business insights
Let’s get real for a second. You’ve been out in the wild, wild west running a creative business—managing 1:1 client projects, juggling deadlines, and delivering work that leaves people picking their jaws off the floor.
You want more freedom, less burnout, and—let’s be honest—a few more zeros in your income. Spoiler alert: you’re in the right place.
Good news—you don’t need a magic wand or to wait for Mercury to exit retrograde. You just need a solid plan, a platform that makes you look like you have your life (and tech) together, and a little wit. Lucky for you, I’ve got all of that lined up right here.
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How to Build Your Email List Fast
Believe it or not, email is still one of the best ways to market your business. It is estimated that there are 4 billion active email users right now (and that number is projected to increase). According to MarketingSherpa, email is STILL the most preferred marketing channel that most consumers want businesses to communicate with them through.
And not only is email your consumer’s favorite way of communicating but your list is YOURS. It belongs to you. If Instagram shuts your account down, you lose all of your followers. However, that email list you’ve built, you own it and will always be able to market to them.
So now that you know how important email is, you might be wondering how the heck you build an email list and fast? In this blog, we break down our best kept secrets to build your email list.
5 Successful Strategies to Market Your Email Opt-In
Email can be such a game-changer for businesses that want to connect with their audience in a more personal way. When you compare your people scrolling upon a social media post versus getting valuable content delivered directly to their inbox, email is the way to go if you want to build authentic relationships.
Plus, email gives you an opportunity to share exclusive content with your list, making it even more valuable to your audience. Anyone can see your social media accounts and not follow you, but your subscribers have already signed up for the long haul and are ready to devour new content as it comes.
But email marketing is more than just creating a list and hoping people subscribe to it. It takes work to make sure people know about it, and even more work to make sure that they actually want to subscribe, which is where your opt-in comes in.
Since you’re reading this post, we’ll assume you already have an opt-in created (but if not, this is the post for you) and are looking for ways to market it. If so, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re going to share 5 successful strategies to market your opt-in, your freebie, your lead magnet - whatever you want to call it!
How to Write a Welcome Sequence that Converts Subscribers to Buyers
So you have a freebie created, your opt-in form set up, and your freebie delivery email ready to go so that you can deliver the goods when someone joins your list. But before you start telling people about it… Do you have a welcome sequence?
When someone joins your list, they’re the warmest within the first few days. That’s your window to let them get to know you more and show them what you can offer before they forget who you are or why they even subscribed in the first place. After all, first impressions matter, and this is your way to make a great virtual first impression on your audience!
We’re huge fans of welcome sequences because it means that when the time comes to sell to someone, they won’t be in the dark about who you are– they’ll already know, like, and trust you (or at least that’s the goal). So, what actually goes into a welcome sequence? Read along as we walk you through how to write a welcome sequence that converts subscribers to buyers!
Why We Moved Our 100k+ Email List to Flodesk
Listen, we’ve been around the block a few times when it comes to email marketing platforms. Over the years, we’ve migrated and re-migrated to a handful of different ones to find the best fit, yet we always ended up leaving. After our recent switch last year to Flodesk, we definitely aren’t planning to leave any time soon.
While we’re aware that moving over such a large email list with over 100k subscribers to a beta platform seems completely absurd and irrational, but honestly? It was absolutely the most no-brainer migration we’ve ever done, and here’s why.
How to Create and Set Up an Email Opt-In with Flodesk
Flodesk is one of the most simple and user-friendly email marketing services we’ve ever used, and we’ve been with multiple services over the years. We made the switch in the middle of 2020, and we haven’t looked back since! One thing that makes Flodesk stand out from other platforms is the fact that it’s just so beautiful (but that $38/month price isn’t too bad either, but read until the end to find out how you can get Flodesk for just $19). From the emails to the forms, they make it easy to show off your style and brand in everything you create.
Creating and setting up forms is an easy-peasy task. It takes no longer than 15 minutes total, if that. Today, we’ll be showing you a complete walk through of how to create and set up an email opt-in with Flodesk!
5 Effective Ways to Get 1k New Email Subscribers
Email is one of our most favorite things to talk about! In the 5 years we’ve been in business, we’ve seen 100k+ new subscribers come through our doors. It’s been an amazing outlet for us to provide exclusive value to our audience outside of your everyday Instagram post. With email, there’s a more personal connection you gain by being allowed space in someone’s inbox.
Since we’ve had our fair share of methods that worked (and didn’t) to grow our email list, we wanted to share with you our top 5 favorite ways to get people to sign up for your email list and increase conversions!
The Dos and Don'ts of Email Marketing
The great thing about having an email list is that it’s yours, and you’re able to market to people who you know are interested in hearing more about you and what your business is up to. It’s amazing for building lasting relationships with your audience, which is the key to making consistent sales and seeing growth.
However, like many aspects of business, there are a few dos and don’ts that are important to remember. Otherwise, it’s super easy to break down your relationships and see a large increase in unsubscribe rates and, ultimately, sales.
That’s why, today, we’ll be going over these do’s and don’ts. Some we’ve experienced ourselves and others we’ve seen firsthand with other businesses. And if you really want to up your email game, stick around till the end!
The Right Way to Grow Your Email List with an Opt-In
We see you, babe.
You’re advertising the shit out of your products or services, talking them up on every social media platform that you can be found on, going live on Facebook and Instagram, spreading your business through word of mouth, and every other thing you can think of.
Still, you just aren’t getting the results you’d like to be, and you’re tired of repeatedly seeing the straight line creeping across your sales chart or– God forbid– a slow decline.
The last thing you need to do is give up. You may think you’re showing up everywhere you possibly can be. You may think you’re directly targeting your audience.
Email Marketing Basics for Creative Business Owners
So you keep hearing the following statement, “As a business you should probably get around to sending out some ‘professional’ email.” And you may be wondering where the heck you should start or if it is even worth your time.
Email Marketing has some powerful benefits, but to be successful it has to be well thought out and carefully managed. Today, we will cover some of the benefits, how and where to get started and then the ideal anatomy for your newsletter.
Mastering the Transition from Business Owner to CEO: A Comprehensive Guide for a Successful Shift in Role
As a business owner, you inherently are a CEO, but it’s how you show up in that role that makes all the difference. CEOs play a super specific role in the company that evolves as the business grows. Right now, you may still be doing a lot of things related to your skill set and the results you bring to clients. After all, getting paid to do the things you love are part of the whole reason you started your business in the first place. But in order to run a successful and sustainable business, this involves doing things and having conversations that are otherwise out of your comfort zone.
Keep reading as we help you define what it means to step into your true CEO role and essential skills needed to run your business as the founder.
What is Intentional Design and How it Can Benefit Your Business
When it comes to building websites, many people place most of their focus on aesthetics. While it’s important that a website is attractive and grabs visitors’ attention, intentional web design goes beyond just looks and takes into account multiple factors that impact your website’s performance. When you hone in on things like your goals, SEO, etc. and consider them along with your web design strategy, it’s possible to create something that’s both stunning and that drives results.
In this post, we’ll be breaking down the importance of strategic and intentional website design and sharing a look at our design process and its effects on our clients!
Service Providers Making More Than $20k Per Month: Essential Skills You Need For Sustaining & Growing Your Business
We know firsthand how challenging it can be to build and grow a business that can withstand the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. We’ve worked with service providers in all stages of business, and while they can all equally be difficult to navigate, they each come with their own unique struggles. For the service providers who are already hitting $20k months and beyond, there are essential skills needed in order to continue building a sustainable business and experience continued growth.
Making Less Than $20k a Month, Read This
There comes a time in every service provider’s career when you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling on your income and time. You really want to hit those $20k months, but you would need 24 hours of daylight alone to be able to make that happen or at least a few clones of yourself. At this point, it’s crucial that you start scaling your business, thinking about hiring, raising your prices, cleaning up your systems, and more– all the things that, coincidentally, we love talking about and have had numerous conversations about on our blog and podcast.
To save you the time, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile our resources on all of the topics you need to be learning about right now so that you can get unstuck from this rut and grow a thriving service-based business.
Service Providers Earning Less than $5k Per Month: Essential Skills You Need to Have a Successful Business
There’s undoubtedly a flood of information and resources on the internet for service providers looking to grow their income to $5k+ months. Unfortunately, that also means that it can be difficult to know where to look, what to search for that’ll actually be helpful, and find reliable resources. When you’re a smaller business, your number one priority is essentially increasing your revenue, and there are a number of skills that are essential to have in order to make that happen.
In this post, we’ll be giving you our best resources to help you hone in on those skills so that you can finally break free of the feast or famine mode that so many small service-based businesses find it hard to come out of in the beginning stages of business.
Top Website Design Trends in 2023
The main point of design trends is to break expectations. We want an element of surprise, whether that’s through color, shapes and patterns, animation, or overall layout. This’ll be reflected in the trends we’ve noticed that we’re going to break down for you in this post, but don’t let these trends intimidate you– there are a lot of ways to add in that organic surprise that feels really true to your brand direction.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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