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Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

How to Set up Business Systems That Work for You

Not many people would say systems get them excited but at Boss Project we feel passionately that systems are THE THING that gets us excited. (yeah, you heard us right!) Systems are what give you more time and freedom, they give you the opportunity to step away, they run your business smoothly, and they provide your clients with an excellent experience.

We’ve heard many business owners say that systems and automations are overwhelming to tackle because it’s one more thing to think about. If that’s the case for you then you really NEED systems. With some up front work, you’ll actually have less things to think about and more time to do other things.

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Learn, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

The Art of the Customer Experience

When talking about the customer experience, there’s one word in particular that should come to mind: feelings. After all, that’s what it revolves around– how you make your customers or clients feel before, during, and after working with you.

But because the experience is based around feelings, that raises a ton of questions. How can you track feelings as a measurable KPI? What parts of your process should you focus on to invoke those positive feelings? Why the heck is all of this so important to begin with?

Keep reading for the answers to all of your questions as it relates to the art of the customer or client experience!

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Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User

How to Take Your Dubsado Forms to the Next Level Using Code Blocks

One of our favorite features of Dubsado are the forms. They’re easy to design and even easier to send off to clients or embed on your website. In fact, the design possibilities are endless, and with Dubsado’s drag-and-drop builder, you’ll have them created in no time!

You’re able to add text boxes, images, questions, drop-down menus, columns, and more to your forms, but one of the most versatile blocks in the code block. With it, you’re able to integrate third party applications directly into your proposals, questionnaires, and lead capture forms!

This means that you can completely take your forms to the next level and amp up your client experience. The possibilities for what you can embed are endless, but we’re here to give you 5 ideas for how to take your Dubsado forms to the next level using code blocks!

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Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

The Foolproof Way to Start Implementing Strategies in Your Business

What do we actually do with information overload? When it comes to making plans for your small business you’ve got ideas and game plans out the wahzoo.

You see a shiny new course from this A-list business strategist and you just have to buy it, or maybe your favorite influencer has just released another free resource, so you rush to download it. Perhaps you’ve spent hours scrolling through Pinterest and saving tons of Pins that look interesting. Or you’ve just finished watching yet another webinar about a new thing you think could help, and you’ve filled a page or two with notes.

Can we get real with you for a second?

All of those countless courses, freebies, saved Pins, and webinar notes don’t mean a darn thing if you aren’t going to actually start doing something with them.

Sure, “knowledge is power”, but we’d like to think you don’t have much power if that knowledge isn’t being applied or even retained because you forget about it the next day when a new shiny squirrel catches your attention.

So, what do you do with a strategy once you’ve learned it besides just letting it sit in your virtual cupboard to collect dust?
These actionable steps will help you to figure out your own actionable steps when wanting to implement a new strategy. And if you have no idea what you even want to implement, stick around for a surprise at the end!

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Learn, Client Experience Guest User Learn, Client Experience Guest User

How to Magnetically Attract Clients You Love (without the Use of Social Media)

Many small businesses are basically “doomed” from the start.

Although done unknowingly, many entrepreneurs design their business in a way that keeps them stuck in the Merry-Go-Round trap.

They’ve designed their business in a circle. Doing the same things over and over again. Answering the same questions. Dealing with the same problems. And they aren’t growing.

I bet you know the feeling: you’re working and working and working, but you just aren’t seeing any progress. And where the heck are all those clients you desperately want to be working with?

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Learn, Marketing Guest User Learn, Marketing Guest User

How Blogging 5x A Week Got Me Zero Clients + The Secret Tool I Used Instead to Get Booked

Blogging is a long game strategy - meaning it’s effects are best measured months and years after a blog is posted. It can be a fantastic way to add valuable keywords to your website and to up your search rankings through the power of SEO (search engine optimization).

But here’s a secret about blogs that no one is talking about. Blogs are likely not reaching your potential clients. Blogs are reaching people who want solutions to a problem (think how to type content), not people looking to hire.

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Learn, Services Guest User Learn, Services Guest User

How to 30x What Your Next Photography Client Will Pay You

As photographers we convince ourselves that we all have to go through this same “rite of passage” in order to be legit. It looks something like this:

Get Camera -> Work For Free -> Charge $50 -> What the Hell Happens Next

Most of you are probably in between the “Charge $50” and the “What the Hell Happens Next” stage of business. Maybe you’ve upped that $50 session fee to a *gasp* $150.

So the goal here today is to take you from “I could make more money working at Target” to “Holy sh*t I’m looking at a $2k+ deposit”. Ready?

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Learn, Branding & Design Guest User Learn, Branding & Design Guest User

5 Ways to Successfully use Stock Photography on Your Website

Many of my website design clients aren't photographers, but they know they need great photos to make their website design pop. The trick isn't finding stock photography (it's all over the internet), but finding the right stock images and making them work for your website.  Here’s the thing: if you use the wrong images on your website, you’re going to run into problems.

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Woman leaning against back of chair and smiling at camera

Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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