upcoming summit, called Product Powerhouse Summit, is aimed at all the product-based babes and those aspiring to step into the retail market, whether you have your own boutique or want to introduce e-commerce to your website.  

Just to lay it all out there, it’s 100% free to attend! Simply head over to the Boss Project Summit website to claim your complimentary ticket. We’re going to have about 25 speakers over three days, from April 9 –11th. You are going to get 24 hours free, which would allow you to watch almost all of the speakers. The best part of it all? It’s all virtual! As long as you have an Internet connection, you can access it through your phone, iPad, or on your desktop, and you don’t even have to be wearing pants! So stay tuned for the breakdown of the exciting topics you can look forward to!

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The 20+ People It Takes to Run Our Growing Company

Welcome back to another episode of your favorite podcast! Today we are answering your requests to break down the various roles we currently have at our company. So, just for all of you, we will be unpacking the size and impact of each of these in our beautiful little biz! We have been taking on new people and restructuring lately so what better time than now to do this exploration. We finally have a solid group and each role is pretty clear, which is more than we used to be able to say! We have to admit that for quite a long time certain jobs and departments remained quite a mystery to us, what they were really for and how much we could ask. Building a business is always going to include bringing people on and letting people go and it can sometimes prove quite hard to find the right fit. But we are much more confident right now than we have ever been!

So at the moment we have a nice mix of new faces and old hands and we have to shout out once again to Traction, the book we have drawn so much inspiration from, for helping us figure out our company structure. We have had to change our mindset from small business owners to the CEOs and founders of a company, which is harder than it sounds! It has taken three years of trial and error and in the beginning we did not even have plans to build a team at all! We are still figuring out how big we want to be; right now we stand at about 20 people working on things. Quite a lot, we know! Some of these are contracted out, some are employees, some are part time, but it is quite crazy to us that there are so many heads together on our little biz! So stay tuned as we dive into our business together.

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Using Your Dollars to Make a Difference with Bethany Tran of The Root Collective

Welcome back to the podcast all of you wonderful listeners! Today we have a great show in store for you, one that is less about how you make money and more about how you spend it. We know that most of us quite like doing that! Bethany Tran of The Root Collective is here to tell us all about how to spend your money in more positive ways to create a better world around you. She is a problem solver and entrepreneur who started the company to help serve struggling communities through job creation. She actually left a stable job to pursue this work and we applaud her for that. She explains The Root Collective’s business model as well as gives some general ideas and information on wiser ways to spend your bucks!

Essentially, this episode is all about how we as women can spend our money in better ways and make a conscious impact on the economy and communities. Bethany has lots of ideas for how to implement these ideas and changes at a reasonable speed and we are pretty sure that after this episode you are going to want to buy some boots from her shop. You have been warned! She talks branding, community, sustainability, and we ask her why she has the best hair in the world! Here at TCC we really believe women rule the world and we need to step into the role as much as we can!

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Hiring a Full Time Employee - Part 2

Welcome back to the show, everyone! As promised we are doing the second part of our segment on hiring a full-time employee. So if you haven’t listened to part one yet, we recommend you go catch up on that, ASAP! In that episode, we covered the application process, defining the role, finding and vetting candidates. Today we are diving straight on into the interview and onboarding process. We will be doing a follow up part three in a few months to report back on the outcomes of this whole process, so stay alert for that in the not too distant future!

Now, we have to be clear, we were looking for a unicorn. We needed someone who was creative and motivated but did not feel compelled to do these things in a business of their own. We have found that this configuration is quite rare and quickly found out that we would be lucky to nab someone who fits the bill. Having part time or freelancers work for you can be great and you may love these people but there is a limit to how much they can actually do for you if they are running their own thing as well and you are only part of that bigger picture. This was one of the main reasons we were looking to fill this particular role, so we could get a little more out of a full-time employee and have someone who is as dedicated to our biz as we are!

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Our DMs are always open over on Instagram so head on over and introduce yourself so we can get to know you!