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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Why We Take Every December Off (And How You Can Too)

Welcome back to another episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we are diving into why we take every December off. Now the truth is, we love you all, but we are tired! Our brains hurt, our throats hurt, and it’s time to take some time away. Life can get incredibly busy, especially around the holiday season, and sometimes that can be just too much to handle on top of running a business full-time. We all know that as Murphy’s Law would have it, everything happens all at once; business picks up, family events are scheduled, big life changes happen, you name it!

So inside this episode we are diving into exactly why we have adopted this strategy of taking the month of December off, and what it has done for our business and our personal lives. We also dig into exactly how we manage to prepare and plan ahead with our team to be able to pull it off. Finally, we share all the juicy details to help you do it too. That’s right, you can do it too! Just take what you learn here from us today, see how you can apply it directly to your business, and jump on the magical train to free Decembers!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Boss Talk: How Do You Deal with People Not Understanding What You Do for a Living? With Courtney Foster-Donahue

Hello all you business badasses and wonderful women! We are so glad to have you here for yet another episode of our little podcast. This week the The Strategy Hour is all about dealing with what can be a very tricky and irritating problem. Yup, you guessed it: how can you go about approaching the issue of people not understanding what your job really is? Most of us entrepreneurs and online business owners have encountered this dynamic in some way and it can be pretty tiresome and frequent!

So what are we to say and do in these situations? Whether it’s at a family gathering or in another social or business setting, we want to talk a little about what it’s like and share a few ideas on how to deal with this. To help us unpack the issue we have invited our dear friend Courtney Foster-Donahue who shares our frustrations in these regards and she has some great advice for all of you introverts out there that you are not going to want to miss. So without further ado, let’s get into it!

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

A Breakdown of the Boss Project Summit: $77k in Sales, 380k Minutes Watched, 171k Messages Delivered & Counting

Welcome back to the show! Today’s episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast is a breakdown of our recent amazing and wonderful Boss Project Summit! This was pretty much the biggest thing we have ever done at TCC and it has just wrapped, so what better to talk about than that? This behind the scenes look at the summit and the statistics that came out of it is just a taste of things to come. The few days over which we held the event had a massive impact and we had fun and made money and we cannot wait to share more of the in depth information we have gathered.

Bear in mind that it is still early stages in terms of the outcomes, which we will continue to collect and collate, but there is definitely more than enough to talk about today and give you the inside scoop after all the madness! We would be remiss not to send out a big thank you to everyone who made the summit possible and we are eternally grateful to our sponsors, contributors, the participants, and each other for bringing this great thing to life! We have to admit that we are already thinking about next time and how we might make it better, stronger, and more of everything it was this time!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Hiring Your First (or Next) VA Domestic or Abroad with Bonnie Fahy

Hey everybody, and welcome back to The Strategy Hour. Today we are super happy to have a conversation with Bonnie Fahy, who is the founder of SourceIt where she helps her students and clients grow their businesses through outsourcing. Bonnie has a particular approach, which she calls “hybrid sourcing”, that can make your company run more smoothly and iron out some of the traditional issues with getting outside help. Bonnie is going to be telling us all about how it works and how you can use it to your great advantage. Sound great? We think so! She is going to be giving concrete, actionable advice on how you can build your team and grow your revenue through some very simple steps. So you are not going to want to miss this episode!

The subject of hiring and how you go about sourcing your employees can sometimes be taboo; but don’t worry, in this fearless conversation we break down all these walls and give you the real inside scoop. Here at TCC we have had our fair share of successes and failures with hiring over the Internet and we are so excited to share Bonnie’s revolutionary and forward-thinking rules of the game with all of you, our listeners. Bonnie even tells us how she managed to quadruple her income in just three months using the strategies she is going to be explaining today! This means that by outsourcing smartly, you can have a lot more money in your pocket and also free up more time to do the things most important to you. Get ready, and let’s dive in!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

This Myth About Overwhelm Has Us Fired Up

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of your favorite biz podcast! Here at the Strategy Hour we always hope to give you the best advice, tools, and inspiration to get that business of yours popping and today is no different. This episode is all about a certain myth that has us a bit hot under the collar and we want nothing more than to dispel it! It goes something along the lines of not being able to reach your goals because of being overwhelmed by too much content and too many things to do. Now, we know this feeling, so don’t think it’s just you! But we are also here to tell you, get off your backside and start working because it is just not true and it is certainly no excuse to not put in the work!

So today we are going to be putting this myth to rest and giving you the fire and energy to go and get out of that overwhelmed funk! Okay? Great! We’ll be talking about how to interact with resources and content in an effective way and connect the dots between your to do list and the strategies you hear about. We implore you again and again to take action, a constant reminder throughout the episode, so take heed! And don’t worry, we also get into how we have slipped up in these ways over the past year and talk about some of the missteps we took in this regard. An important takeaway is the idea of co-working and accountability groups, something we have used — especially when starting out — to great effect. We finish off the chat thinking about ways to simplify your business and identifying your KPIs and critical numbers. So let’s get right into it!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Manifesting Space and Empowering People with Kinzie Ferguson

Hello all you wonderful listeners out there! Today we have a great episode for you and one that is a little out of the ordinary. We are chatting with Kinzie Ferguson who is a boudoir photographer and a great friend of ours too! This conversation is going to be all about how Kinzie recently manifested her dream studio space and the process that allowed her to do it. This was a big deal for her and the experience really drove home some things that Kinzie believes in. We will also be chatting about how Kinzie goes about empowering people and her philosophy towards compliments, positivity and intentionality.

It was recently Kinzie’s birthday and we decided pretty spontaneously to have this conversation at her party! This episode has it all, we talk about the importance of hard work and family, intentionality and just serving your people as best you can. We are going to getting kind of woo today, which is something we have been wanting to do for a while and this was the perfect excuse. We will be talking tarot readings, birth charts, the moon, and more. So get strapped in, we are going deep!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

The Boss Project Summit Is Here!

Guess what’s happening today? It’s the start of the Boss Project Summit! Did you just fist-bump the air? Because we sure did! This is like the day before Christmas, the first day of school, the thing we’ve been waiting for and it’s finally here! It feels like this has been years in the making, even though we’ve only been working on it for a couple of months, and the lineup is just insane! If you don’t know what we’re talking about, pause right now and head over to the Boss Project Summit website to get your free ticket because it’s all starting today!

If you’re brand new to the podcast and it’s your first day on the internet ever, we are going to give you a quick rundown of what the French toast we’re even talking about. The Boss Project Summit is 100% free to attend and we’ve got sessions ranging from how to write a professional email, to perfecting your brand, to being profitable, and more! So inside this episode we are breaking down the highlights and themes for each day, which speakers to look out for, and how you can get your hands on the all-access pass to be able to watch the videos after the summit is over. So get your calendars ready, pencil in those must-see sessions, and let’s get this summit started!

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

Walking Away From a 6-Figure Salary From Microsoft to Start Her Own Business with Michelle Evans

Welcome to another episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast, where we give you the tools, tips, and tricks to get your biz hopping and popping! Today on the show we are joined by Michelle Evans who is going to talk us through her journey of giving up a secure, well-paid job at Microsoft to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. This obviously has great relevance for most of us as we have either made the switch or would still like to. It is just a part of doing this thing we do! Michelle now runs her own marketing company helping business owners achieve their dreams and coaching them towards the kind of success they hope for.

In our conversation, we go through this all important process and how it played out for Michelle. Her story is really inspiring and has lessons in it for all of us for following your own path and playing to your own strengths. We chat about what led up to the decision to leave and then the all important action steps Michelle took following her departure, which led to her paving her own way ever since. Michelle gives us great strategy pointers and you are not going to want to miss those so stay tuned right to the end of the show!

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Podcast, Scaling Guest User Podcast, Scaling Guest User

Behind the Scenes of Our First (And Profitable) Online Summit

Thanks for tuning in to another amazing episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast! These are definitely our favorite episodes to bring today. Today on the show we are breaking it down and showing you the behind-the-scenes of the creation and the progress of our very first online virtual summit, The Boss Project Summit. The Summit will run for four full days from November 6th to the 9th, 2018. We have 40 different speakers, including keynotes and breakouts and we have divided each day into four themes throughout the summit. So as you can see, we have a ton of great stuff planned for y’all!

Now before we jump into this episode and all the things that are happening, if you have yet to sign up, get your booty over to the Boss Project Summit website and sign up. It’s totally free and we are so excited for the 5,000 people who have already signed up! So if you want to hear about why we decided to do a summit and what lit the fire for us to take on this new project, you’re going to want to go back and listen to Episode 270. However, that episode is definitely not a prerequisite for jumping into this one, so let’s get started!

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