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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

top 10 business podcast | 4 Million+ downloads | 750+ episodes

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Finding Time When You Don't Have Time with Lauren Golden of The Free Mama

Today on the podcast, we welcome Lauren Golden. Lauren loves helping mamas free themselves from the nine to five grind. Lauren launched The Free Mama Movement to show working moms that they don’t have to choose between family and financial stability. We’ve all said it and we’ve all heard it: “I don’t have time.” This is the easiest excuse that people love to pull out of their pockets when they’re not seeing business growth or success. But is it really true?

For every single person out there who has ever said, “But I don’t have any time to grow my business” – this episode is for you. Here, Lauren is busting myths, knocking excuses out the window and giving you action steps on how to better utilize the time that you do have in your day – regardless of kids, dogs, full-time jobs, health, hobbies and life. All this so you can make amazing things happen in your business. No more excuses – grab your notebook and give this one a listen!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

May Review Session: The Month We Deleted 21k Subscribers

Hey ya’ll! It’s our May review / June planning session coming to you live from Emylee’s very dirty office. In this episode, we go over some of the things we accomplished and didn’t accomplish in May, some of our daring plans for June and let you in on a little big secret… This June we will be bringing you the biggest launch you have ever witnessed at TCC and share some of our exciting new sponsorship prospects on the horizon.

We also share some successful news from our grueling switch over to Active Campaign and reveal why we deleted 21k subscribers from our list and are as cool as cucumbers about it. We also share the changes we have made to the business with GDPR compliance and why vanity numbers really don’t mean a thing. By the end of this episode, you will have a few great resources to help you take the steps you need to take in your business in order to reach success and sustainability.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

7 Reasons Your To-Do List Isn't Getting Done with Steph Crowder

Today on the show we welcome back Steph Crowder. Steph is so awesome, that we decided she needed to become a regular! So here she is, to talk about keeping your to-do list alive once you’ve lost momentum in your business. After the hype of a launch has died down, losing momentum is common. Trust us, we know! There is a certain amount of adrenaline that keeps you going during a launch, that keeps you alert, that keeps you firing when you’re in that challenge mode. But what do you do after this frenzy subsides? A lot of us go back to the same old habits and the same old routines and this is where a lot of us get super unproductive.

Steph has found that there are 7 major reasons why your to-do list is not getting done. If you are one of those people who are like, “What the hell? It’s Friday and I’ve crossed off barely anything on my to-do list!” Then girl, this episode is for you. Here, Steph talks about the big commonalities she has seen for why people aren’t getting their shit done. Better yet, she gives us actionable steps we can take toward more productivity and sustainable momentum. After this episode, you will be able to take a deep breath, re-evaluate your time, kick that self-doubt to the curb and be the boss lady you’ve always dreamed of being.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Boss Talk Series: How Do You Maintain Healthy Female Relationships?

For those of you who missed the last Boss Talk Series episode, we brought Steph Crowder of Courage & Clarity on and everybody loved it! We got such good feedback, that we decided to bring her on again. Yep, she’s officially moved in! So today’s question is, how do you maintain healthy female relationships? We’ve touched on this in previous episodes, but today we want to focus specifically on business female friendships. This is a tricky topic and goes hand in hand with the theme: Community VS Competition. So how do you stay in your lane and be friends with someone who is doing what you’re doing? When are you crossing the line of taking advantage of a friendship? And how do you know whether your own helpfulness is being taken advantage of too?

These are the types of tough questions we’ll be digging into in this episode. We also share how we personally manage our business female friendships and how having the support of other business women has radically enhanced our lives and careers. By the end of this episode, you’ll really see the benefits of having business female friendships in your life and will know how to determine whether these friendships are in a healthy give-and-take balance. No more hiding, it’s time to get out there and take a chance on the women in your midst.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Tactics to Defeat Self-Doubt, Negotiate for What You Want and How to Find a Wing Woman with Mia Scharphie

Today on the show, we welcome Mia "Maya" Scharphie – creative career coach, designer, and agent of change. Mia founded Build Yourself to help women in creative fields move past the obstacles that hold them back in in their careers. This episode goes hand-in-hand with the previous few conversations we have had on the podcast around competition versus community and what empowering women really looks like. Through Mia’s Build Yourself program, services, workshops and courses, she helps women to build confidence in their work and in their work environments – assisting them with practical things such as asking for a raise or a promotion, negotiating better and lead a healthier work-life balance.

Mia also helps women understand and control their inner-critic and become comfortable with the fear of rejection and the heavily-weighted “No’s” that none of us want to receive. Mia also encourages us to find a wing woman and leverage the power of the women in our lives today. In this episode, we unpack our thoughts on empowering women and how we can make the changes necessary to tackle our self-sabotaging thoughts. Mia gives some really great, practical new routines and habits that you can start implementing in your life to see these changes and unlock the power of your own gifts.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

All the Woo-Woo Shiz We are Diggin'

Y'all know that we’re into some woo-woo shit. A big chunk of that woo-woo shit is essential oils – which we know you’ve already heard us talk about. But we have a whole lot of other woo-woo things that we do in our daily lives. Things like DIY cupping, getting Chinese foot massages, wearing crystals in our bras and going on family excursions to The Stinky Store. In this episode, we take you through an entertaining list of ten woo-woo things that make our lives better, that make us better, and in turn, make our business better.

In their own unique ways, these things help us to destress. They help us to keep our energy and our chakras in check. And ultimately, they keep us sane and weird, at the same time. So, if you’re looking for some tips, resources and advice on a few small things you can add to your daily life – then you’ve come to the right place. Come and take a look into our crystal ball and get woo with us – we know you want to! [Sexy radio voice].

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Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User

Showing Up For Your Brand In A Way That Is So You with Jen Miller

Today on the show we welcome Jen Miller. Jen is a brand strategy consultant and is super pumped about helping women build their brands. In 2003 Jen also started a blog, interviewing female founders to discover how she might be able to build a brand of her own. Jen has learned from the best and the proof is in the pudding! Jen is really great at helping entrepreneurs ask themselves the right questions; questions that will help them lay the foundation of their brand and get them headed on the right path from day one.

In this episode, we are talking about the importance of brand personality and how it is so much more than just your logo, your color scheme and your website. We’re also talking about how you can take care of people in a way that serves your brand well, how to put yourself out there, dressing the part and being a little vulnerable with your own self. At the end of the day, it boils down to authenticity. But authenticity with intention. So, whether you’re starting a brand from ground zero or trying to get your brand back on track, by the end of this episode, you’ll have some awesome tools to get you going with

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

5 Days to Launch is Back

#5DaystoLaunch Challenge is BACK, babe! Word on the street is, you have some pretty bomb ideas but for whatever reason, you just keep them in your pocket, you sit on them, you hold onto them, and you don’t launch them. What the heck? What are you waiting for, lady? There is a valuable opportunity there that can earn you some real cash dollar bills for your business. So many of you come to us saying that you have this amazing dreamy idea, but you are frozen, you are stuck, and you are on the fence. A lot of you live in Sitting-on-the-fence-ville, right? But the reality of it all is, it is not comfortable or really beneficial for anyone.

We want to help you to get into the launch mindset and this is why we created the 5 Days to Launch Challenge to arm you with the strategies and the steps you need to get there. We have determined that launching something and launching it well really just comes down to five steps. That’s it. Five steps. And we’re here to remind you what those steps are with a repeat one of most valuable episode to-date. You can do one step a day and at the end of five days, you will have launched a product and made actual money. So, get ready to jump into your very own launch by signing up for the challenge today! No excuses.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Embracing the Power Couple Lifestyle with Brooke Genn

Today on the show we welcome Brooke Genn. Brooke is a writer, a photographer, podcast host and one part of a power couple together with her husband, Wilhelm. Brooke has had a really interesting and eclectic past and today works full-time with her spouse, building a business together as well as building a tiny home on wheels. In this episode, we are talking about what it takes to be a power couple. We get into the steps Brooke and her husband took to get her husband to come home and work with her full-time and how they are able to travel the world together and do exactly what they’ve always wanted.

We find out what Brooke has learned from working with her husband and how they have navigated this transition, having their own independence what it takes to run a business when you and your partner are so emotionally tied. A lot of us have thought on and off about working with our spouses but Brooke and her husband are successfully doing it! There is a lot to be learned from this episode about business and about relationships… even if you aren’t working together.

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