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Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User

The 25 Best Dubsado Resources for 2022

We’re longtime Dubsado users and fans, and we know the impact that this particular CRM has on the way so many service providers are running their businesses. On the other hand, we know that with the implementation of any new or unfamiliar technology comes a learning curve that you have to get over.

To help you expand your knowledge (and therefore your user experience) with Dubsado, we’ve compiled a list of 25 resources that will teach you or guide you through many different aspects of using Dubsado. Stick around at the end for a bonus resource that will be a complete game changer for setting up and using Dubsado in your business!

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Learn, Scaling Guest User Learn, Scaling Guest User

11 Things You Need to Know Before Scaling Your Service Based Business

Scaling a service-based business is a special kind of feat. As a service provider, there are only so many hours in the day that you can dedicate to client work after all. This can definitely make scaling seem impossibly difficult or out of reach. After starting off as a service-based business for years and then working directly with service providers to scale their own 1:1 services, we’ve learned that there are 11 things you absolutely need to know before scaling. We’re going to dive into what those are in this blog post!

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Learn, Client Experience Guest User Learn, Client Experience Guest User

How to Send Project Proposals + What to Include

Sending a project proposal can be intimidating for a number of reasons. If you’re new to business and this is the first (or even the fourth or fifth) client you’re sending a proposal to, it can be mega nerve-wracking. You’re likely having a ton of negative and worrisome thoughts. What if they have an issue with something? What if they decide to go with someone else? Does it look okay?

These are all common thoughts to have, especially when this is such an important piece to wowing your potential clients and making it a no-brainer to work with you. After years of running as a service-based business and sending countless PDF proposals to clients, we’ve learned a thing or two about making it as less overwhelming as possible for you (and them)!

So, keep reading to find out how to send project proposals, plus what information to include!

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Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User

How to Use Dubsado Workflows + Tips

We’re very excited for this post today because we’ve been writing about Dubsado for a while, and we always find some way to sneak in workflows because they’re our absolutely favorite feature of the software. Finally, we’re here to dedicate a whole post just to workflows!

Workflows in Dubsado give you the opportunity to automate so many processes of your usual client workflow. In turn, this frees up so much space in your calendar for you to be able to focus on caring for your clients, completing their projects, and giving them the attention they need without worrying about the techy stuff that happens on the backend.

We’ve heard from many people that workflows allow Dubsado to serve as their VA of sorts because they can set and forget so many different things. So, keep reading to learn more about workflows, how they work, what you should do before creating them, and how you can be using them in your business right now!

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Learn, Leadership Guest User Learn, Leadership Guest User

5 Ways You Should Legally Protect Your Business

You pour hours and hours of hard work into your latest content, course, product or service only to wonder, “what if someone steals this and sells it as their own? Can you contact them and ask them to remove it? What if they don’t take it down? Or what if they’ve been selling it as their own and making money off it?”

Or you’re 3 months into a 6-month service contract with a client when they suddenly change their credit card number and bails. Now what? You were relying on that money coming in and can’t afford to just let it go. But you didn’t have them sign anything, so how can you hold them accountable?

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Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User

Automation FTW: How to Streamline Trello to Get EVEN MORE Done

So, this ain’t your first Trello rodeo.


You have Abagail and Emylee’s boards. Your business is insanely organized. You spend your days doing the things and moving the cards to the right, to the right.


Like Beyonce on opposite day.


Anyway, you spend most of your day in Trello and love it that way. But is that really a good thing?


I mean, I get it.


The app is a-mah-zing for planning and organizing, and that stuff is so important. But you need to focus on the doing, not just the planning and organizing, so maybe you need to find another way to get that stuff done.


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Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Small Business 101: Accounting for the Non-Accountant

Accounting for Small Businesses is oftentimes the biggest stressor for small business owners, especially creatives. Crunching the numbers can feel overwhelming. But without the proper preparation and tracking, not having the right cash flow clarity can be the difference between you being a thriving business and closing your doors.

Did you know that recent studies have shown that 50 percent of small businesses will fail within the first year? How about the fact that a staggering 95 percent will close their doors before they hit their fifth year of operation? That one seems a bit hard to believe, but in today’s economy it could be true. Here are some additional stats that may surprise you (source):

  • 40% of small businesses are profitable.

  • 30% break even.

  • 30% are continually losing money.

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Learn, Branding & Design Guest User Learn, Branding & Design Guest User

Prepping your Facebook Personal Profile To Pimp Out Your Business


Yes, I totally just yelled that at you BUT only because I’m trying to make a point.

We have ALL heard this; if we want to grow our business, we need to be in Facebook groups and it’s true but you might be missing a key part to this process.

Here’s the thing y’all, being in Facebook groups means a lot more (or less?) than just running in and dropping your links then running away; it means being involved, being the expert and just being awesome - but that’s a discussion for another day.

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Learn, Leadership Guest User Learn, Leadership Guest User

14 Noteworthy Podcasts Every Creative Female Entrepreneur Should Listen To

I haven’t always been a podcast junkie. In fact, my Dad is the only reason I ever even found out that podcasts existed. As a teenager, I remember the endless hours he would listen to his favorite shows and swore I would never been as geeky as him. Fast forward to owning an online business, and it quickly became apparent that podcasts were a great alternative way to learn.

As much as I loved writing for our blog, reading other blogs just never really seemed to fit into my schedule. But listening to a podcast could happen in the car, while putting on makeup, doing the dishes, or cleaning the house. Basically, it made all the boring parts of my life way more interesting.

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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