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The Strategy Hour Podcast

with abagail pumphrey

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

False Narratives: Those That Can’t Do, Teach

Your knowledge is your currency! For years I feared that what I was doing wasn’t real business and I felt like I had to prove myself. I think we feel strange about this because it’s unfamiliar, not because it’s wrong. The world of traditional business is rapidly changing and you are building an online business at the beginning of the new digital frontier. Of course it’s hard to feel like an expert when everything is just beginning.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

I Quit Cold Turkey

For years, I held myself back. I made excuses. I played small. But one day, I made a decision. I quit. Cold turkey. No warning, no second-guessing. And I’m not talking about a bad habit. I quit everything holding me back—100 things! Today, I’m going to tell you exactly what I walked away from. After you hear them, you might decide to quit a few too.

This is the first time I’ve done an episode like this– it’s much shorter than usual because I want you to simply listen, reflect, and then take action TODAY.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

Messy Sex, Finding Alignment & Doing IT Scared

There are unspoken expectations thrust upon every area of your life. People complain about how others choose to show up, respond, or not respond to what’s happening in the world. There is so much anger about the state of our world and our economy, what people are saying or not saying, and even how you might choose to run your business.

I get it! These are important things to have thoughts and feelings about. But what would it look like to show up in alignment with your truth? At the end of the day, it’s about you, the weight that you carry from these societal expectations, and how that bleeds into your business and career.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

The Surprising Ways Being a "High-Achieving Woman" Impacts Our Friendships with Danielle Bayard Jackson

Danielle Bayard Jackson joins us to discuss how being a high-achieving woman impacts our platonic relationships and the art and science of conflict versus connection. Danielle has dedicated the last six years of her career to studying the latest research about the science of these kinds of platonic female relationships.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Inspired to Do Less: A Lesson in Showing Up in Alignment

How to live more and do less is one of our favorite topics of conversation. If you’re a natural people pleaser, it can be really hard to consider taking some things off of your to-do list. But people-pleasing can be rooted in a manipulative reflex. It can also be a trauma response. During the conference that Abagail recently attended, she heard from three speakers with one underlying message-- do less!

While this sounds counterintuitive, it's something we truly believe, and we want to share some of the nuggets of wisdom that helped us to prioritize this in our own lives, within a productivity-obsessed culture. Three inspiring speakers shared very different insights from their own personal journeys and the research they have done to understand the lives of others. Today, we’re sharing them with you.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Identify and Prioritize Your Third Place

Today’s discussion is about an idea that has had a resurgence recently for a number of reasons. The concept of finding a Third Place is nothing new! It’s actually been around for a long time; it is just popular at the moment. No matter how trendy it is, it is worthwhile to discuss and integrate into your life. The ‘Third Place’ was coined by a US sociologist who wrote a book called The Great Good Place describing a place outside of your home or work where you can relax.

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Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Mindset Abagail Pumphrey

Slowing Down to Speed Up: The Mindset & Boundaries Required for Growth, Plus Your Opportunity to Work with Us

With all the conversations we’ve been having about learning, scaling, and unlocking new strategies for your business, people have started to worry about how they are going to find the time to add something else to their plate. You may really feel that learning something new will be beneficial to your business, but the thought of doing that when you’re already overwhelmed can be extremely daunting.

But the thing is, it’s mentally taxing to be a human in the world right now, and learning strategies that will help you better manage the hustle and grind that you’re on is one of the best ways to grow! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, this episode is for you, because we’re going to provide you with some mindset and business benchmarks to help you gain some clarity on what you should be focusing on right now!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Life Lessons from Oprah: It's Time to Give Y-O-U a New Focus

It’s probably not much of a long shot to assume many people dream they could meet Oprah in real life. Indeed Abagail spent much of her youth watching the Oprah Winfrey Show as soon as she was old enough. One thing she didn’t realize though was that in all Oprah’s years of her show, she focused so much on everyone else’s story that one rarely heard about her personal life. Oprah protected her personal life for a lot of reasons but Abagail had an opportunity to spend some time with her recently, which sounds unbelievable but it's true!

During her time with Oprah, Abagail learned some really interesting things about how the talk show legend approached habits and intentionality, and the role these played in her huge success. The things Oprah taught Abagail lended huge insight both into her personal life and business, and are tips anybody can take away and apply to themselves. Emylee hadn’t heard much about the trip yet so in this episode, Abagail walks her through some of the exercises around intentionality that Oprah did with her over the weekend to check how they resonate with her. The exercises gave Abagail some new perspectives on things she thought she had a good handle on so make sure you follow along for today’s show.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Create Authority and Authentic Relationships You Can Leverage In Your Business with Jaclyn Mellone

Relationships can make all the difference in your business and as many of us have learned, focusing on connections and networking in the right way can take your biz from quiet to booming! Our guest today is Jaclyn Mellone and she helps experts exponentially grow their businesses by becoming an authority in their space. One of the ways that she helps them do this is through authentic relationships. Jaclyn is a coach, strategist, keynote speaker, momma, guac lover and host of the Go-to Gal Podcast! In this episode, she shares how to create strategic relationships and how to utilize them as more than friendships without being weird about it!

For Jaclyn, it all starts with an authentic connection and she breaks down exactly what that looks like. We also talk about how this translates into creating more friends in your own space and work environment and how to utilize these to continue to grow your business in the long term. We cover leveraging relationships, creating intimate connections that fill your cup, and how to jumpstart your biz in a big way!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How We've Stayed Biz Partners for Nearly 5 Years

Someone asked us the other day why it is we still work together after all these years and how we have managed to stay afloat as a business partnership. Most biz partnerships end before the five-year mark and it is crazy that we are approaching that milestone very soon! The truth is we do not really know the answer to the question, so we are taking this opportunity to talk it out and share what we think may have helped to keep us going!

Whether it comes down to balancing our friendship with our business goals or simply maturing together in our venture, we are here to lay it all out for you! We have had a few episodes of the podcast that have dealt with this subject in the past, so definitely go back and check those out if you have not listened to them already. There is something very special and magical about our partnership that is hard to explain in words, but we are still going to try!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Cycle Sync Your Business with Laura Charelle of Balanced Bombshells

Balanced Bombshells is a health and lifestyle brand for high performing women and we are very lucky to have the brains behind the business, Laura Charelle, as our guest today! Laura teaches women how to use their hormones to benefit their active and busy lives and she reminds us that hormones are way more than just your period, fertility and your mother's menopause problems! They impact our thoughts, energy levels and you know they can affect your waistline too! Today we are focusing on how your hormones affect your biz and Laura tells us about the increasingly popular idea of cycle syncing, something that has been coming up in our community more and more. It is all about understanding what your body is going through at different stages of your cycle, all month long and finding out which time is the best for different activities.

Better self-knowledge can lead to improved communication, relationships, productivity and help you achieve what you want out of your life! We recommend that you listen to this episode in full and then go back and take notes on a second listen, there is that much good stuff you do not want to miss! Laura gives us loads of information, free resources and enough to get you really inspired and motivated. We have always felt that we are not really qualified to talk about this topic but have been aware of its importance so we are really pumped to get to share all of this with you all!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Abbie Is Not An Enneagram 3, There I Said It

Hi everybody! On today’s show we are talking about one of our favorite things — personality tests! If you know us at all you know we can’t get enough of these kind of exercises and understanding where we fit into each and every system. Today we will be discussing Enneagrams, our types, and Emylee’s controversial opinion that Abagail was mistyped in her first assessment. Enneagrams are relatively new to us, with Abagail doing hers first, just under a year ago. However, Emylee still feels she has enough expertise to assert some claims over Abbie’s type and what it really is, contrary to the results.

We are doing this episode in the lead up to the Enneagram and Coffee Summit that is happening very soon, which we will be speaking at! So to get you excited for that, we will be spilling the beans on everything we know about the subject and how we relate to it. Remember to go get your tickets for the summit while you still have time! And if you haven’t already done the test, go take it immediately. You know you want another way to understand yourself! In the meantime, tune in to today’s episode for an in-depth look at how it all works.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Finding Strength in Adversity: Revisiting Our Past in a Past Episode

We're taking a break from #BBS to reflect and share with you where we've come from and to remind you that no matter what you have been through in life, you CAN accomplish great things. We're jumping back to an old episode, so have a glass of wine while you’re listening to us. Kick back in your PJ’s, just chill, and be with us for a second. We are getting super real today. Not that we are any less real any other day, but we are taking it way back.

We hear so often that lives on Instagram look fancier than they are, and that Facebook portrays a certain façade. However, we are also really are in tune with being authentic for you guys and portraying our real selves as much as we can. We show our real selves as we are now and I think sometimes we forget where people have come from and what they have gone through in order to get to be where they are today. So that is exactly what we are doing today.

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

Releasing the Shame and Creating Real Relationships with Women with Cyndie Spiegel

Today on the podcast we are bringing back Cyndie Spiegel. Cyndie is a Brooklyn-based consultant, coach and TedX speaker. She is the founder of The Community of Us – an inclusive strategic community for women change makers, founders, creative business owners and solopreneurs. Today, we are talking about creating real relationships, what it means to have friendships and empower other women. In the creative community, particularly the entrepreneurial women’s space today, there has been a shift in the way we support one another; all love, all positivity, all empowering, 2018 feminism, all sisters high-fiving sisters! When in reality, it’s all a little phony.

Despite what we promote online, there are often still shameful feelings of jealousy, envy and resentment that are difficult to talk about. These feelings often get in the way of us helping others, which is really not what we want as good human beings! So, how do we release our shame, embrace this community mindset and truly empower other women? Cyndie gives us four really tangible steps to analyze how we are treating other women, be it in our industry or in our friendships, in order to help us forgive ourselves and quit the Tall Poppy Syndrome! Take a listen to find out what that is. It’s real!

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Podcast, Mindset Guest User Podcast, Mindset Guest User

How to Eat Healthy When You Work At Home with Ashley Stephens of MacroEd

Today on the podcast we’re covering a little bit of a different side of being a business owner and working from home. Our guest today is Ashley Stephens. She is a mom, a teacher, a tech geek, a bossy big sister, an amateur home cook and the average girl next door – all bundled up into one great big personality. Ashley co-founded a company called MacroEd which is a program dedicated to helping you become your healthiest self, focusing on real food nutrition while controlling your insulin levels for long-term health benefits.

We are so happy she is here today to tackle a subject a lot of us struggle with; how to take better care of ourselves, eat healthier and invest in our own macro nutrition – while trying to be boss business women and super moms! We all make excuses for why we don’t make healthy choices and in this episode, Ashley shows us how to make this lifestyle change without changing our lives much at all! We’ll be breaking down what macro nutrition means and how we can take better care of ourselves (without living on kale smoothies)!

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Woman leaning on back of chair and smiling at camera

meet your host

I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.

I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.

I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.

I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.

I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.

My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!

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