Step by step Guide for Using Dubsado for Bookkeeping

Well, folks, Dubsado’s done it again. And by that, we mean completely blown us away with its functionality. On top of the bajillion other features it has, did you know it’s able to even handle basic bookkeeping? This is absolutely perfect for small businesses that need a start at keeping track of their finances, but that aren’t ready for a super robust software like Quickbooks.

There are tons of simple bookkeeping tools for you to stay up-to-date on your finances and track lead generation metrics right inside of Dubsado, which is what we’re going to go over today!

Project Sources

Here, you’re able to add different sources for where you may have gotten a project, like a referral, through Facebook, your website, Pinterest, etc. You’re also able to quickly see how many projects have come from that source, which is especially useful for identifying which source is the most effective and possibly eliminating other avenues. For example, if you aren’t finding success with Pinterest, it’s probably time to focus more of your energy on the sources that are bringing in the most leads.

Project Breakdown

The project breakdown gives you a more detailed financial report of booked projects that you’ve gotten from each of your sources. You’re also able to view on a color-coded timeline how many projects you booked from which source in the last 365 days, year to date, last 3 months, last 30 days, or a custom date range.

Invoices And Transactions

The invoices tab gives you a complete list of every single invoice you’ve sent throughout the span of you using Dubsado. You’re able to see the date they sent, projects you sent them to, if there was a payment schedule applied, the total dollar amount, and if it’s paid or unpaid. You’re also able to filter by invoices that are overdue and the date range, as well as export the list as a CSV file.

Under your transactions tab, you’ll find a log of individual income and expense transactions. You’re able to view the date, project, client, category, payment method, description, and spent and received amounts. You can filter the transactions you'd like to see and export a CSV of the resulting list.

Chart Of Accounts

This gives you a breakdown of income and expenses by category, including any sales tax you collect. Each time a payment is recorded on an invoice, Dubsado will evenly split that payment amount across the income categories of the line items on the invoice. You can use the date filters to select a date range to display, export a CSV file, and add income and expense categories.


The reports tool gives you easy access to colorful charts and graphs detailing your income and expenses. Like the chart of accounts, you can filter these reports by date range. If you create separate income categories for each of your services, this is an awesome place to see which services are bringing you the most income.

As you can see, although Dubsado’s reporting features aren’t as robust as other softwares, they work perfectly for our small business owner friends! You can find basically any financial information that you need right inside of Dubsado without needing to invest extra money in another tool. If you want to try out these reporting features for yourself, click here to save 30% on your first month or year!


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