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Optimize, Services Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Services Abagail Pumphrey

How to Create a Signature Service for Your Virtual Assistant Business

As a Virtual Assistant, likely one of the best ways to describe your services is “flexible.” Especially as a General VA, flexibility is one thing that seemingly allows you to keep growing your business. Because you probably don’t specialize in one specific area, you’re able to keep adjusting and bending to your clients’ needs and adding more skills to your bucket.

However, another common theme within the VA world is one that we believe can become detrimental: hourly pricing. As you become more efficient in your work and take less time to complete things, this comes back to bite you in the rear.

The solution? Honing into a signature service that you can offer at a package rate. In this blog post, we’ll be diving into what a signature service is and how you can create one for your Virtual Assistant business!

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Grow, Services Guest User Grow, Services Guest User

What is a Signature Service and Why You Need One in 2022

We’ve talked a lot about how to create a signature service here on the blog (like here, here, and also here). Creating a signature service is the best way to eliminate competition, stand out in your niche, and do exactly what you love for exactly who you love to work for. In fact, we help our clients refine their offer into a High-Touch Signature Service™ inside The Incubator. (Psst.. you can learn more and apply here.)

Before we dive into what this could look like for you, let’s get clear on what a signature service actually is!

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Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Learn, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

What Subject Matter Experts Need to Know About Running a Profitable Business

By definition, a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a person who is an authority in a particular area or topic. They’re knowledgeable about their topic, they focus on a very specific field, and they’re extremely sought after. If you’re a 1:1 service provider whose expertise lies in a specific niche, then you, our friend, are a Subject Matter Expert!

For example, a general Social Media Manager wouldn’t usually be classified as a SME, but an Instagram Strategy Consultant for veterinarians could be. You can fill in the blanks with your specific niche and ideal client. This isn’t to say one is better than the other, but we do want you to understand the difference between a generalist title versus a SME.

In this post, we’ll be covering 4 things that we think SMEs really need to be aware of about running a profitable business!

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Grow, Scaling Guest User Grow, Scaling Guest User

The One Tweak We Made With Our Team That Helped Us Scale Our Business

We were recently asked what was one of the biggest mistakes we had made in our business and one of our answers was how we structured our business. In the past our business was running on accomplishing task-based activities, rather than bringing in a team of permanent employees with outcome-based deliverables.

What do we mean by this? When Boss Project first started we had focused on hiring all contractors and less employees. The problem is that contractors are hired on to fulfill tasks. They do not hold the responsibility to fulfill actual outcomes in your business. For example, a social media contractor has the responsibility to create “x” amount of posts for you a month but at the end of the day you’re responsible for the follow-through and the outcomes. It’s still your job to convert social media leads into sales, make sure your sales page is up-to-date, have an opt-in, set up automations and systems etc.

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Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Which is Best for Your Business? Group Coaching or 1 on 1

We’ve heard it many times before and we’re sure it won’t be the last time. You want to burn your business to the ground and rebuild it into something new? We get it, building a business is not easy and sometimes plateaus are hit and building something new feels like the best answer.

We know there’s a ceiling that gets hit over and over again with 1:1 service providers.You’re cruising along and then one day you’ve hit an income ceiling and time ceiling and it seems like the only way out is to pivot. You’re convinced that your done-for-you service is the timesuck (and it is), but your solution is to pivot to serve more people, but less hands on. And it seems sexy at first, we get it! But we’re here to do what we do best and poke holes in your seemingly seamless shift so you can truly find the best solution for you.

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Grow, Services Guest User Grow, Services Guest User

Group Coaching vs. 1:1 Coaching: Which is Better for Your Business Growth?

As Business Service Providers it’s important to get clear on the education you want for yourself as a business leader. How are you adding value to your business and to your team? There are a lot of options out there so we wanted to give our perspective on group coaching services vs 1:1 coaching services and which is better for your business's growth.

We have heard all the apprehensions when it comes to group coaching programs. Anything from, people are afraid of not getting enough individual attention, or they won’t get their questions answered or they’re afraid they’ll get lost in the noise. If you’ve ever been avoidant of group coaching sessions for those reasons, we’re here to give you a different perspective.

Not only that, but from teaching our own group coaching program (The Incubator) AND investing in other people’s programs, we’ve learned the best ways you can stand out and get the most out of your group coaching experience.

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Optimize, Project Management Abagail Pumphrey Optimize, Project Management Abagail Pumphrey

When is the "Right" Time to Work on Your Business

You’re technically working “on your business” all the time, but what about the time you take out to learn from someone else? To get new insights and ideas, what to do differently, growth strategies and guidance? Your schedule is so full that you hardly even have time to do the things outside of work that you enjoy, much less focus on business education.

You know that you need outside help, but you continue to push it back because you’re waiting for the “right” time, for a moment where you feel like you have more time on your calendar to dedicate to it. The thing is, how many other things are you waiting until that calendar space opens up for you to get to it?

Keep reading to find out when is actually the right time to work on your business and the importance of actively prioritizing education, so you can start seeing drastic changes quickly.

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Grow, Leadership Guest User Grow, Leadership Guest User

How and Who to Hire Your First Employee? Here Are Our 6 Tips

So you’ve been freaking crushing it and are now ready to hire your first team member! Congratulations! But pump the brakes babycakes, because there’s a whole slew of decisions that need to be made before you can even decide who to hire.

Let’s dive into the differences between contractors and employees, hiring internationally, who to hire and who to not hire.

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

5 Reasons Why You Need to be in a Mastermind Group

Running your service-based business essentially isolated and getting your advice and resources from freebies, Facebook groups, or short courses was great when you were first starting out. Now that you’re trying to scale beyond measures that were even conceivable in the beginning, having other brains to feed off of each other is a value unlike any other growth method.

This is technically called a mastermind group, and many successful entrepreneurs have credited their success to the collective of minds they’ve been a part of. Keep reading to learn 5 reasons why you should seriously consider joining a mastermind group!

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Welcome to My Blog

Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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