How to Use Dubsado as a Photographer

Of course, Dubsado is the ultimate CRM for all service-based businesses, but we also know that every service provider has different processes depending on their personal preference and industry. Luckily, Dubsado is so versatile that any service-based business can use it no matter if you’re a calligrapher, doula, photographer, stationery designer, event planner, etc.

We’ve already covered how to use Dubsado as a Virtual Assistant and Wedding Planner. What about how to use Dubsado as a Photographer?

No Need for Tons of Different Tools

With Dubsado, everything is all in one place. This means that you don’t have to spend extra money or time trying to organize your business across a bunch of various tools or software. Dubsado has native features that cover basically everything you would need, including (but not limited to):

  • Appointment scheduler and automated reminders

  • Forms like your proposal, contract, questionnaires, and even subagreements to get approvals

  • Invoicing and payment processors that integrate (Stripe, PayPal, or Square)

  • Automated payment reminders, especially useful if for split payments

  • Simple and easy-to-use bookkeeping tools

  • Packages tool where you can create unlimited packages to easily insert into forms or emails

  • Canned emails so you no longer have to type out frequently sent emails

  • Task lists and boards that are shareable with other team members or clients

  • Client portal where your clients can view everything about their project in one place

  • Workflows so you can automate different processes of your business

Dubsado can cover much more, but we only wanted to list the most important features for photographers. (You can click links above to be taken to other posts that go more in depth about these features and how to use them.) For a complete list of Dubsado features, head here.

Automate Your Processes with Workflows

Workflows are Dubsado’s automation hub. With them, you can automate your processes, our favorite being the onboarding/offboarding process. Check out the sample workflow below we’ve created for photographers that runs all the way from the first inquiry to finally sending the feedback form after the project is complete!

Pretty cool, right? Workflows allow you to cut so much time out of your processes. The only manual tasks that need to be completed from the example workflow below are simply editing forms and emails before they get sent out, so you don’t have to worry about Dubsado sending something that isn’t ready as long as you mark it for approval first.

Getting Fancy with Custom Mapped Fields

We have a whole blog post on how to use custom mapped fields right here, but just to recap, your able to gain and keep track of important information of your choosing that you may need for your clients or projects.

For example, we created 2 project-related mapped fields– one to track how many people will be present at their session, and one for their desired session date. Once you link those questions in your lead capture form or questionnaire to those mapped fields, that information will display on the project. 

So, here’s what those 2 questions look like in our example lead capture form:

And this is what displays inside their project once they’ve completed the form:

Maybe you want to create a client field for their birthday so that you can send them a happy birthday email or gift, or maybe you want to create a project field for their event date if you’re an event planner. Whatever it is, you can create a custom mapped field for it.

Signing Clients is as Easy as 1-2-3

Literally. Whenever you send a proposal in Dubsado, you have the option to also attach the contact and invoice, so your clients can select their package, sign the contract, and pay their deposit/invoice all in a simple 3-step process. This means that you don’t need to use 3 different tools just to get booked and paid, and it makes for an overall easier experience for your clients!

Client experience is a big deal to Dubsado, so they make sure that not only are you having a wonderful experience working with clients but also that your clients are having an even better experience working with you. 

Try Dubsado for Free!

Dubsado offers a free trial that has no set expiration date. You get your first 3 clients for absolutely free, and no features are limited which means that you get access to the full platform in its entirety!

If you want to learn more about Dubsado and even save 30% on your first month or year when it comes time for you to upgrade, you can do so right here.


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