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Grow, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

Empowering Managers: Harnessing AI for Effective Employee Development and Productive 1:1s

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven workplace, managers are constantly seeking innovative ways to support their employees' career development and maximize the impact of their 1:1 meetings. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that can assist managers in achieving these goals. By leveraging AI-powered solutions, managers can gain valuable insights, facilitate personalized discussions, and provide tailored guidance to their team members. In this blog post, we will explore how managers can harness the potential of AI to develop their employees and have more effective 1:1s. We will also provide specific prompts that you can ask an AI language model like Chat GPT to enhance your 1:1 interactions and empower your employees' career growth.

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Grow, Leadership, Systems & Automation Guest User Grow, Leadership, Systems & Automation Guest User

Roundup: 5 Must Have Templates to Help You Review Your Year in Business and Plan for 2023

The end of the year is possibly our most favorite season of business! It’s the time where you get to reflect on your year in business, assess your analytics and results, and plan for the year ahead. Because this is such a fun time for us, we love making sure our audience is equipped with the resources to help them make these things happen. In The Creative Template Shop, we drop so many helpful templates for reflection and new year planning.

With hundreds of templates to choose from, we wanted to do a quick round-up of our top 5 must-have templates to review your year in business and plan for 2023!

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Grow, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

9 Critical Questions for Building Lead Capture Forms

With everything we try in marketing our services, we do it with the goal of ensuring we’re speaking to our ideal clients and making it clear who the offer is for. This way, we’ll have as many qualified leads as possible that fill out our lead capture form. But something that often goes unchecked or doesn’t have much strategy put into it is what information you’re actually asking for on the form. If you want to repel unqualified leads while also making sure you’re gathering all of the information you need to make that initial “possible fit” decision, then this is definitely something you should put thought towards.

In this post we’ll be covering 9 critical questions that we recommend service providers include in your lead capture form! (These are questions aside from the usual spaces to collect contact information.)

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Grow, Dubsado, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Dubsado, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Dubsado Workflows

One of the ultimate ways to make Dubsado serve as your very own Virtual Assistant is to utilize Dubsado Workflows. Workflows are our absolute favorite feature of Dubsado because we’re able to automate so many aspects of our usual client process. In turn, this frees up so much time to allow us to give our clients and their projects the attention that they deserve without worrying about chasing down payments, sending off emails or forms, scheduling meetings, and so much more.

Keep reading to learn more about workflows, how they work, what you should do before creating them, and how you can be using them in your business right now!

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The Best Way to Streamline Your Client Projects as a Service Provider

Managing your client experience is one thing, but managing and streamlining your client projects is a whole other beast to tackle as a service provider. You might be wondering what the difference is, so when we talk about managing your client experience, we mean all of the communication, appointment scheduling, sending forms, proposals, contracts, getting paid, and all that jazz. (Dubsado’s our trusted CRM for that– here’s why.)

On the other hand, you also have to deal with the actual tasks that come with fulfilling a client project for both you and your team. For this, we recommend using a project management system like Asana. It’s robust enough to handle even the most complex projects, yet simple enough that if you don’t need to use all of the fancy-shmancy extras, you don’t have to.

Today we’ll be diving into the best way to streamline your client projects using Asana!

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Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

Complete Guide to Dubsado’s New Form Builder 2022

As two self-dubbed Dubsado connoisseurs, we were over the moon when we first learned about the updates to Dubsado’s form builder. While it wasn’t terrible to use before, this upgrade that just rolled out for all accounts in July has increased our love for the platform times a thousand. Even though all of the blocks and options are basically the same, the form builder now has a whole new look that the majority of users will find more intuitive and easy to use.

We were part of the lucky group who were able to use the beta version of the new form builder for months, so we’ve already gotten used to the upgrade and have been sticking to it exclusively. Because of that, we knew we had to put out this unofficial guide to Dubsado’s new form builder!

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Optimize, Systems & Automation Guest User Optimize, Systems & Automation Guest User

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dubsado Proposals

Dubsado is an all-in-one CRM that allows you to do many many things right within the software. One of those things includes creating a variety of different forms, like proposals, contracts, questionnaires, and lead capture forms. Proposals are one of our favorite forms because when you send them, you have the option to make it an easy 3-step process for your clients where they can choose a package in your proposal, sign the contract, and pay the invoice all in three streamlined steps

Sending them is easy, and creating them can be even easier. Dubsado has a drag-and-drop form builder that makes building your proposal a breeze, which we’ll be diving into later. So, keep reading for our step-by-step guide to creating Dubsado proposals!

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Optimize, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Marketing Abagail Pumphrey

10 Tips for Networking When You Hate Networking

Networking is one of those words that can either make the social butterfly beam with excitement or the introverted feel more stressed and anxious. It’s not everyone’s favorite thing to do but if you’re a business owner it’s important to put yourself out there.

Making connections can help your business in so many ways. It enables you to meet influential people, gather info that may be beneficial to your business, and/or even just attain some biz support with like minded people.

Businesses are built around relationships. It’s truly who you know in many instances. So here are our 10 tips for networking when you hate networking.

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Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Systems & Automation Abagail Pumphrey

How to Set up Business Systems That Work for You

Not many people would say systems get them excited but at Boss Project we feel passionately that systems are THE THING that gets us excited. (yeah, you heard us right!) Systems are what give you more time and freedom, they give you the opportunity to step away, they run your business smoothly, and they provide your clients with an excellent experience.

We’ve heard many business owners say that systems and automations are overwhelming to tackle because it’s one more thing to think about. If that’s the case for you then you really NEED systems. With some up front work, you’ll actually have less things to think about and more time to do other things.

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Optimize, Services Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Services Abagail Pumphrey

How to Create a Signature Service for Your Virtual Assistant Business

As a Virtual Assistant, likely one of the best ways to describe your services is “flexible.” Especially as a General VA, flexibility is one thing that seemingly allows you to keep growing your business. Because you probably don’t specialize in one specific area, you’re able to keep adjusting and bending to your clients’ needs and adding more skills to your bucket.

However, another common theme within the VA world is one that we believe can become detrimental: hourly pricing. As you become more efficient in your work and take less time to complete things, this comes back to bite you in the rear.

The solution? Honing into a signature service that you can offer at a package rate. In this blog post, we’ll be diving into what a signature service is and how you can create one for your Virtual Assistant business!

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Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Which is Best for Your Business? Group Coaching or 1 on 1

We’ve heard it many times before and we’re sure it won’t be the last time. You want to burn your business to the ground and rebuild it into something new? We get it, building a business is not easy and sometimes plateaus are hit and building something new feels like the best answer.

We know there’s a ceiling that gets hit over and over again with 1:1 service providers.You’re cruising along and then one day you’ve hit an income ceiling and time ceiling and it seems like the only way out is to pivot. You’re convinced that your done-for-you service is the timesuck (and it is), but your solution is to pivot to serve more people, but less hands on. And it seems sexy at first, we get it! But we’re here to do what we do best and poke holes in your seemingly seamless shift so you can truly find the best solution for you.

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Optimize, Project Management Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Project Management Abagail Pumphrey

When is the "Right" Time to Work on Your Business

You’re technically working “on your business” all the time, but what about the time you take out to learn from someone else? To get new insights and ideas, what to do differently, growth strategies and guidance? Your schedule is so full that you hardly even have time to do the things outside of work that you enjoy, much less focus on business education.

You know that you need outside help, but you continue to push it back because you’re waiting for the “right” time, for a moment where you feel like you have more time on your calendar to dedicate to it. The thing is, how many other things are you waiting until that calendar space opens up for you to get to it?

Keep reading to find out when is actually the right time to work on your business and the importance of actively prioritizing education, so you can start seeing drastic changes quickly.

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This Simple Title Shift Can Drastically Increase Your Average Client Value

It’s a no-brainer that if you really pay attention to the language and messaging you use, you start to attract your ideal clients. As a niche service provider, you know that you have the power to change lives and businesses with your service.

But one of the most important pieces of messaging that, with a simple shift, could change how you feel, your lead generation, conversions, pricing, and how you show up as an expert is what you call yourself.

We’re inviting you to try a new phrase to use outside of the usual “one-to-one service provider,” “creative entrepreneur,” “small business owner” terms that are so common in this tightly knit space.

Instead, what if you called yourself a “consultant” (whether that’s a marketing consultant, operations consultant, or [insert industry type] consultant)?

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Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User Learn, Systems & Automation Guest User

The 25 Best Dubsado Resources for 2022

We’re longtime Dubsado users and fans, and we know the impact that this particular CRM has on the way so many service providers are running their businesses. On the other hand, we know that with the implementation of any new or unfamiliar technology comes a learning curve that you have to get over.

To help you expand your knowledge (and therefore your user experience) with Dubsado, we’ve compiled a list of 25 resources that will teach you or guide you through many different aspects of using Dubsado. Stick around at the end for a bonus resource that will be a complete game changer for setting up and using Dubsado in your business!

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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