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with abagail pumphrey

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

Under the Confident Exterior: Uncovering Hidden Struggles of High Performers with Amira Alvarez

What if achieving unstoppable success meant facing the inner struggles you’ve been avoiding? Today, I’m joined by Amira Alvarez, Founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman and host of The Unstoppable Woman Podcast. Known for her extraordinary achievement of increasing her income fivefold in just one year and building a multi-million-dollar company, Amira is an inspiring entrepreneur and coach dedicated to helping high-achieving women unlock even greater financial success and fulfillment.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

Investing in Your Dream

As we approach the end of the year, it’s natural to reflect on what we truly want and where we would like to go next; to figure out what our plans and aspirations could potentially look like. Today we’re digging into what it looks like to invest in your dream and the things you truly want to pursue. How do you make that happen when there's still so much on your plate, so many areas of your life pulling at you, not to mention the finances required to keep things running? Join me today as I explore what it means to strike that balance and invest in your passion.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety - And Still Stay Productive

During this episode, I want to dive into what it’s really like to deal with stress and anxiety while you are building a business. How do you continue to be productive? How do you build a support team and a structure that will allow you to drive even when you are struggling with your mental health? It is okay to not be okay all the time! You can still be an incredibly successful person who figures out to manage and cope, and still has bad days.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

The New Phases of Adulthood: How to Figure Out What You Actually Want

Have you ever felt that you’ve run out of boxes to check? It can feel unsettling not to be clear on what you should be pursuing, especially as you get older. We were pretty surprised to find out that most of the things we strive for as we age are actually developmental milestones. We learned that, with the passing of each decade, there needs to be a realignment to work toward a new set of goals. There’s a progression from building your career in your twenties, to finding life alignment in your thirties, connecting to passion and purpose in your forties, and building a legacy in your fifties and beyond. Striving to make these things a priority is a natural part of the life cycle.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

Setting Boundaries and Growing Confidence with Megan Reed Part 2

Part 1 of our conversation with Megan involved a discussion around the difference between self-care and treating yourself (and what this means for you as a business owner) and how to really step into your identity as a person and figure out what fills you up. We ended the last episode by touching on the confidence realm; confidence allows us to do so many things in life and business.

Today, for part two of our conversation with Megan, we’re going to continue on this confidence theme and also get stuck into our very favorite ‘B’ word of all time; boundaries! Boundaries look different for everyone, and can be continuously redefined as you grow and change as a person. Nobody knows what’s going on in your head, and setting boundaries is a way of protecting your energy, your wellbeing, your personal safety, and so much more. Join us today as we spill all the beans on boundaries!

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

The Difference Between Health-Care and Self-Care as a Business Owner with Megan Reed Part 1

Our guest today, Megan Reed, is one of our new client success coaches inside the Incubator. She works alongside our clients to really uncover some of the mindset work that's necessary to take you to the next level. Her background in design makes her a really valuable player. Today we’re going to be talking about the beliefs that you have about yourselves, and some things you need to be working through.

We don’t often tackle the topic of mindset on this show, or with our clients, because that isn’t our field of expertise. So we decided to bring someone on who really knows what she’s talking about. The reason why we wanted to cover this topic is because of the responses that we received to a question we asked on our Incubator intake forms. “How do you like to treat yourselves?” was the question, and the answers basically ranged from, “I don’t know,” to “I don’t treat myself.”

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Why Boring, Stable, and Consistent is Our 2021 Motto

Are you ready to plan the year ahead? It might be easier to do when you’ve had a great 2020 but, even then, you can plan to stick to the plan! We know we just want more of what we had but we are also keen to try new things too. In 2020, we found the sweet spot of being consistent and boring and realized that they are our middle names. We embrace them, we love them, and this is where we flourish and feel comfortable. While it’s not flashy or sexy and it doesn’t do dances on TikTok, we are 100% okay with that!

Not all of us dream of making seven figures. For some of us, our businesses are perfect the way they are when they work for us instead of us working for them. In other words, while you might not roll in the dough, if you are satisfied with what your business brings in and it supports you to the extent that it suits your lifestyle, who cares about the rest? It is worth remembering that you risk much more when you try to grow and scale your business aggressively, and many have closed their doors after pursuing exponential growth instead of keeping to the stable and consistent things. We would like to be around, no matter what happens in the world, and we believe that we can do that by doing more of the same-old same-old. This strategy will not get us on Oprah’s couch or anything spectacular like that, and we don’t have $10 million growth plans, but tune in to hear how we are planning to bring boring, stable, and consistent back!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Getting out of a Creative Funk, Overwhelm, and Comparisonitis

Emylee is back from a much-needed break, but now she feels like she has forgotten how to do her job! Getting back into business mode with Boss Project is also different from returning to her side hustle, since the more creative tasks use another side of the brain. It got her thinking about overwhelm and taking breaks and thought it’s high time they did an episode on honoring your creative process. Abagail, on the other hand, is in the middle of a big house move and, as they both want to take a break over December, they find themselves in an interesting place. Abagail finds that, after a busy day, it is more relaxing and energizing to do something creative rather than vegging out on the couch. Once Emylee got back into her clay-making studio, she also had an idea for a pair of earrings she wanted to get out, surprising herself with creativity she didn’t even think she had at that point.

If you feel like you lack creativity, feel overwhelmed, and get stuck comparing yourself with everybody else, this episode will help you navigate these ‘meh’ situations and get your creative fire going again! At the very least, you will walk away encouraged by the knowledge that others also go through dry spells. Tune in!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Are You a Be-er or a Do-er? with Jessica Eley

Today on the show we are joined by the wonderful, the amazing, the multi-talented, Jessica Eley. If you do not already know Jessica, well you should! She is a mindset coach for high-achievers and has helped loads of business owners improve their practices and reach for the stars. She goes deep, wide and everywhere in-between with them and today we will be talking about the two different types of people there are in this world; be-ers and do-ers!

Jessica unpacks how figuring out which of these types you are can make such a difference to the way you approach life and business. She explains the pros and cons of each and how striving for more balance can serve you so well moving forward. We talk about the types of tools and strategies that work for each and we give great examples of how these play out. Jessica is definitely more of a be-er, while Emylee is definitely a do-er, the conversation has a natural contrasting dynamic, which you will definitely appreciate. Join us as we dive deep with Jessica!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Our 2020 Words of the Year and How They Apply to Your Business

It’s that time of the year again — we’re sharing our favorite words for 2020 and how they relate to your business! This past year, Abagail’s word has been “react”. She worked hard at learning to process her emotions in healthier ways and to not overreact to situations, trying to find that delicate balance between allowing yourself to feel the feelings but also not letting them guide your decision-making. 

Emylee, on the other hand, wanted to approach this year with “ease”, knowing that she had many changes ahead, such as moving to a new house and figuring out childcare. What she learned in the process was that she needed to make a decision that worked for her at that moment instead of trying to make long-term, “forever” decisions for every little thing. In this episode, we share our new words for 2020, and they’re good! Why not choose a word of your own (and share it with us over on Instagram) to guide you through the year; a word that summarizes the mindset you would like to adopt and take into the new year? Be sure to join our conversation to learn the whats, whys, and hows! 

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Get Over Self-Sabotage and Increase Your Take Home Pay by 20% with Claire Pelletreau

Today on the podcast our guest is Claire Pelletreau, a Facebook ads and conversion optimization expert. Her genius involves brainstorming, strategizing, training and overseeing aspects of ad spend for her clients – but that’s not what we’re picking her brain for today. We hear her take on what it means to show up in your business and focus on things that increase profits. We also talk about the nagging sense that you’re not growing as you ought to in your business and those things that lead to self-sabotage. If you’ve ever suffered from imposter syndrome, this episode offers you loads of questions and points of consideration that will help you to move past those gnarly mindsets. 

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Decisions Suck, But They Don't Have To

‘Tis the season! And we’re heading into good, stressful, happy seasons in business and in life. This is a busy time where we are forced to make many decisions. Are you doing the whole never-making-a-decision thing? Are you second-guessing every move and letting the process of making a decision stress you out so much that you don’t make a decision about anything, at all? If this sounds like you, then we want you to use this episode as a little fairy godmother on your shoulder to help you decide.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Starting from Scratch: Fears & Fumbles While Growing Our Side Hustles

The cat’s out the bag! We have just started our own new businesses. Two different businesses. Two different industries. And we’re building them completely on our own. Emylee’s latest side-hustle is selling her own hand-painted artworks online and Abbie has started an MLM business with Young Living products. In addition to TCC, we wanted to start something completely on our own and as exciting as it is – truthfully, we’re both a hot mess and are grappling with so many aspects of product-based entrepreneurship that we didn’t even expect as mentors in this field.


Inside this episode, you will find out more about our latest side hustles, why we started them, how we are growing them and the many challenges we are currently facing in this new terrain. If you are a compulsive entrepreneur or are in the same boat of juggling your many business passions, then this is definitely an episode you’ll relate to. So take a listen, find out how we are going about our new ventures and most importantly, know you are NOT alone!

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Woman leaning on back of chair and smiling at camera

meet your host

I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.

I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.

I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.

I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.

I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.

My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!

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I’ve kept these details to myself for far too long. I’m ready to spill everything and give you the exact steps that’ve helped me generate tens of thousands of qualified leads and MILLIONS in low-ticket digital product sales. I won’t just show you what I did, I’ll teach you how you can do it too.

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