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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User

How We Put Our Business on Autopilot and Had 12 Weeks of Paid Leave this Year

Today on the podcast we are talking payments, money and how it all happens. Now we know we toot our own horns all the time because we are really freakin’ proud of ourselves for doing the work that we do; six-figure months, six-figure launches, just six-figure everything! However, sometimes when you hear that from business owners, especially online, you often imagine those people are working non-stop, night and day. But today, we want to come into the conversation and remind you guys we have never been those super-hustler type of creatives and entrepreneurs. It’s just not in our nature and we literally want to do the opposite.

Inside this episode, we want to show you it is totally attainable for you to have a successful business and not be working around the clock. It is all possible by setting up the right systems, having the right processes, offering the right products and having all the things that make a great business. Success in business does NOT always mean you have to be working nights and weekends or not spending time with your families. In fact, we don’t believe in working like that at all because it’s actually not healthy. If you are ready to put your business on autopilot, then you better tune in to this one!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

The #1 Marketing Strategy Every Business Owner Forgets (and How it Sabotages Their Growth) with Julie Solomon

Today on the podcast we have our new friend Julie Solomon. Julie is a long-time listener, first time interview and an all-around fan of the podcast. Julie is a communicator at heart and a believer in the power of sharing stories. Her purpose is to encourage confidence and determination to create, perform and connect. She also comes with some sexy taglines like New York Best-Selling Publicist, Influencer Marketing Expert and Strategist, Founder of an iTunes Top 15 Business Podcast and Speaker. Girlfriend knows her stuff.

In this episode, we are talking about the number one marketing strategy every business owner forgets and how it sabotages their growth. Not to mention all of these crazy, insane places on the internet that y’all did not know existed and how they can help unlock some crazy publicity for you inside your biz. So if you are sick and tired of going down the same old path and constantly sabotaging your business from reaching its true potential, then this episode is for you! Stay tuned to hear more about how to change your approach.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Q & A With Abagail & Emylee: We're Answering Your Burning Questions Live!

We are back for another Q&A with Abagail and Emylee! Sometimes we allow you, our audience, to post up a thread of burning questions in our Facebook Group. These questions could be anything; business or life — literally anything is on the table. We did this a couple of days ago and received a ton of really great questions. We thought we would share them here on the podcast and make it an educational experience for y’all. Hopefully, we get to answer your question on air and give you all a bit of free coaching in today’s episode and even some strategy if you will.

With all the questions, we cover a big range of topics, including launching new products, knowing when to hire out and advice we wish we had known before starting our business. We also dive into the best strategies for creating challenges and let you know how to get those eyes on your prize! So if you have submitted a question to the group or you are just simply dying to hear the answers to all the many questions, stick around to hear us answer them. Now grab that coffee, get yourself comfy and let the answering games begin!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

How You Invest Based On Your Personality Type with Jessica Eley

Today on the show, we welcome back Jessica Eley, a woman who sets our souls on fire in all the best ways! Jessica is a mindset coach for high-achieving entrepreneurs. She also brings clean water to hundreds of people through her Workshops for Water Program while helping small business owners with their money mindset. Today, we are talking through money mindsets and how they vary based on your personality. We are offering ourselves to Jessica on a silver platter for her to pick apart and call out all of our “bad” money habits.

Money mindset is the underlying structure and core beliefs you have that are running your show around money. The things you don’t even question and the beliefs you “absorb” from your parents, friends and society. This forms a sort of cocktail, if you will, of how you perceive money and your own personal relationship with it. Some cocktails are well-mixed and others are just a really bad blend! In this episode, we’ll be breaking down four types of spenders and equipping you with the right questions to ask yourself before making a purchase. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel more confident in making better money decisions and investments and ensure they’re not coming from a place of fear.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Our October Monthly Breakdown

Today on the show we are back for another monthly review session! This is something we do on the regular here at TCC so today we thought we’d share it will all of you. We break down all the stats, all the data, everything we did, crunch the numbers and check in on our goals every 30 days. So this is us doing it for October 2017. As you all know by now, we love sharing the behind-the-scenes with y’all and giving you the step-by-step breakdown of what we have been up to in our business, what worked and what didn’t.

We start by going over all of our goals, reviewing what went down and how we could have done things differently. Next, we go over what we actually accomplished and what the outcomes were. We also check in on all of our stats including social media audiences, website pages views, and all of our other end of month audience numbers. As part of our breakdown, we also do an in-depth quarterly check-in from September and set new goals for November. We end it all off with new goals of our end of month audience numbers as well as setting an affirmation for the month of November. So if you want a little behind-the-scenes look at how we get it done, listen in and get writing!

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Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User

Self-Help Junkie Gives a Behind the Scenes Look at the Strategy Academy with Kendalyn Banks of Sage & Sea Apothecary

We have one of our dreamy students on the show today, Kendalyn Banks. She is a wanna-be mermaid, lightworker and sole proprietor of Sage & Sea Apothecary. She is multi-passionate and believes in taking the holistic approach to self-care and she’s got some amazing natural products in her shop. She is also a pretty smart entrepreneur! We had her on the show to walk you through exactly what she went through from starting her Etsy shop to growing her product-based business.

Kendalyn also shares her experience with Strategy Academy; what she was able to implement from the program and how she really started to see growth, both personally and inside her business. We are diving into nurturing versus growth. We are talking about pivoting, being a self-help junkie and what it’s like being a multi-passionate. At the end, we also go into the topic of meditation! This episode is a really amazing look at the behind-the-scenes of what a student inside Strategy Academy goes through. So if this is something you have been considering, you should definitely have a listen!

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Your Business Needs a Roadmap (Here's What To Do In Your First 2 Years of Business)

On today’s show, we will be answering our most frequently asked question: “How did you get from point A to point B?” We will be sharing what to do, when to do it and how to do it all in your first two years of business. These steps got us from zero dollars to nearly half a million dollars and we want to give you a step-by-step breakdown of everything we did along the way. Even if your goal is not to make half a million dollars, the strategies we implemented and the lessons we have learned can definitely be applied to any business goal. Whatever your ultimate goal, the strategies and order we did them in are the same.

Inside this episode, we give you a business roadmap and the eight main steps we took to reach our goal. The order of these steps is key and that is exactly why we will be sharing them in detail with you! To give you a little taste, here is how we are going to break it all down. 1) Build Your Foundation, 2) Craft Your Message, 3) Nurture Your Dreamies, 4) Streamline With Systems, 5) See The Big Picture, 6) Create Sustainability, 7) Formulate A Passive Business, 8) Reach Those #Squad Goals. Okay, are you ready? Let’s get started!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Psychology Driven Brand Strategy and An Opt-in that 55k People Have Dived Into with Kaye Putnam

Today on the podcast we have Kaye Putnam. Kaye is is a psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs. Through work with over a 100 clients, from Fortune 50’s to entrepreneurs, she developed the In Demand Brand method. She has had some crazy success though with her famous opt-in. 55,000 people have taken her psychology quiz all about branding and y’all need to take it too. Inside this episode, all three of us nerd out pretty hardcore. We talk about the psychology behind understanding your competition and establishing your brand presence. We uncover a couple of the most popular archetypes and the least popular ones.


Kaye brings to the conversation a different way of looking at your brand, your messaging and what you’re serving to your clients based off what you are actually best at and who you are as a human being, which is the easiest and best thing to do, right? Of course, we also talk about her quiz, the strategy behind how she set that up, how she has collected the leads and what it’s meant for her financially. This a good one to listen to just to uncover a little bit more about yourself and how you can use that to craft your brand messaging to your benefit.

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Why We Made Changes to Our Signature Program (pssst...Doors Are Opening Soon!)

Today on the show we are digging into our whole new sales and launch strategy. Previously when we launched programs, we did not really talk about it. It kind of came as a sneak attack or an added bonus for those who have already had a little taste of what we have to offer. This time around we did things a little differently. Instead of waiting until launch time to actually talk about it, we let y’all know early on that the doors would be opening soon and created some buzz around the pre-launch time. This really took the “ick” out of selling and a lot of people were really excited about the program coming back. Plus, everyone gets to have some anticipation about what we’re about to put out into the universe.

Now we are backing it up even further, letting you guys know way ahead of time that a program, like our Signature Program, is coming back! Doors are opening really soon and we wanted to come on the show to let you all know when it’s coming back so you can be ready for it. Plus, we are stepping out and breaking one of the marketing rules — we are actually going to be talking about pricing! We are also going to be talking about how you can get your butt inside and what it’s all about. We love doing it this way because it definitely takes off the pressure of making a surprise sell at the end of a webinar, and instead, it gets people legit ready for it and in the mindset of investing in themselves. So if you need to switch up your sales game and get your tribe excited, listen in to this episode!

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