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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Project Management Guest User Podcast, Project Management Guest User

Community Managers, Facebook Moderators and Baby Wearing

Hey all you beautiful people! Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we are going to be talking about something we have implemented recently that was a great help to us and it might just be something you can use too. We’ll be talking about community managers and what this role means, why it is different from a brand ambassador or a group moderator and why you might want to think about employing one. We have a big ol’ free Facebook Group that is currently about 20k members strong. And then we have two paid, private TCC communities and it is for these groups that we implemented this role of community manager.   

We’ll be talking about what differentiates these positions and why both are useful in their separate iterations. As these groups and communities grow, they change and shift, like anything. We want to continue to make sure that we can provide for all the members in the best possible way. We want everyone to have a great experience and for this experience to continue to improve and progress as the members grow. So we heard from a couple friends about how they were using community managers and how useful they were finding it. At first we were a bit confused by the title but once we looked into it we thought it was worth a try and it most definitely was! We’ll be talking a bit about the application process for this and how we defined the role and we also somehow segue into a section on baby sling fashion. We promise it is on topic, kind of! Anyway, for all this and more let’s dive right in!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Living in a Fear Based Mentality

Are you unsure of what you are doing or where you are going? We know the feeling! Here at Think Creative Collective we want to talk about these things with you! On this episode of the The Strategy Hour we are talking about the crippling effects of fear and anxiety. We are here to tell you that everyone feels these things at different times and you need to be kind to yourself when these scary feelings come around! It is the unknowingness and feeling unsure that make it so unbearable most of the time. But if we can talk about and acknowledge what is going on maybe we can make some progress and take a little more control of our lives. Come on sister, we know you got this!

Emylee feels that she has an unhealthy fixation on the amount of time she has left before she dies, something that can become overwhelming and paralyzing. This can stop her from achieving the exact goal that these fears arise out of, wanting to be impactful and do great things. She feels like she is not sure what do next and how to go about getting over these hurdles. Abagail on the other hand finds that she is stuck more in the present than on the future. She ends up settling for the dissatisfaction and inaction of not having any more to give and just wants to put her feet up and do nothing. We know our listeners have all their own worries and concerns that impact them in different ways and we really feel for all of you and hope that this episode can be the beginning of some important conversations towards better managing these issues.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How Volunteerism Impacts Our Business

Hey all you wonderful Wonder Women! We have a super fun episode for you today where we will be talking about our experiences in volunteering and just how much we have benefited from these. Specifically, we will be going over the time both of us have spent in the Kansas City Junior League and the work we have been involved in there. As part of our general mission to help all of our amazing listeners find their power and move with strength through this world, we would highly recommend any type of volunteer work and have extra faith in the Junior League organization which has chapters all over the world. During this episode we give some context to its work and how it operates.

We chat about how many great things the organization has to offer, both to its recipients and participants. We then dive into some of the many lessons we have learned over the last couple of years and Abagail shares her experiences working in partnership with the local animal shelter and anti-cruelty unit. This has been a particularly profound time for her and please excuse us if there are a few tears! Emylee also chats about her evolving position in the League and how trying new things has been such a rewarding process for her. We finish off by rounding up the multiple ways in which you and your business can grow through this type of involvement, a truly symbiotic relationship. So come with us and get inspired to help and grow!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Hey everybody and welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast! We have a great episode in store for all of you biz unicorns that we think will be super helpful with a big part of everyone’s lives. Today we are going to be talking about communication, resolution, and how to have those difficult conversations that we all have to have sometimes. You know that when problems arise you have to deal with them in one way or another and that there are good ways and bad ways. Well, today we are going to be showing you one of the better ways to go about it. This episode was inspired by a speech by Sheila Heen from Harvard Law School that Abagail recently witnessed and needless to say, she was inspired. We hoped to pass on some of that inspiration to all our wonderful listeners so you can go out and be your best selves for the world!

During our discussion Abagail leads us through some of the steps that Sheila outlined and we give some examples of what these steps can be from personal experiences. We talk about inner dialogue and intentionality and why certain attitudes lead to having the same fight over and over. We are really trying to help you find a better way to handle conflict resolution and the first part of that is definitely in the way you approach an issue. Abagail explains how stories play a huge role in the way we understand our own perspective. These stories that we tell ourselves often determine how a particular conversation will play out. We also offer some tips for more reading on the subject and look at the book that Emylee has been reading which is dealing with similar subject matter. Ultimately the message of this episode is to slow down and take some time to try and understand someone’s point of view rather than try and prove why you are right. We know! This can be difficult! But don’t you think the world would be better off with a little more understanding? We think so!

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Podcast, Marketing Guest User Podcast, Marketing Guest User

How To Host Your First (Profitable) Virtual Summit with Kyrsten Sherwood

Hello all you wonderful entrepreneurial unicorns and biz badasses! We have a really kickass buddy on the show today to share some great information and inspiring stories. Please help us welcome Kyrsten Sherwood from Copper Kettle! Kyrsten is here to tell us about her experiences hosting virtual, online summits and hopefully help you think through how you could possibly do it in the future! Isn’t that fun? This episode will get you started on thinking about how you can setup and run your own events and there is a ton of valuable information for those interested. So if you have ever wondered about doing something like this you will love what Kyrsten has to say!

We also believe that online events, like Kyrsten’s summit, are a great stepping stone to bigger, in person events, so who knows what you could be achieving in next to no time! In our discussion, we look at the differences between these types of events and which parts of the online overlap with real world hosting. Kyrsten gives us some insight into Copper Kettle’s business plan and how her virtual summit now fits into that. From there she takes us through some of the setup procedures and how you might go about getting ready for an event before talking about the monetization of free online video summits. You are not going to want to miss this one! We promise!

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Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User Podcast, Systems & Automation Guest User

Boss Talk: If you could outsource three things in your life or business right now what would they be?

Welcome back to another special episode of The Strategy Hour! We are doing a new round of our favorite thing, Boss Talk! We are lucky enough to have Steph Crowder back with us, and you know how much we love it when she is around. This week we are asking each other: what are the top three things we wish we could outsource? That’s right, strategists, what are those jobs that you want someone else to do because it’s not your thing, you’re bored of it or you just have better ways to spend your time now that you are a boss?

As our business has grown we have found we need and want more and more of the day to day stuff handled by other professionals, so we can have space for the most important jobs and all the rest of the good things that life has to offer. This is one of the blessings of growing a business, you get to choose how it transforms and shape its future according to your instincts and needs. This conversation covers the most fantastical desires we have as well as the most mundane, don’t worry we didn’t skimp on the things we wish we could have just a little different! Come with us on this journey of wishes and wonderment and think about what you may like to outsource in your biz!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Ask TCC Anything!

Today’s episode of The Strategy Hour is dedicated to YOU and your wonderful questions! We asked our Facebook Group to hit us up with all their questions on anything and everything, and we’re answering as many of those as we can today! We like to have these sessions from time to time because we owe so much to all of you, and what way better for giving back than a little bit of quality time, right?

During this discussion, we answer questions on dream businesses, meeting each other, pivoting careers, our hobbies, health, confidence, new businesses, calendars and much more. As usual we try to be as honest as possible and give you everything we’ve got, because we know how much that little push of inspiration or motivation can do to get you on the track to success. Some of the big takeaways from this episode are following your heart and finding your own path, being kind and peaceful to yourself in the face of disappointment, pushing through challenges and taking opportunities when they present themselves. These are strategies that have worked for us and we are sure they can work for you too!

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

7 Steps to Replace Your 9-5 Income with Christine McAlister

On this edition of the The Strategy Hour we have a very special guest, Christine McAlister, founder of Life With Passion and author of the new book The Income Replacement Formula. Christine’s business is dedicated to helping hopeful entrepreneurs transition from their day jobs to owning the business of their dreams, and boy, do we love her for it! It is a challenge that almost all business owners have to face and doing it correctly can be so tricky. That’s why Christine’s service is so important!

During the episode we go over the steps that Christine lays out in her book and she details each step with great information to get you started and excited about this shift. We talk mindset, marketing, visibility and much more that you are not going to want to miss! Our guest has one of the longest and most diverse lists of achievements we have ever seen: Olympic broadcaster, horse mother, raising service dogs...amongst other things! So do we even need to say how excited we are to have her here? The point of this episode is to start you on the path where you can quit the slog and start working on your passion full time. Let’s jump right in and get started!

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

The Month We Reached $100k in 45 Days on Our Evergreen Funnel

Welcome back to the podcast all you beautiful business unicorns! Today we are doing the monthly round-up and recap of July and we’ll be looking forward to August, so jump on board with us as we take this fun ride. We will mostly be talking about the funnels we have implemented and these helpful changes that we made to our website that have continued to improve our engagement and sales. We will carry on implementing more funnels as time goes on but mapping these ones out and seeing the positive results has been so exciting that we could not resist sharing these successes with y’all!

As our business has grown it has become more and more complex to understand and map the journey our customers and new visitors make within it. It is, as always, vitally important to have a handle on these dynamics and it is always exciting to understand what efforts yield results and where you may be able to improve. It’s so invigorating to see how these funnels impact our programs and we can’t wait to see the growth in sales continue into the future! At times reflecting like this can be be tricky or difficult and we may not alway give ourselves a fair review, but please remember how important it is! When we see the numbers across the last few months, it makes it all worth it!

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Our DMs are always open over on Instagram so head on over and introduce yourself so we can get to know you!