How to Take Time Off without Running Your Business into the Ground

As creatives, we have a hard time taking time off. We compare our work days to those of the people we see online and think we should be working when everyone else is. But the truth is, we need rest and time off in order to create space for more creativity. We need to allow ourselves rest so we can better serve our clients and customers. In fact, this time off will give your mind a break from the stress and will allow you to grow your own creativity.

Today, we are going to talk about why taking time off is important for you and your business. In addition, we will discuss how rest can help boost creativity, when to take time off, how to make time for time off, and how to mentally prepare so you won't feel guilty during your time off!

All of these skills will, in fact, make you a better business owner!

Let’s talk about what is NOT true about taking rest and time off. Do you believe these myths about taking time off?

  • Taking time off is a sign of weakness.

  • Taking time off will cause your business to fail.

  • Taking time off is for everyone else, but not for you.

  • Taking time off is a 20-minute lunch break.

  • Taking time off still includes checking email.

  • Taking time off will happen once I make that sale, I book that client, etc...

None of those things are true, friends.

We spend so much time making excuses for why we can’t take time off. We think of all the reasons we don’t deserve it. We care so much about our businesses that we run ourselves into the ground. We get burnt out. But we convince ourselves that we just have to keep working hard. Not so, friend. Here’s the thing: I give you permission to take time off. To let go. To not check your email for 48 hours (gasp!).

Taking time off and giving yourself rest is good for your business.

It allows you to be alert. It gives you space to do things that you love so that when you come back to your desk, you want to be there. It helps you get perspective and see things clearly. When you give yourself space and time away from your business, you actually become a better business owner. And when you are rested, feeling alive, and creatively inspired, you serve your clients better! You produce better content and you can be more productive. If you don’t believe me, read this. I promise it’s the truth.

Is one of your goals to increase productivity, or grow your business, or become more business savvy? Great. Now take some time off.

Taking time off will boost your creativity.

When you allow yourself to change your surroundings and take time to look at something with a different perspective or from a different vantage point, your creativity will blossom. You cannot just sit at your desk and force yourself to come up with a super creative idea. Has that ever worked for you? If so, you’re superhuman. For the rest of us, it doesn’t work. We need to go for a walk, or see a movie, or talk to a friend, or read a book. We often need to experience the creativity of others in order to find some sense of inspiration. We need space. We need time off.

So, when is the best time to take time off?

I suggest taking time off on a regular and needs-based basis. Here’s what I mean by this: have daily, weekly, and monthly “time-off”. For me, this means daily afternoon walks, weekly date nights with my husband (with no phone), and trying to leave town about once a month. Now, I will admit, I don’t always do the best job of leaving work at home when we leave town for a weekend. But hey, nobody’s perfect, right?

In addition to creating a lifestyle that allows for time off, I also create a mindset that welcomes time off. There are those days, or weeks, or months that are just tough. We get hit with thing after thing. We feel depleted, but we keep adding to the to-do list. This is when I suggest you take some time off! It could just be an hour to go to the gym, or a two-hour date night. Whatever it may be, when things get tough and overwhelming, give yourself a break. This is the opposite of what people will tell you, right? People say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, right? Wrong. Let that little body of yours have some time off. It’s worth it, I promise. You’ll come back even tougher.

It is also important to make sure you’re mentally prepared for time off.

If you take time off, but you feel guilty the entire time, then are you really taking time off? Nope. Let’s talk about how you can prepare for time away from your business. I’ll make it easy! Here’s a checklist for how to mentally prepare for taking time off:

  • Schedule it in, so you expect it.

  • Write down what you’re excited to do during your time off.

  • SAY OUT LOUD that you’re entitled to take time off.

  • Set an automatic email responder.

  • Tell your audience that you’re gone! This will keep you accountable AND they won’t expect as much from you.

  • Be kind to yourself.

  • Write a list of what you will do during your time off.

  • Be. At. Peace, yo.

Above all, you need to remember that you are worth taking care of. And rest is vital for your success as an individual and as a business owner. You will work smarter if you allow yourself the space to rest. So, tell me: how will you make time for taking time off this year? Let me know in the comments! I can’t wait to cheer you on in your restful endeavors. Take it easy, babe.  


Rachel Allene Heckmann is an educator, hand-letterer and shop owner offering products and services for the creative, joyful, and inspired dreamer in order to breed honesty and vulnerability. She enjoys the outdoors, drinking from a straw, adventures with her husband, and all things gold. She is the the founder of #lesshustlemoregrace and believer of real talk.

Rachel Allene Heckmann, Rachel Allene
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