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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

top 10 business podcast | 4 Million+ downloads | 750+ episodes

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How We've Stayed Biz Partners for Nearly 5 Years

Someone asked us the other day why it is we still work together after all these years and how we have managed to stay afloat as a business partnership. Most biz partnerships end before the five-year mark and it is crazy that we are approaching that milestone very soon! The truth is we do not really know the answer to the question, so we are taking this opportunity to talk it out and share what we think may have helped to keep us going!

Whether it comes down to balancing our friendship with our business goals or simply maturing together in our venture, we are here to lay it all out for you! We have had a few episodes of the podcast that have dealt with this subject in the past, so definitely go back and check those out if you have not listened to them already. There is something very special and magical about our partnership that is hard to explain in words, but we are still going to try!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Cycle Sync Your Business with Laura Charelle of Balanced Bombshells

Balanced Bombshells is a health and lifestyle brand for high performing women and we are very lucky to have the brains behind the business, Laura Charelle, as our guest today! Laura teaches women how to use their hormones to benefit their active and busy lives and she reminds us that hormones are way more than just your period, fertility and your mother's menopause problems! They impact our thoughts, energy levels and you know they can affect your waistline too! Today we are focusing on how your hormones affect your biz and Laura tells us about the increasingly popular idea of cycle syncing, something that has been coming up in our community more and more. It is all about understanding what your body is going through at different stages of your cycle, all month long and finding out which time is the best for different activities.

Better self-knowledge can lead to improved communication, relationships, productivity and help you achieve what you want out of your life! We recommend that you listen to this episode in full and then go back and take notes on a second listen, there is that much good stuff you do not want to miss! Laura gives us loads of information, free resources and enough to get you really inspired and motivated. We have always felt that we are not really qualified to talk about this topic but have been aware of its importance so we are really pumped to get to share all of this with you all!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Selling Without a Website: Strategies to Land High Paying Clients (Even if You Don’t Have a Website)

For those of you that do not know, we used to work directly with clients, Emylee as a photographer, Abagail as a graphic designer and then as a branding and marketing company together! When you work with clients in this way, selling packages and presenting offers there are strategic ways to do this that can improve your results and help you sell for higher price points. 

This is where we started before diving fully into the online education space. In today's show we want to help you get better at this selling process and here's the good news, you don't even need a website to do it! Listen to this episode to get going, growing and making more money and make sure to listen to the end when we drop some info on two great tools we have set up for you and your business!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

3 Resources to Create Your Next Opt-in, Grow Your List, and Make More Sales

Hey, Friends! Let’s talk about email, opt-ins, lead magnets, freebies, and everything else you worry about in your efforts to grow your email list. While you can move a business forward without an email list, you will hit a point where your growth slows down quite drastically, so leveraging email as a platform to engage your audience and remind them about your awesome product or service is a smart move. 

In this episode of Strategy Hour, we break down exactly what an opt-in is, the resources you need to set it up, and what kind of value they can bring to your business. We dish out opt-in ideas for a variety of business types and give you the best practices for introducing a new audience member to you, your business, and what you can offer to help solve their problems. Knowing the steps newbies typically go through as they convert from an opt-in to buy-in is super important as it will help you to be intentional in designing the sequence that gets them there. We also tackle the common question of what to do with those who have opted-in but who are not purchasing anything and give you plenty of all-round great advice for optimizing your email.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

December Profit Report: When It’s Helpful to NOT Launch

You may have wondered what kind of revenue our business made over the holiday season, so today we’re giving you all the details about December. So, even though we’re properly settled into 2020 by now, let’s just backtrack a little to the end of 2019 – because there’s still something we can learn there. During this past December, we took time off for family and enjoying the holidays, but we also prepared ourselves for a big launch in January. We recognized making a big profit was not on the cards for this month as we had other plates spinning and purposefully decided to focus on our long-term vision. 

Sometimes it’s okay not to have profit as your biggest priority each month because as your business evolves, different things are required at different times. Sometimes you have to do the groundwork for what is to come and sacrifice the quick short-term cash and by listening to this episode, you will hear that this was what December looked like for us. Still, we talk about the outstanding performance of our Trello for Business course, why we expected a decline in profit from Strategy Academy, how we’ve rediscovered the power of strategic emails, and a whole lot more! 

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Creating Sustainable Growth After Sold Out Product Launches

Today we are giving Emylee the guest chair and are diving into her newish side-hustle, making clay earrings! You have probably heard it mentioned on the show in the past couple of months since she started hand-making everything from home and selling it through her personal Instagram account. She has kept the whole thing quite fun and casual, not wanting to put too much pressure on the fledgling business. 

In this episode, we talk about four major thoughts and ideas for growth in a product-based business and Emylee weighs in with her experience of each. The truth is her earring side-hustle might be a fully-blown business soon! So without further ado, let's hear what she has to say and get into some strategy!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Ready to Launch? With Parker Stevenson of Evolved Finance

Parker Stevenson is a great friend of ours and someone we love and respect a lot! He has done so much for us and our business in the years that we have been working together with Parker handling all of our bookkeeping. He has already been on the podcast a bunch of times and today he is back to talk about the all-important topic of launching! We get into cash-flowing a launch, how to know when you are ready or not ready, questions and preparation and how to pay yourself when it's all done. So basically we cover all the things you might be thinking about and what better person to ask than a bookkeeper.

Parker is all about helping his clients remain profitable and this conversation will get you into a great headspace for possible launches in the future. We offer tons of free resources in the second half of the show so be sure to stick around for those and Parker gives the inside scoop on many business and how he has seen launches evolve. In his work, he has helped countless small businesses that apply to so much of our audience. So for all that and a whole more on getting your next launch off the ground and into the air, join us as we talk strategy!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

No Sales Page. No Email List. $10k in Sales a Month

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about our side hustles, the things we work on outside of Boss Project. Since we’re right back at the beginning stages with these projects, we thought it might be a good idea to share things as we implement and test them out. In this episode, we are going to dive into Abagail’s side hustle, sharing with listeners her processes, struggles and everything she’s learning. 

She gives us the inside scoop on why she decided to take on this new endeavor, why she is personally invested in the health and wellness space, and what she hopes to offer other women who are in the same boat. Despite some people’s hesitancy about this type of business, Abagail shares how network marketing has been serving her well and then elaborates about the relevance of blogging, social media, email lists, Facebook ads, and other common strategies in her business. Finally, you will hear some great pointers for creating more consistency in your business! 

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Setting Financial Goals and Budgeting for Your Business with Justine Nelson of Debt Free Millennials

Today on the show we welcome Justine Nelson, founder of Debt Free Millennials. Justine is on a mission to advocate for a debt-free lifestyle, and today you will learn how this is relevant for your business and how it can fuel your personal financial goals. By the age of 25, Justine Nelson had paid off $35,000 in student loan debt making an average of $37,000 per year. Grit, discipline and a motivation to kick debt's ass for good helped her achieve this goal within two and a half years.

In this episode, we talk about leveraging your side hustle to pay off debt or save for that dream vacation, Justine’s go-to worksheets and business books, and a list of things you can do each month to ensure that you stay on track with your goals. We also talk about bookkeeping systems, budgeting, planning for annual subscriptions, and setting measurable goals. Now that 2020 is in full swing, why not tune in to this episode and learn how to get your debt and savings dealt with? 

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Our DMs are always open over on Instagram so head on over and introduce yourself so we can get to know you!