business insights
A funnel is not a website. It’s not a single email. It’s not an overpriced software platform someone tried to sell you in a webinar. It’s the journey someone takes from “Who are you?” → “This is interesting...” → “I need this in my life” → “Take my money.”
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100 Profitable Digital Product Ideas
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How Service Providers Can Identify Their Result and Deliver a Profitable Offer
Looking back there is something magical about the beginning stages of business. It’s like we all had this young naive way of thinking at the beginning. You’re learning all the things, you’re hustling, you’re saying yes a lot (probably more than you should have) but you’re doing it. You’re building something that is yours.
And then you get to a point where you’re hitting 10K months consistently. You did the thing! You’ve become an established business owner BUT you’re still holding onto that “beginner” energy. Yeah, you might be making more money but you’re still feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and stretched thin.
The Frugal Business Owner’s Guide to Graphic Design
If you’re anything like us, you like to make sure your money is going to something with a positive ROI before you invest in it. And we mean doing lots of research to be at least 99% positive that it’s worth the time and cash. Especially when you’re a new business, you don’t have the extra money to just throw spaghetti at the wall, so it’s really important that it’s going to stick. The same applies to all things graphic design.
Graphic design is a huge part of every business. It’s your social media content, your marketing assets, your website, your brand collateral, it’s pretty much everything visible about your business. And even though it’s super important, that doesn’t directly correlate with needing to spend big dollar bills on it.
In this blog post, we want to show you how you can make all things graphic design happen without breaking the bank. Welcome to the frugal business owner’s guide to graphic design!
How to Tell The Future of Your Business: Find Conversion Rates, Lifetime Value, Profit Margins and More
Conversion rates. Analytics. Measuring growth. Lifetime value. There are so many business buzzwords that get thrown around that can feel really intimidating to the average creative business owner.
However, knowing this information is super crucial to your profits, your growth and the decisions you make every single day in your business.
Keeping track of your business’ numbers allows you to make strategic decisions instead of just saying, “Well, I feel like this is going well, so I’m going to keep doing it” or “I feel like this new thing could really help, so I’m going to try it.”
Honestly? We’d rather make business decisions rooted in facts and data instead of basing everything soley of feelings. We love us a good “gut instinct” and we like to back it up with cold hard facts.
Knowing how much weight a product or service is pulling for you or if it’s time to let it go, the rate of growth across all of your channels, and your overall progress is so important in order to plan and set goals realistically in your business, both short and long term.
So how do you find this information (or sexy math as we like to call it)? Where do you begin?
It all starts with your analytics.
7 Steps to Opening Your Creative Business
How to Eliminate Start Up Costs in Your Online Business
When it comes to starting a business, there are usually a lot of overhead costs. Let’s be honest, those overhead costs can get overwhelming rather quickly, can’t they? You have people coming from every angle recommending that you use this cool new tool that they use because it got them one billion followers. Well, that’s a slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean!
Want to know the hardest part about opening your business? Simply getting started. That’s the only thing you need to focus on. You need the bare minimum to get the ball rolling on this cool new idea that you’re ready to show the world, but you’re overwhelmed by starting and worrying about how to afford to launch without putting it all on your credit card or taking out a loan.
How to Simplify Your Finances Especially if You've been putting Them Off
"I LOVE my business but… keeping up with the financials makes me feel all sorts of icky!"
That statement right there, is exactly what I hear from almost every creative I work with, time and time again! It feels like they have mastered all areas of their business but one. Managing finances correctly is a highly dreaded task for most creative entrepreneurs. I feel their pain, I really do! That’s why I want to provide you with a few simple but valuable steps to help you get started and begin to conquer this “left field” task. After reading this post, my hope is that you feel better and more capable of tackling this head on. Let’s get started!
Keep More Profit with These 3 Quick and Easy Tips
If you're like most creative business owners, you're super busy doing #allthethings in your business. You're the chief service provider, director of marketing, and content manager. It's no wonder that you hardly have any time left to tackle the administrative part of your business. Let’s be honest. Your bookkeeping isn't exactly the shiniest penny in the jar either, so it's often pushed aside week after week until it can be pushed no more — which usually signals that it's tax time! Am I right?
March 2017: Income Report $11,110
March already feels like decades ago, but so many important things happened that set us up for success in April that it would be a shame to just skip over the nitty gritty details. Inside this income report you will find out exactly what we have been investing in and spending time learning about behind the scenes, as well as our brand new tool to help automate some of the processes.
Why do we do income reports?
In an effort to be as transparent as possible in our own business, we have chosen to make 2017 the year in which we showcase the good, the bad and the ugly. That means we talk about money on months when we bring home the bacon and on months when we’d rather not discuss finances. We hope you learn a LOT from these reports. Replicate and tweak our strategies to use in your own business. Get inspired, learn from our mistakes and grow your own online business.
February 2017: Income Report $10,990
As promised, February’s income report coming at you! Inside we’ll chat about what you don’t see (this may have something to do with our new Burrito method), our Facebook Ads experiment and a little #TeamTCC update.
Normally I’d tell you to grab a cup of coffee, but I feel like this one deserves a bag of chips and some fresh guac. Enjoy!
Complete Guide to Dubsado’s New Form Builder 2022
As two self-dubbed Dubsado connoisseurs, we were over the moon when we first learned about the updates to Dubsado’s form builder. While it wasn’t terrible to use before, this upgrade that just rolled out for all accounts in July has increased our love for the platform times a thousand. Even though all of the blocks and options are basically the same, the form builder now has a whole new look that the majority of users will find more intuitive and easy to use.
We were part of the lucky group who were able to use the beta version of the new form builder for months, so we’ve already gotten used to the upgrade and have been sticking to it exclusively. Because of that, we knew we had to put out this unofficial guide to Dubsado’s new form builder!
How to Develop an Experimental Mindset and Curiosity Culture in Your Small Business
We have seen too many business owners allow themselves to get stuck in a planning and research phase (because planning is fun!) that the big dreamy goals they have for their business never really come to fruition. The #1 thing that’s helped our business reach 7-figures, employ us and our amazing team, allow us to take time away and live Life-First, grow (when we want to) and sustain is the fact that we’ve created an Experimental mindset for ourselves and a culture of curiosity for our team.
In today’s blog we go over how to develop an experimental mindset not just for you and your business but how to also implement it within your growing business.
How to Fire a Client (Without Ruining Your Reputation)
As dreamy as it would be to only ever work with clients we love, we know that isn’t always the case. There are even the few that put on a good front and seem like they’ll be a really great fit, but something goes astray during the relationship. It could be an issue as simple as miscommunication, lost expectations, scope creep, etc.
No matter the root issue, it’s hard! It may even be so hard that you’ve come to a point where you’re ready to fire a client and finally part ways for good. Before you let anxiety get the best of you, keep reading as we dive into how to determine if you actually need to say goodbye, some other ways to get back on track, and– if it comes down to it– how to fire a client without ruining your reputation.
How to Set up Business Systems That Work for You
Not many people would say systems get them excited but at Boss Project we feel passionately that systems are THE THING that gets us excited. (yeah, you heard us right!) Systems are what give you more time and freedom, they give you the opportunity to step away, they run your business smoothly, and they provide your clients with an excellent experience.
We’ve heard many business owners say that systems and automations are overwhelming to tackle because it’s one more thing to think about. If that’s the case for you then you really NEED systems. With some up front work, you’ll actually have less things to think about and more time to do other things.
The Art of the Customer Experience
When talking about the customer experience, there’s one word in particular that should come to mind: feelings. After all, that’s what it revolves around– how you make your customers or clients feel before, during, and after working with you.
But because the experience is based around feelings, that raises a ton of questions. How can you track feelings as a measurable KPI? What parts of your process should you focus on to invoke those positive feelings? Why the heck is all of this so important to begin with?
Keep reading for the answers to all of your questions as it relates to the art of the customer or client experience!
What Subject Matter Experts Need to Know About Running a Profitable Business
By definition, a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a person who is an authority in a particular area or topic. They’re knowledgeable about their topic, they focus on a very specific field, and they’re extremely sought after. If you’re a 1:1 service provider whose expertise lies in a specific niche, then you, our friend, are a Subject Matter Expert!
For example, a general Social Media Manager wouldn’t usually be classified as a SME, but an Instagram Strategy Consultant for veterinarians could be. You can fill in the blanks with your specific niche and ideal client. This isn’t to say one is better than the other, but we do want you to understand the difference between a generalist title versus a SME.
In this post, we’ll be covering 4 things that we think SMEs really need to be aware of about running a profitable business!

Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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