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The Art of Creating a Client Concierge Experience

When you hear the word “concierge”, what comes to mind? Your first thought may be a hotel concierge, the person you can count on to suggest restaurants, answer all your questions, show you the way, and just be your wing person throughout your time there, so you can have a great experience.

Well, you as a service provider can create a concierge-esque experience for your clients. In fact, it’s what we’d suggest you do, especially if you’re wanting to uplevel your offer and market to high-ticket clients.

In this blog post, we’ll be breaking down the art of creating a client concierge experience, so you can be confident that you’re not only delivering a service but also providing a top-notch client experience.

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Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

23 Ideas for Better Client Communication, Client Experience & Client Testimonials

When you think about it, client communication, the experience, and testimonials are the holy trifecta of an amazing service-based business. They also work as a kind of cycle– great client communication leads to a great experience, which leads to even greater testimonials when it’s all said and done!

We’ve had our fair share of not only working with clients but also helping other service providers work with their clients. In doing so, we’ve learned a myriad of ways to improve that client cycle. So today, we’ll be sharing our 23 ideas for better client communication, client experience, and client testimonials!

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Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

Why You Should Use Hello Audio to Create a Private Podcast Feed for Clients

There are 2 main things that every service provider strives to do:

  1. Perform your services amazingly.

  2. Give your clients an even more amazing experience working with you.

Unfortunately, number 2 falls short way too often for so many service-based business owners. Even though you’re the bomb at what you do, it isn’t just about your skill set when it comes to working with clients. You could be the #1 service provider in your industry, but if there’s someone else whose services are above par yet they always provide a phenomenal experience for their clients, they’re going to get the most business.

It all comes down to simple science-- humans like to feel good. They like to be happy and have positive experiences. It doesn’t always matter if the work is perfect, it’s how they felt during that process.

We love to go all-in when it comes to providing exceptional, VIP client experiences. And one of those ways is by harnessing the power of a private podcast using Hello Audio.

If that sounds totally wacky, keep reading to find out why it’s actually a great idea, plus some tips and ideas for how you can implement a private podcast in your business!

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Grow, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey

How to Use Testimonials to Attract Your Dream Clients

Client testimonials are the proof in the pudding to potential clients about how amazing you are. You need to be able to back up your claims of being able to achieve XYZ results for your clients and the wonderful experience you provide. Not only do they serve as a diverse marketing asset that you can repurpose in numerous ways, but they’re also like hanging those sticky fly traps.

The fact of the matter is that dreamy clients know other dreamy clients. As soon as you land who you consider a dream client, you have to use that person and their testimonial for every referral or potential client that you can because you’ll get even more like-minded clients from them.

So in what ways can you use testimonials to signal more dream clients that they should work with you?

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Optimize, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Customer Relationship Management Abagail Pumphrey

How to Collect Powerful Testimonials on Autopilot

Marketing your business as a service provider can be super nerve wracking and awkward. You might be thinking, “So I’m just supposed to talk about how good I am all day long and hope people believe me?”

The short answer: not exactly. You don’t always have to be the one doing the talking. There’s one single marketing asset for service-based business that’s the most powerful…

The client testimonial.

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Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

3 Easy Ways to Make New Clients Feel Valued

There are essentially two sides to every service-based business: 1) The actual delivery of the services, and 2) The client experience. Even if you can perform your services exceptionally well and get your clients amazing results, making sure your clients feel valued is equally as crucial. There’s no better time to start than from the very beginning.

By making new clients feel valued, you’re ensuring that they actually enjoyed working with you. They can enjoy the results your work brought them, but you’re less likely to receive a great testimonial, repeat business, or referrals if they didn’t feel like their experience was a positive one.

So to avoid all of that, we’re here to show you three extremely easy and effective ways to make new clients feel valued!

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Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

What is a VIP Client Experience + How to Create One Easily

As a service provider, besides delivering your services well, there’s only one other thing that can truly make or break your business. It all ties into how you make your clients feel while working with you, or you may also know it as your client experience.

If you want the technical definition, the client experience is the sum of all interactions a client has with you. It involves every single stage of the client journey, from before they’ve even booked you yet!

The goal is to create a total VIP client experience to make your clients feel like they’re receiving top-notch, exclusive services. And today, we’re going to show you how you can create a VIP client experience and why it’s so important!

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Dubsado, Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Dubsado, Optimize, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

How to Automate and Personalize Your Client Experience Using Dubsado

As a service provider whose calendar is quickly filling to the brim, it’s imperative to find ways to free up space so that you can feel less stressed and overwhelmed, plus have more time to take care of your clients. The key method of getting back as much time as possible is automation.

Automation, quite simply, is when you put certain tasks or processes on autopilot in your business. (Personally, any and everything that’s able to be automated, we automate it.) These tasks either completely run on their own, or they require extremely little effort from you to make it happen.

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Our Top Time Saving Secrets to Managing Clients

When you’re working with clients, saving time is the biggest concern for our audience. An overflowing task list is like a dark shadow that keeps looming over you because you know it’s coming soon, but you’re trying everything in your power to stop it.

We’ve been to that point, especially when we were offering 1:1 services, but we’ve picked up a few time saving secrets to managing clients over the years. In this blog post, we want to share these secrets with you!

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Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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