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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

3 Questions to Ask Yourself if You've Got Money Blocks

Today on the show, we are talking about money mindsets. Figuring out your own relationship with money takes a long time. How do you know when you’re over-spending? How do you know when you’re being too frugal? What are the thoughts and emotions that control your spending and how do you get over your deeply ingrained money blocks? As women, we are taught that being financially successful, is something to fear. It might sound silly, but it’s the truth! So much of our decision making is fear-based and so often we don’t recognize this as fear.

These are the sorts of questions and topics we’ll be chatting through in this episode today. We’ll be referring to our own experience, our own money blocks and be giving you a few questions that you need to be asking yourself in order to break free from the shackles of your bank balance! By the end of this episode, you will be more conscious of your own money mindset, have a foundation from which to tackle it and feel empowered to make the changes you need to make toward a more healthy and happy (financial) life.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Gamify Your Business with Erin Kelly of MemberVault

Today on the Strategy Hour Podcast we welcome the wonderful, the magnificent, the powerhouse, Erin Kelly! Erin is here to talk to us about MemberVault, something we are more than excited about. We’ll be hearing about how MemberVault uses gamification as way to boost your business and increase your revenue. Erin will be starting from the very beginning and explaining exactly what MemberVault does and what gamification actually means, so if any of this sounds new and a little daunting, don’t worry because we have you covered!

During our discussion you’ll get everything you need to know about the great service that MemberVault provides and how you might be able to incorporate it into your strategy. By incentivizing, tracking and tagging, MemberVault enables businesses to tailor and curate their communications and offers to their audiences which are proven to increase results. Sound good? We thought so! The most exciting part of it all is how the service actually cuts down on your workload and allows many automated actions to occur.  You will be getting more interaction for less time spent, and if that isn’t the ticket, we do not know what is. So stay tuned as Erin helps us break it all down for your listening pleasure.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Friend So Hard – Maintaining Friendships While Hustling from Home

We’ve been getting a lot of questions from our community recently about how the heck we stay friends, even though we’re business partners. So, what does our relationship look like and how do we maintain friends outside of our business circle at TCC? Well girl, “It’s complicated,” and this is why we’ll be tackling questions around our own friendship and our friendships with others in this episode. As any business owners knows, it can be a challenge to maintain friendships with people who don’t really understand what you do. People drift apart, lives change and these days, we just move in so many different directions!

So how do you make new friends (without being awkward about it) and how do you know when a friendship is just not working anymore? We’ll just be chatting this topic out and sharing how these dynamics ebb and flow in our own lives. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a few tips that you can use to help maintain (or sever) your own relationships. Because the truth is, we all get by with a little help from our friends, but you have to get out of your comfort zone to make them and sustain them.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Rethinking Your Email Marketing Strategies with Chris Davis of ActiveCampaign

Today on the podcast, we welcome our latest internet crush, Chris Davis. Chris is the Director of Education at ActiveCampaign and is an email marketing genius. With everything going on in your business, the truth is, you need to take your email marketing seriously. Chris has helped us so much with kicking our email marketing strategy into high gear. He is an incredible resource, and in this episode, we get deep into discovering information about your customers, as well as some of the basic mindsets you need to be in when you’re starting your email marketing game.

Chris uses a ton of analogies to break this information down in a way that is easily digestible for newcomers and old-timers alike. We discuss how to personalize your emails, the benefit of multiple marketing platforms and get a few key tips for using the ActiveCampaign platform. If you are about to tackle your own email strategy, this episode will really help you to dive in with the right mindset. And if you already have an email marketing strategy set up and sailing, there is information in this episode that will get you to reconsider, adapt and improve it. If you are just stuck or overwhelmed, in any shape or form, about your strategies – this episode is here to help you reset that mentality, help you move forward and get your audience through the door.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Boss Talk: What are Your Thoughts on the Phrase "Community over Competition?"

Today we are welcoming you to a brand new series that we are kicking off right here, right now! The monthly series is called Boss Talk and it’s an unscripted, uncensored, roundtable, brainstorming session between Abbie, Emylee and our lovely visiting guests. We’ll be diving into hot topics in the industry right now and will kick off every episode by posing a question to each of us in the discussion, which we’ll flesh out throughout the show. Today’s question is, “What are your thoughts on the phrase "community over competition?" And here to help us answer it, is the delightful boss babe, Steph Crowder of Courage & Clarity.

Here in this series, there is no holding back, no sugar-coating, no censoring. It’s just us, cracking open beers and navigating important questions that you’re probably wondering about too… So, are you someone who is all for community, or all for competition? Or is it about striking a healthy balance between the two? But how do we do that and are authentic communities really possible? This is an important and topical debate across all industries right now and one that we’re not sure people are speaking about as honestly as openly as we’d like. This series is all about real, off-the-cuff, honest opinions and if that’s your jam, then come and join us!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Create a Highly Engaged Facebook Group with Josh Stanton of Screw the Nine to Five​​​​​​​

Today on the show we welcome Josh Stanton. Josh is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five, which is his and his wife, Jill’s, slice of the internet where they help entrepreneurs bring  more attention to their brands, make more money in their business and get more out of their life through simple strategies, how to’s and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the realities of building a business online. In this episode, we tackle the topic of how to create a highly engaged Facebook group. We’re here today to let you in on a little secret and that Facebook member numbers is kind of a load of BS if you don’t have engagement! But how do you cultivate engagement, and better yet sustain it, from the get-go?

Josh lets us in on their tips, tricks and processes that have helped him and Jill create a successful, highly engaged and empowered Facebook group that actually drives members to sales. All done in as little as thirty minutes a week! We discuss how to show up for your people personally, how to drive them to your products or services, how to set group rules and expectations and how to keep your page alive and buzzing with content, questions and resources that impact the community you are serving. If you are looking to step up your Facebook game and create a thriving community – then this is the episode to fill up your notepad up with!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Focusing on Ourselves Instead of Our Business in Order to Grow

Today on the show we discuss what has happened this year, outside of business. Our personal development, things we’ve been focusing on in our personal lives, the things we’ve been doing, the books we’ve been reading, what we need, what we want, what we like and ultimately, how we’ve been trying to grow as individuals. For the first time in a long time we have taken a small step away from the goals of the business and worked on identifying where our heads are at, who we are as people and what our personal goals are. We decided to tackle our personal development ahead of the game, i.e before the business became all-consuming and everything in our lives was falling apart! Nothing in our personal lives up until this point has been necessarily broken, but we just realized that, hey, things could be better!

We think that a lot of you listening out there might really identify with what we’ve been going through in our personal lives and this episode is here to offer you some helpful resources and to let you know girl, you are not alone! In this episode, we’ll be discussing who we are and who we want to be outside of work and why life is not just a bunch of boxes you can tick. We also discuss the weight of societal expectations we’ve experienced, especially as women, and how we are working to love ourselves a little more.

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Increasing Conversions and Humanizing Your Next Launch with Kate Boyd of Cobblestone Creative Co.

Today on the show we welcome Kate Boyd. Kate is the Founder of Cobblestone Creative Co and does this girlfriend know conversions! After raising seven figures in revenue for a non-profit organization through powerful messaging, copywriting and marketing she started her own business that helps build more creativity and genuine connection to the digital marketing space. In just three years she has built three profitable online businesses and created live and automated sales and marketing experiences that convert up to five times the normal rates!

Kate is a serious conversion expert and in this episode she shares a lot of helpful tools, tricks and resources for you to use for an upcoming launch or perhaps to help you analyze an “unsuccessful” launch that you’ve had in the past. We are talking all about increasing conversions and humanizing your launch so that people trust you more and feel more involved. We discuss how you are priming your audience, how you are getting their mindsets ready for the sale and how to have an aspect of personal outreach included in your automated strategies in order to make your next launch even more powerful. Grab your notebook and be on the lookout because we might be trying out some of these tactics for our next launch… and you can too!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

ConvertKit vs ActiveCampaign

All right, it’s the episode you’ve all been waiting for. We are finally ready to talk about the biggest change we’ve made in TCC in a long time. We’ve moved email service providers… TWICE and we spoke about this is in our monthly review for April but promised we would break it all down into an episode all of its own. So here it is. Today we are running through the reason why we switched from MailChimp to ConvertKit, and then switched again from ConvertKit to Infusionsoft and then again from Infusionsoft to ActiveCampaign. Complexities aside, what we really want this episode to do is serve as an educational resource for you if you are needing help deciding between two platforms.

So in this episode we will be diving into why certain platforms just didn’t work, as well as the key reasons that made us sway to ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign. We walk you through various system features of the platforms, like ConvertKit’s tagging-based system versus ActiveCampaign’s automation-based system and how these worked for us. We also get into the nitty-gritty’s of how integrations, deep integrations and visual automation work in ConvertKit as well as in ActiveCampaign and how we were able to find out so much more about our customers using certain features. No matter what service provider you choose, at the end of the day you should always pick what feels right for you and your business. We hope that this episode will help you to make a more informed choice and get you a step closer to being a turbo-boss babe!

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