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Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

What Subject Matter Experts Need to Know About Running a Profitable Business

By definition, a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a person who is an authority in a particular area or topic. They’re knowledgeable about their topic, they focus on a very specific field, and they’re extremely sought after. If you’re a 1:1 service provider whose expertise lies in a specific niche, then you, our friend, are a Subject Matter Expert!

For example, a general Social Media Manager wouldn’t usually be classified as a SME, but an Instagram Strategy Consultant for veterinarians could be. You can fill in the blanks with your specific niche and ideal client. This isn’t to say one is better than the other, but we do want you to understand the difference between a generalist title versus a SME.

In this post, we’ll be covering 4 things that we think SMEs really need to be aware of about running a profitable business!

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

How to Become the Creative Director of Your Small Business

So often when starting a creative service-based business, you start to feel disconnected with the reason you even started your business in the first place. Even when you’re absolutely crushing it in your business, landing clients left and right, and are super busy, that often comes with more things outside of client deliverables.

Taking on the CEO role means you have to deal with more things that may feel out of alignment with the thing you really love doing. What we’ve learned from being in that position is that feeling that connection to what you’re creating is the most important thing for a service provider to protect.

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing how to become the creative director of your small business, so you can still deliver on your services while building a high caliber business!

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Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Best Passive Income Ideas for Your Small Business in 2022

In this day and age of online business, it’s extremely easy to give into the elusive passive income trend. We talk about it with our family and friends, and we learn from marketing gurus on the internet that the end goal is to “make money while you sleep.”

Sure, it does sound great. Being able to give little to no effort yet still have money rolling in sounds like a dream. Spoiler alert: What they’re teaching you isn’t really passive income.

Keep reading to find out the true definition of passive income, our honest thoughts around it, and what you should do instead.

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Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

How to Host a Virtual Team Mixer or Holiday Party

Not being in the physical presence of team members means that there’s a bit more extra work involved to make sure everyone feels connected. You can absolutely still have a closely knit virtual team, and we absolutely love the workspace tone we’ve set with our team!

One of the ways we get in some much-needed face time is by hosting virtual team mixers. Since the holidays are coming up hot, hosting a virtual holiday party is the perfect way to get your team members chatting and connecting with each other outside of the usual workplace communication!

Keep reading to find out exactly how we host our virtual team mixers, plus some team building questions to ask to keep everyone engaged!

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Learn, Leadership Guest User Learn, Leadership Guest User

Lessons from 2020: Sales, Setbacks, and Surprises

We’ll gladly join the masses of people saying that they’re so glad that 2020 is over! And it isn’t so much that we expect the pandemic and all of the issues that come with it to just disappear with a new year, but more so that we’re now able to reflect on the year and kick everything in gear for 2021.

For us, 2020 was a whirlwind, but it was actually our best years ever. Of course we still dealt with setbacks just like everyone else, but we changed up the way we did things at the beginning of 2020, and it had a profound impact on how the year played out.

So what did we change? What actually happened for us in 2020? And what lessons did we learn that we’re carrying into 2021?

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Learn, Leadership Guest User Learn, Leadership Guest User

5 Ways You Should Legally Protect Your Business

You pour hours and hours of hard work into your latest content, course, product or service only to wonder, “what if someone steals this and sells it as their own? Can you contact them and ask them to remove it? What if they don’t take it down? Or what if they’ve been selling it as their own and making money off it?”

Or you’re 3 months into a 6-month service contract with a client when they suddenly change their credit card number and bails. Now what? You were relying on that money coming in and can’t afford to just let it go. But you didn’t have them sign anything, so how can you hold them accountable?

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Inspire, Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Inspire, Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

The Secret to Success is Smaller Than You Think

Success itself is arbitrary. It doesn’t mean you make a certain amount of money or have reached a level of fame. It is self defined. Success to me may not mean what success is to you at all. The thing about success, however, is that regardless of what you are seeking, there are always people seeking answers. “How do I get there?” There being the magical location where it all seems to fall into place.

People tend to ask those they view as successful, “How did you do it?” They assume that if they take the same steps, or follow the same path, they too will get there. Well, I am about to tell you that there is no answer, and there is no magic pill or pre-charted course. Success is made up of all the minute decisions that begin to add up. The small choices that make a radical change.

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Learn, Grow, Leadership Guest User Learn, Grow, Leadership Guest User

How to Figure Out What You Really Want to Do: 7 Steps to Build Your Dream Business

Hey, you. Yeah, you over there who has this passion that fuels your soul. This passion that you think deep down inside might just be able to turn into a business, but you’re maybe more than a little bit nervous about even thinking that. I mean, who makes money from doing something they actually love? We do. And so can you. We believe in treating your business (what you might be calling a hobby) like a business from day zero. Before we had clients or raving customers. Before it helped pay the bills and allowed us to work from home and make our own schedule. Before we had to pay quarterly taxes and consider an LLC. Before any of that, we decided that this little ole passion was going to be a full blown, soul fulfilling, freaking profitable business.

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Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Defining Your Goals: For Your Business & Your Life

Sure every one of you has heard you should set goals, but do you know why it is important for both your business and your life? No, this isn't some silly method to keep that New Year's Resolution you already gave up on. It's about defining specific, measurable goals that will motivate you to achieve them. Also, find out how Jim Carrey made $10 million dollars through positive visualization. 

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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