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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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What's Working Now on Instagram: 22 Tips to Rock It with Tyler J. McCall

Hey everybody and welcome to another fantastic episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast! Today we are joined by one of our favorite people in the world, a real internet bestie and the Instagram King, Tyler J. McCall! Tyler is here to talk to us about his speciality - how to get Instagram working for you immediately. Of course, Instagram, like all social platforms is constantly evolving so Tyler will be talking about what the best strategies are right now, but also looking at some of the more timeless rules of the framework. Tyler has helped a huge amount of entrepreneurs (including us!) to grow their Instagram following and engagement through the lessons he teaches. For Tyler, it really is quite simple: if you follow a few easy rules, have fun, and bring your own personality to your account you really can’t go wrong!

During our conversation we cover some of the basics around content and captions and the move away from highly curated profiles. Tyler also stresses the importance of knowledge of your audience and how this informs your strategy. We get into the nitty gritty of telling your brand’s story and how to convey this in an effective and engaging way as well as looking at the values that underscore everything that you post. One of the biggest recent developments on Instagram is obviously the Stories feature and Tyler breaks down some lessons for approaching that area and also reiterates just how important they are to your reach, engagement, and potential profits. Lastly, we cover some tips and ideas for personal versus business profiles and how to go about starting out on the platform for newbies. Jump in, it’s going to be a fun ride!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

The Boss Project Summit: The How, The Why, and The Where

Welcome to another episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast all of you wonderful and beautiful biz unicorns! Today we will be talking about something extra special and exciting and something we have been looking forward to spilling the beans on for ages! This episode is going to be all about our upcoming Boss Project Summit, that we are hosting in November. Are you as excited as we are? Because we have never really been this excited before. Today we will be giving you the quick overview of what the summit will include, a little behind the scenes, and then we will drop down into some more details about the event. Sound good? We think so!

We give you the how, the why, and the where because we know you are going to want to know it all! We talk about which speakers we are most excited about, but really we are pretty crazy about all of them, we get into the reasons why it has taken us this long to get around to making this dream a reality and we talk about the magical All Access Pass that is vital if you want to get the most out of the summit. It’s hard for us to express just how great this event is going to be, but if you know us and know what our business and podcast is about, imagine that to the nth degree and you are getting close!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

Behind the Scenes: Self-Publishing an Amazon Best Seller with Parijat Deshpande

Welcome back to another episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast with your favorite business sisters! We have a great episode in store for you today in which we will be talking to our friend Parijat Deshpande about her experiences self publishing an Amazon bestseller. Parijat is a high risk pregnancy expert and decided to turn her work and wisdom into a book called Pregnancy Brain, which has quickly become a hit and is selling fast since it was published! We chat about what led to the writing and publishing of Pregnancy Brain and what that process was like, from start to finish.

Parijat is a great example of someone taking their business and turning it into something else, namely a distributable and profitable outlet. This is one way that a one-on-one business can be scaled to create more revenue and reach. During our discussion Parijat takes us through the lessons she learned over the last year and a half as she was able to very quickly move from deciding on creating the book to selling it. She really is an inspiration and we at TCC hope she can inspire you to reach your dreams and get your book out of your head and out into the world! We chat about editors, design choices, the writing process and the ups and downs of becoming and author. All things we know you are dying to hear about so without further ado, let’s jump right in!

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

Our NEW Online Shop + Book Club

Yes, you read that heading right! We feel like one of our dreams came true recently. We have been dying for physical products for God knows how long. Well, instead of developing our own products, which will probably happen at some point in the future, this feels like a major stepping stone in the right direction for us. We’re SUPER excited to announce it and we can’t wait to tell you all about it.

We officially have our own online shop! You can literally go buy anything from there. It’s curated to have our most favorite items from the most important categories in our lives and it’s hosted on your favorite platform ever! If you want to screw this whole episode and rather go shop, you can — we won’t hold it against you! However, if you want to know more about it, listen up first and then you can go shop til you drop!

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Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User Podcast, Branding & Design Guest User

How Your Style Can Affect Your Brand with Jennifer Mary of Apple and Pear Wardrobe

On this episode of the Strategy Hour we have a very wonderful guest and conversation to share with all our listeners! Today, we welcome Jennifer Mary of Apple and Pear Wardrobe.  She is here to tell us all about how to curate your best wardrobe and the difference that it can make in your business and life in general. Funnily enough, Jennifer admits she is not the person who loves clothes more than anything, but she is obsessed with difference they can make to our lives. At the end of the day it’s all about what clothes mean to us and how they can make us feel. Let’s face it, we perform much better when we are feeling good and and we feel good when we look good, so really it’s quite a simple equation.

We talk about compiling a great capsule wardrobe and decluttering your closet for a stress free mind and less decision fatigue. We also get into how to really dress according to your needs and to make the right impression. Jennifer shows how you can easily increase your levels of productivity and happiness by just making a few changes to your dressing habits and looking the part. A big takeaway from the episode is the idea that you can make a statement, wherever you are, with how you dress. Your clothes speak volumes about you, make sure show up in the right way!

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Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User

Exactly How to Turn Your Vision Into Daily Actions

Ever been stuck with ideas and you just didn’t know if they were right for you or how to put them into action? We’ve been getting tons of questions from you all out there, and most of the questions being along the lines of, “How do you guys know when a product or a launch is the right thing to do?” and “When do you reassess and change things and how do you actually know that something isn’t quite right?” We’re here today to tell you about our past experiences and how we got to figuring it all out.

In our experience we’ve always just kinda “did it” and generally made it happen. There haven’t been many ideas that have come up that didn’t ultimately end up being created. We’re digging into how we originally started and how we knew it was the right choice for us.  We also delve into where our heads were at along the process and what you can do turn your vision into daily actions. From idea, to conception, to sale, we’re giving you both parts of our system. Be sure to keep listening to find out more!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

When You Realize You Don't Love Your Biz and How to Sell It with Haley Williams

Welcome back to the The Strategy Hour everybody. We hope you are excited about today’s episode because we sure are! Today we are chatting with Haley Williams about selling a business when you realize that you might not love what you are doing. This is an experience Haley had with a project she had been running for the last seven years only a few months ago! This can obviously be quite a difficult process and that is what this chat is all about. Making tough choices that are the best for you. It took some time but Haley found the clarity she needed to feel good about her decision and has not looked back since.

There are a number of choices that are available to us as business owners when these feelings arise. One of the options is to just shut down the business completely, which is quite drastic but is sometimes necessary. The second option is to think about changing the way you work and how the business runs and the last is to let go of it and have someone else buy and take care of it. The last of these is what Haley did and she found it was a lot more about letting go of the identity she had come to correlate to her business and realizing that she was more than that part of herself. Even at TCC, we are also slowly finding our way through this dynamic and learning to value ourselves beyond the work we put into our jobs. So come along for this important journey and hopefully you can come out the side inspired and ready for any necessary changes.

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Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User

What Do We Actually Do Every Day?

Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast everybody! We are so happy to have you and can’t wait to share another batch of super useful biz info with our beautiful tribe. We thought it would be a good idea to let all of you know what our day-to-day work looks like and how we actually spend our time while working. To do this we are going to look back a bit and see how things started. Then we’re going to reflect on what we did in the beginning and then run through the developments over the last few years and discuss how our processes have evolved. Sound good? We thought so!

A lot of what a successful business is, is the day to day dealings, the schedule, as well as how you spend your time. If you can figure out effective planning and calendar solutions, you are halfway to realizing your dreams. At least that’s what we’ve experienced. This podcast has been a great way of measuring our progress and we have plenty of old episodes with related content, so make sure you are all up to date on those! Today, we’ll be delving into our individual schedules before we joined forces in 2015. Then we’ll show how our relationship and partnership has continued to mould the way we work. So without further ado, let’s get right into it!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

A 30-Minute Meditation Practice with Alma Omeralovic

Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast all of you wonderful and beautiful business badasses! We are so excited about today’s show and believe us when we say it’s an extra special one. Our guest today is Alma Omeralovic, who we met a few months ago when Amanda Boleyn brought her out at a speaking event and she guided a group of us through a meditation. We both felt an instant affinity for her and immediately and excitedly asked if she would join us on the show for a taste of what her mediation practice has to offer. So today we have a 30 minute, uninterrupted meditation, guided by Alma, followed by a short discussion on our experiences and questions. Sounds great, don’t you think?

This is an episode you may want to come back to a few times, depending on your needs. If you do not make it through all 30 minutes the first time, that’s okay, just go at your own pace. We recommend marking when the actual meditation starts in the audio so that you can skip directly to that part each time you would like to practice it. Another point we would like to make here, and something Alma mentions in our discussion, is that you do not have to have some perfect environment or situation to begin. We often might put off something like mediation because we do not have a perfectly serene, empty room, Alma says one of her favorite places to meditate is on the train or at the airport! So no excuses! Just try do as much as you can and see how you feel, it will definitely be a learning experience. So make yourself comfortable, find a gentle seat and keep an open mind.

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Our DMs are always open over on Instagram so head on over and introduce yourself so we can get to know you!