business insights
A funnel is not a website. It’s not a single email. It’s not an overpriced software platform someone tried to sell you in a webinar. It’s the journey someone takes from “Who are you?” → “This is interesting...” → “I need this in my life” → “Take my money.”
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100 Profitable Digital Product Ideas
Plus, a totally free challenge to kick you into action and get this baby launched.
Uncover Your Personal Productivity Spirit Animal
You’ve tried planners, apps, notebooks, post-it notes and even set up entire walls of “organization” in order to master your productivity. Babe, quit trying so hard. You just need to know your productivity spirit animal and you will be set for life. You’ll know the environment you thrive in, where you get stuck and what you should do next.
But first, it only seemed right that we arm you with a few tips to get more done right away!
What To Do When Time Blocking Doesn't Work for You
44 Quick Tips to Becoming the Most Productive Person You Know
Superhuman productivity is possible. Just like anything else it takes practice, dedication, and hard work. But once you unlock new levels you will not only feel like a total badass, but you are bound to see bigger results in your business, less stress in your everyday life, and the accomplishment of your big scary goals more quickly than you ever thought possible.
Our Big Secret to an Organized and Balanced Workday in Our Small Business
Let me paint you a picture of our lives before Trello! Endless piles of paper, three journals working simultaneously (supposedly with different subject matter in each), scratched out to-do lists (and when they got too messy we would spend time rewriting them). I was in a constant state of panic, like I was going to forget a meeting or a deadline. I worried (even more than normal) that our whole business would fall apart over one missed task.
In the past we used Wunderlist as our project management system. It worked for a time but as our business grew and became more complicated, it ended up like the notepads, one hot mess.
We knew there had to be a better way!
Enter Trello - A free business tool that changed our lives and improved our business. But don't Google anything yet! Trello on its own is a little confusing, but don't worry - we've fixed it.
How to Know You're Ready to Launch Your Next Big Thing
If you're the kind that has lots of 'almost-ready-but-not-quite' products on your launching back burner, this get shit done post is for you. Here's what we know for sure: launched is better than perfect, and there are people out there who need what you have to offer. Here's how to know if it's time to get it off the shelf and into the hands of your dream customers.
How to be a Productive New Entrepreneur
Starting a new business means introducing a whole new set of tasks to your plate, and the crazy part is, you don’t even know what half of them are yet.
The first few days will be busy as you set things up, such as your domain and social media accounts. Maybe you’ll write a business plan. Then comes the hard part, as you settle into a routine.
How to Organize Your Launching Strategy with Trello
Raise your hand if launching gives you the heebie jeebies. I get it, boss. There are a million and one moving pieces and it’s hard enough for you to remember all the steps - let alone have some sort of organization that helps you keep it all together. Here's our secret formula for using Trello to go from Idea to 10K launch in just 30 days.
Why I Broke Up with My Paper Planner and How it Totally Changed Our Business
Abagail here. I love paper. The smell of fresh ink on a hot sheet of paper makes me feel giddy. This shouldn’t be such a surprising phenomenon considering my background in design, but I have a confession to make.
I’ve broken up with paper.
Gone are the days of endless stacks of Post-it notes, forgetting which notebook contained what set of notes from which meeting, and constantly worrying that I would forget (or even lose) my to-do list.
Organize Your Business and Your Life with Trello
Figuring out how to be productive as a small business owner is a job in and of itself. If you’re like us, then you’ve tried ALLL the systems! Some are free (like post-it notes, the notes app on your phone, notebooks and notepads) and some are paid (expensive software or paid apps that you think will do the trick). For some reason, they’ve all failed — and you may feel like you’ve failed all of them. Because for a lot of us (especially us creatives), our brains only work a certain way.
Seriously — for us to be productive, organized and put together we have to have the moon in a certain phase, standing on one foot, in a finger towards the north wind kind of pose. You feel us?
When is the "Right" Time to Work on Your Business
You’re technically working “on your business” all the time, but what about the time you take out to learn from someone else? To get new insights and ideas, what to do differently, growth strategies and guidance? Your schedule is so full that you hardly even have time to do the things outside of work that you enjoy, much less focus on business education.
You know that you need outside help, but you continue to push it back because you’re waiting for the “right” time, for a moment where you feel like you have more time on your calendar to dedicate to it. The thing is, how many other things are you waiting until that calendar space opens up for you to get to it?
Keep reading to find out when is actually the right time to work on your business and the importance of actively prioritizing education, so you can start seeing drastic changes quickly.
3 Strategies to Successfully Streamline Tasks and Projects in Asana
We’ve tried many project management systems throughout the different stages of our business, and the one that’s allowed us to completely revolutionize how we complete projects and daily tasks is Asana. It’s the perfect fit for our team and, honestly, Boss Project has never been more organized and streamlined!
We’re learning new things and ways to refine our systems in Asana every single day. Even though our project management is ever-developing, we’ve still picked up on 3 strategies that have really amped our overall experience with the platform. Keep reading to find out what they are!
How to Set Goals and Achieve Them in 2022
One of our favorite activities to do in our business is goal setting. We love planning where we want our business to be in the coming months, quarters, or years. There’s just something so refreshing and exciting about envisioning hitting those milestones!
However, we don’t set goals by just making up a financial number that we’d like to see our business hit. We really dig into our numbers and use our lifestyle/business wants and needs in tandem with evaluating our current offerings to give us a number that’s realistically reachable.
Keep reading if you want to learn our process of goal setting, so you can actually achieve them in 2022!
Our Top 10 Favorite Productivity Tools for 2021
Owning and operating your own business generally means that you end up wearing lots of hats, especially when you haven’t yet formed a team. You’re not only the director of pushing out and creating all the content, but the one who markets it, organizes getting paid, communicates with clients, and so much more.
Needless to say, all of this can be beyond overwhelming, unless you have the tools and systems in place to help you save energy, time, and money. If you know anything about us at all, it’s probably that we’re all about tools and systems. It’s like therapy for us knowing that we have a system for every part of our business.
Today, we want to share our top 10 favorite productivity tools for 2021 and how they impact our business, in hopes that they can help you in your business, too! And, yes, we actually use and love the tools on this list!
Launch Simply in 2021
If there’s anyone that knows a thing or two about launching, it’s us. In the past 5 years we’ve been in business, we’ve launched more times than we can count with a multitude of different products and services as our business transitioned and grew.
During the different seasons of our business, we’ve had big launches, small launches, and everything in between, so we’ve also picked up on how to do it without being so stressed. We think the number one important thing about launching is that it’s fun and simple. Otherwise, who the heck would ever want to launch anything?
So, today, we’re going to share with you a little about our plan for launching simply, and show you our little secret for making launching even easier.
A New Way to Plan 2021 That Actually Works
2021 is right around the corner, and last week we talked all about the never-ending cycle of being super super motivated to crush your goals in the new year, and then as the year goes on, momentum starts to fade ever so slowly.
We even talked about the importance of reflecting on your goals the week before and how doing so can help you plan strategically and intentionally, so you aren’t just writing down goals that aren’t realistic or reachable.
Now, what about the actual planning process? At the end of 2019, we tried a new technique that helped us plan for 2020 tremendously, and we’re going to break that down for you today.

Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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