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Dubsado vs. HoneyBook Feature and Interface Comparison
There are two top dogs in the CRM game right and now, and they’re crushing it: Dubsado and HoneyBook. About half of the service providers you talk to will be Team Dubsado, while the other half are Team HoneyBook.
No matter which team you choose, though, having a CRM is a massively important piece of running a service-based business. You need some type of system to help you streamline your processes, leads, client communication, and more, and either of these platforms will help you do so.
So, which team are we? Today we’re going to dive into comparing Dubsado vs. HoneyBook’s features and interface. For us and many others we know, these are the two main deal breakers when it comes to choosing any sort of software, not just CRMs. Keep reading if you want to find out who comes out on top!
How to Start Charging More for Your Services So You Can Work Less
When you think of how you can free up time and make more in your service-based business, what comes to mind first? Your most likely goes to what all the online business marketers are preaching:
Grow your list and audience.
Offer a low price point product.
Make it digital so it’s passive.
But the reality check here is that right there isn’t the fastest way for you to make more and work less (quite the opposite, actually).
So have you ever looked at your services and what you’re currently charging? Have you worked backwards on how much you say you want to make vs. what you’re actually charging?
The real key to putting your life first in your business again is to know exactly what you need to charge + how many clients you need to work with in order to reach your goals. Let’s break it down in this blog post!
Everything You Need to Know About Dubsado Before You Buy
There’s definitely no shortage of CRMs available out there for service providers, but the difficulty is choosing which one. If you’ve already started your research, chances are you’ve seen Dubsado pop up quite a few times as being one of the top CRMs. We’ll be the first to back up those claims and say they’re absolutely true!
Dubsado is the #1 CRM that we personally recommend to every service provider who’s struggling to maintain an organized system of managing and streamlining their client processes. However, what makes Dubsado different from the rest, and what are some things you need to know about Dubsado before you even buy?
You Can Scale Your Service-Based Business Without Adding Courses or Digital Products - Here’s How
When we count to 3, we want you to name the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of scaling your service-based business beyond just growing a team. Ready?
1.. 2.. 3..
If you said anything along the lines of “creating courses or digital products”, then this blog post is for you. Because— real talk?— we would basically get on our knees at this very moment and beg you to not go down that path right now.
How to Double Your Income While Working 20 Hours a Week (or Less)
You’re at the point where you feel like you’re really killing it in your business. Your marketing efforts seem to be paying off because there’s rarely a shortage of clients. If anything, you have too many clients, too many tasks filling up your calendar, and too many empty cups of coffee sitting at your desk.
This isn’t the life for you, babe. This isn’t where you imagined your business would be when you first started with a big dream and the energy to make it happen. (Where the heck did that energy go?!)
Having all these clients means you should be hitting those big-figure months consistently, right? So... why does it feel like you’re back at a full-time corporate job working 40 hours per week with almost no considerable income to show for it?
We want to let you in on a little secret. You can double your income while working only 20 hours a week or even less. Here’s how.
How to Use Testimonials to Attract Your Dream Clients
Client testimonials are the proof in the pudding to potential clients about how amazing you are. You need to be able to back up your claims of being able to achieve XYZ results for your clients and the wonderful experience you provide. Not only do they serve as a diverse marketing asset that you can repurpose in numerous ways, but they’re also like hanging those sticky fly traps.
The fact of the matter is that dreamy clients know other dreamy clients. As soon as you land who you consider a dream client, you have to use that person and their testimonial for every referral or potential client that you can because you’ll get even more like-minded clients from them.
So in what ways can you use testimonials to signal more dream clients that they should work with you?
How to Collect Powerful Testimonials on Autopilot
Marketing your business as a service provider can be super nerve wracking and awkward. You might be thinking, “So I’m just supposed to talk about how good I am all day long and hope people believe me?”
The short answer: not exactly. You don’t always have to be the one doing the talking. There’s one single marketing asset for service-based business that’s the most powerful…
The client testimonial.
3 Easy Ways to Make New Clients Feel Valued
There are essentially two sides to every service-based business: 1) The actual delivery of the services, and 2) The client experience. Even if you can perform your services exceptionally well and get your clients amazing results, making sure your clients feel valued is equally as crucial. There’s no better time to start than from the very beginning.
By making new clients feel valued, you’re ensuring that they actually enjoyed working with you. They can enjoy the results your work brought them, but you’re less likely to receive a great testimonial, repeat business, or referrals if they didn’t feel like their experience was a positive one.
So to avoid all of that, we’re here to show you three extremely easy and effective ways to make new clients feel valued!
4 Marketing Strategies That Work for 1:1 Service Providers
We’ll be the first to admit, there’s a lot of noise when it comes to marketing strategies for small business owners. The online marketing space has exploded in recent years and with that, inevitably, comes some confusion. With the focus of those strategies being mostly geared for folks who have the desire (and skill) to move to a 1:many model (i.e. offering digital products like courses, memberships and downloads), 1:1 service providers have been left in the dust.
These same service providers are left thinking those same strategies will work for them, or worse, that the only way for them to reach their goals is to change up their entire business model.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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