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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

top 10 business podcast | 4 Million+ downloads | 750+ episodes

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Being a Premium Coach without Fancy Funnels or a Giant Email List with Jessica Yarbrough, The Mompreneur Coach

Today on the podcast we have Jessica Yarbrough, The Mompreneur Coach. Jessica is a successful entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and business coach who helps other women create high-end coaching programs so they can create their own amazing enterprises.

We’re talking about how to shift your mindset to not only own your worth but charge the big bucks for your offers. We dive into talking about the best practices of whether you should charge hourly rates or bundle up your offers in premium, high-end packages. Jessica shares all about how she was able to build her six figure coaching business without fancy funnels, without a large email list, and without spending any money on ads. So you grass-roots people who think that a premium business with premium services and offerings is out of your reach if you’re not putting a whole bunch of money into it, we know you are really going to like this episode!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Q & A with Abagail & Emylee: Personal and Business

We are coming in with a little light episode today. Actually, it might not be so light with the questions that have been coming in right now. We get a crap ton of questions from you guys all the time, both personal and business related, and usually we have already recorded or written something about it. But sometimes we just get this kind of hodgepodge of questions from you guys that just don’t quite fit into any particular topic.

So today we decided to tackle them in a Q&A format. This isn’t fancy, it isn’t organized, but it is going to answer those burning questions that y’all have for us! We are just going to go down the list and answer your questions, one by one. We are giving the people what they want. As simple as that!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Crossing the Rainbow into Online Sales + New Ways to Get Your Dreamies on Your List with Allison Marshall of Wonderlass

Today on the podcast, be prepared to laugh a lot because Allison Marshall is a handful. We had a ton of fun interviewing her, as we go back a while. We met up with her for coffee sometime last year and since then, we have partnered up on a few creative projects and it has been really fun to see her and her business grow as she’s transitioned from a full-time wedding photographer into teaching other creative entrepreneurs how to grow a profitable online business. She is here to share her story and the steps that she took to make all of that happen, so if that’s something that you’re wanting to be doing, then this is the episode for you.

Be sure to listen to how Allison transitioned from wedding photography to online sales. We also talk about the things that actually helped her make it happen, like getting people on her list and attracting the right kind of people. She shares her thoughts and processes on being yourself in your brand and things you can create for an opt-in to get people on your list, and also does a quick brainstorm of all the different tactics that she uses and how she is successful at getting people on her list. You can copy and paste those with some freebies that we’re mentioning today! We had a lot of giggles, a lot of passionate yelling and a really good time. Can’t wait for you to get into this one.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Our Mega Launch Challenge Stats (copy + paste this strategy)

As you may or may not know, we had a Five Days to Launch Challenge earlier this June and we ran it literally just for five days, but we did a lot of promotion leading up to it and we wanted to talk to you today about everything that worked, the things we would've changed, how our engagement went throughout and how it's affected our launch so far. While recording this podcast, we’re literally still in the middle of launching, so can't give you final numbers, but we can tell you what we think it did in the beginning. We’re excited to jump in.

We are going to talk all about the challenges of launching and how to use these challenges to launch better, faster, stronger, awesomer, and smarter. We also dive into how to build more engagement, be more valuable, get more people on your list, and have a damn fun time doing it! So if you are ready to have some fun while making some money, then you better not miss this episode.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Letting Go of Mom and Boss Babe Guilt with Dana Malstaff of Boss Mom

Today on the podcast, we have Dana Malstaff of Boss Mom. She is a mother, author, business owner, content strategist, coach, podcaster and blind spot reducer. Dana is a big deal! We have known Dana for quite some time now, but she has been guiding moms all over the internet for a while and helping them nurture their businesses and figure out this whole game of growing an empire while growing a family.

We’re covering a lot today, trying to get to all the topics and questions that you guys have brought up over and over but we just haven’t been equipped to deal with yet. So we brought on Dana to cover the good stuff, like how the heck do you handle mom guilt and business guilt? Can you actually build an empire with little ones at home? What’s this whole myth of balance, and what can we reframe our mindsets around in order to make sure that we are being awesome parents and awesome business owners and awesome people in general? We’re talking about some really great tactical items that you guys are going to walk away with to really let go of that guilt, and reframe your focus around what you are doing in parenthood and business ownership.

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

Turning Your Craft into a Thriving Business with the Strategy Academy

You guys, today is kind of an incredible day. We are introducing you to our newest creation, The Strategy Academy. It’s our digital baby, the thing that we have been working on literally from day one. We wanted to create this new movement and program and opportunity for small business owners, specifically creative small business owners. The reactions have been amazing, the support, the cheerleading, everything around this program has just made our hearts go super warm and fuzzy.

Today, we’re going to introduce you to the Strategy Academy, we’re going to walk you through what’s inside, why it’s amazing and kind of explain more of the choose your own adventure that we have built inside this program. This will help make those decisions a little easier and really give you some guidance as to what you’re going to get out of the program and why we invested so much time and energy into it.

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How to Launch a Podcast in 7 Days with Sagan Morrow of Candid Conversations

Today we are chatting with Sagan Morrow, who is a small business strategist, published author, and blogger at With nearly a decade of experience as a freelance writer/editor/social media manager, Sagan now teaches struggling solopreneurs how to create their own customized, actionable strategies for starting and building their own successful, profitable home-based businesses, without the overwhelm. Sagan is an intersectional feminist with a degree in Rhetoric. She recently launched the Candid Conversations small business podcast with her business partner to share the behind-the-scenes real, raw stories of entrepreneurship, in an effort to inspire and guide others through the uncertain landscape that is being a small business owner.

Sagan and her now business partner launched their podcast in seven days and today we’re going through the steps of how they made that happen, how they figured out the tech, and how they landed a sponsor. We also go over exactly how they got onto iTunes, what kind of hours they put in, and advice that they have for people who are wanting to launch anything in a small amount of time. So if you are ready to get off the fence and get your ideas out into the real world, then you should definitely tune in to today’s episode!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How to Launch in Five Days and the 8 Secret Steps to Success

We are here today to congratulate all of you who just came through on the other side of the glorious hill after finishing our free Five Days to Launch Challenge. In this episode, we are going to do a quick recap of what the heck you all learned in the challenge and maybe try to give you one more boost of energy to keep trucking forward. Plus, we are going to give you an invitation to another free challenge for you to learn even more awesome, amazing things for your business.

We have been so impressed by the community that was able to take an idea that they had, turn it into a product, and get it to market in five days. We are briefly going to go over the steps the participants took, so if you missed the challenge and you want to figure out what the heck they did, definitely stay tuned because you can participate in our next one for sure. We are definitely going to do this again because it was an absolute party and, as you know, we will be here again probably in like a week or so giving you a full recap of the challenge and a behind the scenes look from our end. So if this is something that you guys are wanting to incorporate in your own business, you can just copy and paste what we did because we had a blast!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Getting Out of Your Creative Funk and Making White Space with Mary Hyatt

Today on the podcast you’re going to hear from Mary Hyatt. Mary is a personal life and business coach who helps people get into the raw side of themselves, fall back in love, and believe in their potential. She believes that every person has the ability to create the life they love and helps her clients to wake up, find their voices, and become fully alive. Creative entrepreneurs, seriously, this one was recorded for you!

We talk about how to stay in a place of inspiration so you can keep putting out valuable content, why you may be in a creative funk, and how to get that creative white space back. Mary also breaks down the bare methods, and we talk about believing in something so it actually happens. We dive into the mythical balance, how you can blend your life, and really what you need to have at the front and center of your mind before you can tackle anything in your business. We are super excited! Seriously, it was such a joy to hear from Mary, and you are going to love this episode.

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