Tips to Structure Your Work Day for Productivity

Episode 356: Show Notes

Today we’re excited to be talking about a number of awesome productivity hacks. We know this is a popular topic many have covered, but it’s because it shapes the future of your business and in fact, your day-to-day happiness! We sometimes get stuck in a rut where we simply can’t focus and work like we are able to at other times. Now, with the changing season, we thought it would be an appropriate time to relook at some of these daily practices and share what we’ve personally done to up our level of productivity. 

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In this episode, each of us will share three tips that have worked for us, including claiming your me-time, structuring your day, considering your optimal work environment and building rewards into stressful tasks. For all of this and more, don’t miss out on today’s productivity hacks episode!

Self-Care and Exercise First Thing in The Morning  

When you prioritize self-care, you get more done. Since the beginning of the year, Abagail has started exercising every single day of the week, and even though it might seem unrealistic, it only has to take 30 minutes of your day. And yes, it ends up taking a bit longer because then you need to shower and get ready before you can start the day, but, what she has found is that she gets more done on the days when she works out, even if she starts her day an hour later. Exercising wakes you up and jumpstarts your energy, setting the perfect tone for a super productive day. This is one of the best things about working for yourself or working online. You get to choose your hours and decide when you want to get going, so exercising can easily fit into your schedule.

Take Me-Time by Listening to a Podcast or Audiobook

There is this perception that many of us have that, when we are not working, we are lazy and wasting time. This very quickly causes burnout, stress and a lowered immune system and has gotten many people hospitalized. What Emylee likes to do is to listen to true crime podcasts, particularly the shorter ones that she can finish in one quick session. Doing this just takes your mind off of everything else, giving you a mental break before starting or even during the day. You could also listen to an audiobook for 30 minutes, or, like Abagail, listen to an episode while you are exercising.

Add More Structure to Your Day

Structuring your day definitely promotes productivity, and a good place to start is by deciding on  definite start and finish times. This is of course specifically relevant for those of us who work from home, where the multitude of distractions can be a daily struggle. Those times don’t have to be the same every day. Look at your calendar and plan your times around that. Based on what your calendar says, you can then decide the night before what time you need to wake up and what time all your other activities need to take place. You can also decide on a target starting and finishing time, based on this information. We often finish around 3 p.m. because our brains are fried after five hours of super productive work. Quality over quantity!

Know When You Do Certain Tasks Best and Set Boundaries

This hack involves a certain degree of trial and error, finding out when you function optimally for different tasks. You might find that 7 a.m. meetings work really well or discover that they are awful. You won’t know unless you try. We forget that we are allowed to set these boundaries in our own business and decide what our schedules should look like. Knowing yourself and what you can handle and then setting boundaries accordingly, is crucial.  

Consider the Environment You Work Best In

Some people enjoy working in complete silence, regardless of what they’re doing and any background noise completely throws them off. Others like to work in coffee shops, or even sports bars, or in buzzing offices where the energy of others energizes them. Many people prefer working in seclusion and severely dislike being bothered, and this might mean muting all the notifications on your digital devices. You might find that you like to move around to different areas in your home because you get uncomfortable sitting at your desk the whole day long. 

Change A Stressful Activity into Something Fun  

Certain tasks and circumstances tend to be more stressful than others, and we’ve found a way to turn a negative into a positive by associating those tasks with something fun. If you dislike doing certain routine activities such as your books, for example, why not brighten it up by sitting in a beautiful place while doing it or treating yourself to your favorite coffee shop? When doing a stressful task, go out of your way to make it as pleasant and comfortable as you can and keep those special treats only for these kinds of jobs. In this way, you build rewards into unpleasant tasks, making them much more exciting to do!


Quote This

We forget that we can set these boundaries in our own business. If you don’t want meetings before or after a certain time, edit your scheduling link. It is that simple.



  • Self-Care and Exercise First Thing in The Morning. [0:02:25.1]

  • Take Me Time by Listening to a Podcast or Audio Book. [0:04:37.1]

  • Add More Structure to Your Day. [0:07:18.1]

  • Know When You Do Certain Tasks Best and Set Boundaries. [0:10:57.1]

  • Consider the Environment You Work Best In. [0:12:34.1]

  • Change A Stressful Activity into Something Fun. [0:14:42.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Productivity, Me time, Podcasts, Working from home, Boundaries, Work environment


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