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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Creating Your Profit Plan with Haley Burkhead of Profit Planner

Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast, all you beautiful creatures! We have a great show in store for you today, and we cannot wait for you to hear it. We have an extra special unicorn joining us in the form of Haley Burkhead, and she is here to tell us all about her business and her company called Profit Planner. Now, we say this all the time on The Strategy Hour, but it’s worth repeating: your profits really should be your highest priority. The money is what drives your business, and you need to put that in the front seat!

In our chat with Haley, we talk all about the way in which she has laid out her planner and how it can massively improve the way all of you run your businesses! Haley has so much energy and so many great ideas that we know you will be able to use immediately and will probably make you want to dig deeper into your planning methods. Haley gives us the whole breakdown on how the different levels of her framework and how each of these levels supports the next. Plus it is so fun and inspiring that we are pretty darn sure that after this episode you will not be able to wait to get started on optimizing everything you do! Throughout the episode Haley gives us steady reminders to keep you eyes on the profit prize and let everything fall into place around that. Great advice and something we urge you all to take to heart!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Real Talk: Anxiety, Overwhelm and Not Knowing What You Want

Do you know that things need to change but have no idea what change actually means? Do you often get anxious, overwhelmed, and not have a clue what you want? Well, you’re not alone! This is a common season that every entrepreneur goes through at one point or another and it’s something that can happen over and over again. We specifically feel this around contentment; it’s a weird mix of feelings where we don’t know what we like and we’re not too sure of what we don’t like. It ends up being a ton of back and forth and ultimately we’re left feeling overwhelmed.

In today’s episode we’re tackling this head on! We are getting a peek into Emylee’s brain and talking about some of her experiences with anxiety. We’re discussing how to redefine what we want, recognize whether it’s even something we want to be saying yes to, and finding some of sort clarity amongst the chaos. If this sounds like you and something you might be going through, keep listening to hear more!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

The Essential Shift You Need to Make to Conquer Anything with Jessica Eley

Hey amazing TCC tribe! We are so happy to welcome you back to another episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we have long time favorite and past guest Jessica Eley here to talk about how you can make the important shifts in your life to be able conquer anything and everything. Apart from being one of our “bestest” people in the world, Jessica is a verified badass and has loads of great stuff to share in this episode so you are not going to want to miss this one, we promise! We’ll be talking about finding points of resistance and ease, how to build up your confidence and basically tearing your life apart so you can build it all up again, stronger and better than ever.

Make sure to stay tuned to the very end as we will be making an extra special announcement about an offer you can take advantage of! But before we get there we will be having the type of conversation in which we wish all our listeners will be able to participate. Open, honest and self aware, these are the qualities that are going to take you from where you are now to where you want to be! We talk about that elephant that we find to be in the room just a little too much, this idea that if you are struggling with something you can just pour more money into it and then hope that some change will just miraculously happen. This episode is all about how you can do better by using your potential and taking action!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

The Dos and Don’ts of Your Email Welcome Sequence

Hey everybody and welcome back to the The Strategy Hour! We hope you’re as excited for today’s episode as we are because we have something special for your earbuds that we know you are going to love. Today we will be talking about email welcome sequences and how to do them right. It took us some time and few missteps to get our’s where they are today, and we are happy to share all the blunders we made for you and your business’ benefit! We want to help you get your welcome sequence just right for your needs and most importantly to make it profitable, so buckle up!

During this discussion we’ll be guiding you through our history with email tools and ideas and showing you just what worked...and what didn’t. At the end of the chat we will be sharing something extra special that can take you one step further in your marketing so make sure to listen out for that. We cover the purpose and reasons for having a bomb welcome sequence and do a deep dive into why our first welcome sequence was so bad! (Imagine that!) From there we share some of the reasons why it can be so difficult to get this right, especially in the beginning, and we finish off by emphasizing what you should be focusing on when you are putting your sequence together. Let’s do it!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How to Massively Increase Your Facebook ROI with Courtney Foster Donahue

Today’s show is an extra special one. In fact it was so special that we had to re-release it to all of our listeners because it was too good for just one run! This was a chat we had a little while ago with our friend, fellow unicorn and amazing red headed beauty, Courtney Foster-Donahue. Courtney Foster-Donahue is an Atlanta-based four-time entrepreneur, business strategist who specializes in video content creation and Facebook marketing and advertising. Courtney helps entrepreneurs to win using Facebook through her new program called FB Framework. The program was previously, and in some portions of this conversation, called FB Everything, just so you do not need to be confused between the two.

With over 1.96 billion people around the world on Facebook today, why are so many businesses claiming Facebook is dead, turning away from Facebook Ads, or not seeing any benefits in them? From Facebook page optimization, your business Facebook page, Facebook ads, to all the tiny tips to get you maximizing your reach and growing your business, we are covering everything. This re-run busts the Facebook myths that will help you turn your business around!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

5 Guiding Principles to Live an Irresistible Life with Aimee Beltran of Irresistible Icing

Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast everyone! Today we have a very special and meaningful episode with a wonderful guest that we cannot wait to share with you. Her name is Aimee Beltran and she started her own business and podcast called Irresistible Icing. We are huge fans and cannot wait for you to hear what Aimee has to say! Our guest has struggled with weight and body issues since she can remember and she has turned this difficulty into a source of support and care though her company. She always felt she needed to get to this idea of the perfect body but after years of bad experiences and self destruction she realized there were other ways to live the life she was dreaming of.

Aimee gives us the scoop on her five guiding principles that have helped her to start living an irresistible life. She takes us through these and gives us many other great insights and personal experiences. This episode is quite a deep one and we would like anyone with any history of body issues to be kind and caring to themselves while listening as we know these kinds of conversations can be very triggering. Nonetheless there are some tears and lots of laughter during our chat and the overwhelming message that we and Aimee really want to bring to our listeners is one of body positivity and acceptance. And remember things do not always have to be perfect!

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

The Kinda Crunchy Movement & Why We Love You The Way You Are.

Today on the show we’re talking The Kinda Crunchy Movement. You must be thinking, “What the french toast does this have to do with business?” Well, half jumping on a movement or half doing anything is freakin’ common and we think it only makes you human. But how can we identify those things and either make a decision that, it’s okay that you’re not going all the way or just decide that you want to make changes? Are you beating yourself up about some of the decisions you’re making or not making? Don’t worry, you’re not alone; We half-ass a lot of stuff!

Now you’re thinking, “How does this relate to other parts of my life?” Today we’re identifying it and recognizing where we’re doing it and where we want to make changes for the better. The common highlighter we’re talking about is our own flaws and our own ways, because we aren’t quite full anything just yet. Also, there is power in calling stuff out on what it is, so let us call out all the bullsh*t that we still do and don’t do so maybe you can feel a bit more normal.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Using Redbubble for Your Product Based Business with Kit Cronk

On today’s episode we welcome wonder woman, super biz lady and all round badass Kit Cronk! Kit is part of our Think Creative Collective family and we love her entrepreneurial spirit as well. She is here today to tell us all about how she uses Redbubble and drop shipping for her business and how you might be able to do the same. Some of you may have heard of drop shipping but if you haven’t do not fear, all will be explained and become clear shortly! Kit has managed to come up with a great model for her particular artistic business and we cannot wait to have her share her expertise with you!

During our discussion we cover what the current creative entrepreneur’s landscape looks like and touch on the not too distant fantasy of the business that can be run from the road. We also thoroughly break down Redbubble, the platform with which Kit has had such success, comparing it to other similar ones and looking at its benefits. Kit is kind enough to really unpack the strengths and weakness of the these platforms before laying out the technical details of how she makes them work for her. From there we traverse the world of Instagram and we all know important this can be to your success. Kit offers some great advice for growing a following, increasing the quality of your feed and giving your business the boost it deserves. So for an inspiring and purposeful masterclass in utilizing available technologies, platforms and networks be sure to tune in as we talk strategy!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

The 10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Going Evergreen

We have been working our booties off behind the scenes trying to set up something pretty epic in our business – the evergreen machine. So, in this episode, we’re finally ready to tell you about the pros and cons of this soul-destroying process and why it is so worth it! We all talk about financial freedom, we all want it, but you don’t always hear about the nitty-gritty testing, the waiting, the endless funnels inside the funnels and the insurmountable self-doubt it takes pushing through to get there.

Despite the many cons of evergreening, we managed to maintain our sanity, not kill each other, stick it out and evergreen a $2000 course online. The benefits of this has been more than we ever dreamed, and we want to tell you all about it, and how you can do it too. If you are a six figure business owner and are interested in evergreening one of your courses, then we want you to pay attention to this episode – it could just change your life.

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