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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

10 of Our Favorite Tools for Team Productivity & Communication

We love systems and tools (surprise, surprise). We’re always upgrading a process, trying out new tools that we think will benefit our team, and generally seeing what’s helpful and ends up sticking long-term. In doing so, we’ve accumulated a small staple collection of tools that massively benefit our team productivity and communication, which are two of the most important aspects of managing a team.

Stepping into our roles as not only managers but leaders, learning how members of our team work best, how they prefer to communicate, and ensuring that we have the necessary tools to aid in that has served us and our team members so well.

There are 10 tools that are our absolute couldn’t-live-without-them favorites, and we’re so excited to share them with you today! If you don’t adopt some of these exact tools for your team, hopefully the goal behind them inspires you to create something similar.

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

3 Reasons Why You Need a Business Coach (Even if You’re an Established Business)

We think hiring a business coach is one of the best decisions you can make for your business (we might be a tad bit biased 😜). But having someone who can help you with your business’s ups and downs is great for your sanity and for getting actionable advice to help you uplevel your business.

In this blog, we’re talking about three reasons why you need a business coach. And here’s the thing, we’re talking to all you established business owners out there because, from our experience, you could use someone in your corner.

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Grow, Services Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Services Abagail Pumphrey

How Your Service Pricing Needs to Change When You Build a Team

What we often see in the service-based industry is after 6-figures have been reached (sometimes multiple 6-figures), service providers will try to replace their current offer with something completely brand new. We know this is super tempting, especially when you’ve reached the point where you’ve started to tap out of what you can personally do within your business.

However, pricing is one of your greatest opportunities for expansion, especially when you can work with fewer people and make more money. While many may acknowledge price shifts over time, they aren’t seeing premium pricing as an opportunity to grow their team.

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Learn, Services Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Services Abagail Pumphrey

How Service Providers Can Identify Their Result and Deliver a Profitable Offer

Looking back there is something magical about the beginning stages of business. It’s like we all had this young naive way of thinking at the beginning. You’re learning all the things, you’re hustling, you’re saying yes a lot (probably more than you should have) but you’re doing it. You’re building something that is yours.

And then you get to a point where you’re hitting 10K months consistently. You did the thing! You’ve become an established business owner BUT you’re still holding onto that “beginner” energy. Yeah, you might be making more money but you’re still feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and stretched thin.

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Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

Complete Guide to Dubsado’s New Form Builder 2022

As two self-dubbed Dubsado connoisseurs, we were over the moon when we first learned about the updates to Dubsado’s form builder. While it wasn’t terrible to use before, this upgrade that just rolled out for all accounts in July has increased our love for the platform times a thousand. Even though all of the blocks and options are basically the same, the form builder now has a whole new look that the majority of users will find more intuitive and easy to use.

We were part of the lucky group who were able to use the beta version of the new form builder for months, so we’ve already gotten used to the upgrade and have been sticking to it exclusively. Because of that, we knew we had to put out this unofficial guide to Dubsado’s new form builder!

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Grow, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey

How to Build Your Email List Fast

Believe it or not, email is still one of the best ways to market your business. It is estimated that there are 4 billion active email users right now (and that number is projected to increase). According to MarketingSherpa, email is STILL the most preferred marketing channel that most consumers want businesses to communicate with them through.

And not only is email your consumer’s favorite way of communicating but your list is YOURS. It belongs to you. If Instagram shuts your account down, you lose all of your followers. However, that email list you’ve built, you own it and will always be able to market to them.

So now that you know how important email is, you might be wondering how the heck you build an email list and fast? In this blog, we break down our best kept secrets to build your email list.

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Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

How to Take Action When You’re an Overthinker

We’ve talked before on our podcast about what it means to be the type of person who immediately takes action versus someone who tends to overthink before doing something, if they even do it. In the past, we’ve used the terms “be-er” and “do-er” to describe these two types, and then we learned there’s actually a more scientific Scholarly-level phrase– having a cognitive bias towards action or thinking.

If you have a cognitive bias towards thinking (a be-er), you’re someone who needs to, well, think. A ton. We believe that be-ers need to believe something specific about themselves first before they take action. (Like that you’re actually a productive or organized person before purchasing a planner. Or that you are the type of person who goes to the gym before you actually go to the gym.)

Is it possible to change your cognitive bias and become an action-taker when you’ve historically been an overthinker? Keep reading as we dive into the how-to!

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Grow, Branding & Design Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Branding & Design Abagail Pumphrey

10 Must-Know Canva Hacks for Creative Small Business Owners

Even though we have backgrounds in design and using fancier software, Canva has taken care of the majority of our graphic design needs for the past 7+ years. We have no idea how we would function without it since we use it to design our social graphics, Shop templates, presentation slides, podcast graphics, and so much more.

In our experience over the years we’ve been using Canva, there are at least 10 must-know hacks every creative small business owner needs to know!

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Learn, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

How to Develop an Experimental Mindset and Curiosity Culture in Your Small Business

We have seen too many business owners allow themselves to get stuck in a planning and research phase (because planning is fun!) that the big dreamy goals they have for their business never really come to fruition. The #1 thing that’s helped our business reach 7-figures, employ us and our amazing team, allow us to take time away and live Life-First, grow (when we want to) and sustain is the fact that we’ve created an Experimental mindset for ourselves and a culture of curiosity for our team.

In today’s blog we go over how to develop an experimental mindset not just for you and your business but how to also implement it within your growing business.

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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