How to Use Dubsado Custom Mapped Fields

Do you ever wish there was a way that you could keep information on file for your clients in Dubsado aside from the default basic contact and project info? Say you’re a wedding planner and you want to easily keep track of guest count, or perhaps you’re someone who loves sending gifts to your clients on their birthday.

Whatever the case may be, you’re able to collect and keep track of this information using custom mapped fields. A custom mapped field is a place on a client profile or project to store information in the form of text or a date. You’re able to add fields that are relevant to your business, so you can always have it at a glance, or even use an integration with Zapier to add this info to other tools.

Today, we’re going to go over everything related to custom mapped fields in Dubsado and how to use them!

Client Fields

You have two categories of custom mapped fields– client and project. We’ll start with client mapped fields, which are fields for information regarding the client. This info will be stored in their client profile, and would include information like the client’s birthday or social media handles.

If you aren’t sure which category a field falls under, just remember that client mapped fields will follow the client everywhere, so it will appear under their information if you have multiple projects with the same client.

Project Fields

Project fields should be used to store information that’s specific to the project and doesn’t need to follow the client around across other projects. For example, if you’re a web designer and need to easily access website login information, you can create custom mapped fields for this. That way, you can just click on a project and glance at the login details quickly. A family photographer may want to track the number of family members that will be present at the shoot, and the list of possibilities goes on!

How to Create Custom Mapped Fields

First, you’ll want to click the gear icon at the top right of your Dubsado account and locate “Custom Mapped Fields” toward the bottom of your brand settings. From there, you’re able to create new client or project mapped fields. 

Enter a name for your field that will be easy for you to identify, and then choose the type of field. At the time of this blog post, you’re only able to use mapped fields for short answer responses or date select, but we find that’s really all you need.

In the example above, we created a mapped field for a client's birthday and email marketing consent, but you can create as many custom mapped fields as you want at this step. Next, we’ll connect them to forms so that they function properly!

How to Connect Mapped Fields to Forms

Inside of your form– this can be a proposal, questionnaire, or lead capture form– add your short answer or date select box that you want to map. Edit your text, and then under “Maps to:”, find and select the custom mapped field that you want to connect to it.

Pro tip: One of our favorite mapped fields, as shown above, is asking for consent to accept marketing emails. Because you’re unable to map a checkbox block, it would need to be a short answer. However, that’s no issue, since it’s as simple as asking for a “Y” or “N”.

Once you have your questions mapped to the fields you’ve created, just save and viola! Now, whenever clients complete a box that’s mapped to a custom field, you can glance inside of their project to see that information easily.

Using Third Party Integrations to Uplevel Mapped Fields

If you need this information to go somewhere else as well, you can use a Zapier integration. For example, for the marketing consent field we added, we would then create a Zap that adds that person to our email list only if the information entered equals “Y”. You could use this same process to add information to a spreadsheet, project management tool, etc. To learn more about integrating Dubsado and Zapier, check out this blog post.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using custom mapped fields in Dubsado. Just think of specific information you find yourself collecting often from clients aside from the default info, and it may be very worth it to create a mapped field for it. Fair warning: Once you start, you may not be able to stop! Before you know it, you’ll have custom mapped fields for everything.

If you’re ready to get started experimenting with custom mapped fields in Dubsado, head here to learn more about the software and save 30% on your first month or year!


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