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How to Confidently Relaunch Your Offer
We know how much goes into creating an offer, wrapping it up, and getting it ready to officially present to the world, so we’re proud of you for pulling through. Now that you’ve had it out there for a while and have been nurturing your audience, you’re probably coming up on the need to relaunch it.
If you’re like, “Hold the phone! ‘Relaunch?’” Yes! What, you thought you could just launch your product once and that’s it? Unfortunately, as heavenly as that sounds, that’s not a very effective way to keep making money. No need to worry, though, because we just so happen to have relaunched probably more times than we’ve ordered from Starbucks (and that’s saying a lot).
With that said, we want to show you how to confidently relaunch so you can keep improving your offer and converting prospects into buyers!
Our Ultimate Guide to Finding and Pitching Potential Clients
One of the most overwhelming parts of starting a service-based business is how to actually find clients. You’ve done all of the beginning steps— you’ve decided what to offer, packaged and priced it, created your social channels, set up your financial shiz, and all of that fun jazz. But now, where the heck do you find clients and how do you pitch them?
Before we offered digital products, we were service providers, so we’ve had our fair share of finding and pitching clients. Today, we want to unveil our best tips to you in this ultimate guide!
How to Talk About Your Offer (Without Wearing Out Your Audience)
You inevitably have to constantly talk about your offer in order to keep it top of mind with your audience. After all, according to the rule of 7, someone needs to see or hear your marketing message seven times before they finally purchase from you. That seems like a lot, right?
Well, talking about your offer doesn’t always have to mean you’re directly promoting it 24/7. There are other ways to indirectly promote your offer without driving your people away (because it’s almost guaranteed you’ll lose followers or list subscribers if all you’re doing is selling to them).
Keep reading as we dive into how to talk about your offer without wearing out your audience!
Top 3 Ways We Nurture Our Audience and Get High Conversions
It’s one thing to launch a product or service (Go you by the way!), but it’s a whole other beast to actually maintain that offer after it’s all said and done. You want to make sure no one forgets about your offer and that you’re still tending to the leads that are cold, warm, hot, and everything in between. Otherwise, how would you convert anyone?
A big piece of getting conversions is keeping your audience engaged and providing value, AKA nurturing them. You’re nurturing your audience about 80% of the time, or at least you should be, which means it’s important to find ways and avenues to talk to them that work best. Here at Boss Project, we have three top ways that we nurture our people to increase our conversions, and that’s what we want to share with you today!
The Frugal Business Owner’s Guide to Graphic Design
If you’re anything like us, you like to make sure your money is going to something with a positive ROI before you invest in it. And we mean doing lots of research to be at least 99% positive that it’s worth the time and cash. Especially when you’re a new business, you don’t have the extra money to just throw spaghetti at the wall, so it’s really important that it’s going to stick. The same applies to all things graphic design.
Graphic design is a huge part of every business. It’s your social media content, your marketing assets, your website, your brand collateral, it’s pretty much everything visible about your business. And even though it’s super important, that doesn’t directly correlate with needing to spend big dollar bills on it.
In this blog post, we want to show you how you can make all things graphic design happen without breaking the bank. Welcome to the frugal business owner’s guide to graphic design!
The Beginner’s Guide to Dubsado
Dubsado boasts proudly that they’re an all-in-one CRM (as they should), but we understand that it’s common to get a bit scared at that thought. What will you do with all of the features? Is it too robust for your needs? It can be a bit overwhelming for a first-time user or someone who’s browsing different CRMs to invest in for their business.
When you understand all the different features and their functions, though, you can see how nicely they flow together. Every feature complements the next, and it really helps eliminate the confusion when you understand how they work. With that said, this is the beginner’s guide to Dubsado!
15 Ways You Could be Using Canva Right Now
Whenever we need to create quick graphics, Canva is always our go-to. The user-friendly interface and intuitive builder makes it ridiculously easy to create graphics for practically anything we need. It’s the perfect graphic design tool for business owners looking to create marketing assets themselves because anyone can use it, no matter if you have little to no graphic design experience or you’re an award-winning designer. (Our in-house designer for Boss Project, for example, still uses Canva for many of our graphics.)
But what would you actually use Canva for? Anything, really! In fact, we can think of at least 15 ways you could be using Canva right now, which we’ll cover in this blog post.
Why Dubsado is the #1 CRM for Service-Based Businesses
If you’ve been a reader of our blog for a while, you may have picked up on something: We. Love. Dubsado. Like, we’re quite possibly the world’s biggest Dubsado fans. We recommend it to every single service provider we know because that’s just how much we believe in the results that it can achieve service-based businesses.
But we know that there are those who have their doubts about whether Dubsado really is the best, not just in our eyes. So, in this blog post, we want to break down exactly why Dubsado is the #1 CRM for service-based businesses.
Canva vs. Picmonkey, Which is the best photo editor and why
Canva and Picmonkey are two of the largest editors for those looking for a quick and simple way to create designs. If you’re a beginner in graphic design or photo editing, you’ll probably find these two tools to be lifesavers. There’s always the question, though, of which one is the best and why?
In this blog post, we’re going to give a side-by-side comparison of Canva and Picmonkey, so you can decide which would be best for your needs and business!
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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